Where did the word chintzy originate? 您所在的位置:网站首页 热烈的爱视频 Where did the word chintzy originate?

Where did the word chintzy originate?

#Where did the word chintzy originate?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Where did the word chintzy originate? Asked by: Miss Maryjane Thompson Score: 4.9/5 (43 votes)

Chintzy comes from the cotton fabric known as chintz, from the ordinariness of this common material.

What does chintzy slang mean?

English Language Learners Definition of chintzy

: not showing good taste : not tasteful or stylish. : poorly or cheaply done or made : of low quality. : not willing to spend money or give anything away : stingy or cheap.

Is chintzy an actual word?

adjective, chintz·i·er, chintz·i·est. stingy; miserly: a chintzy way to entertain guests. ...

Where did the word it originate from?

From Old English as nominative of an impersonal verb or statement when the thing for which it stands is implied (it rains, it pleases me). After an intransitive verb, used transitively for the action denoted, from 1540s (originally in fight it out).

Is Origin a word?

The root, start, or birth of something is its origin. The origin of the word origin is the Latin word originem, meaning "rise, beginning, or source."






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