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2023-12-15 19:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


by Daryll Santos

达里尔·桑托斯(Daryll Santos)

那么我们如何解决Twitter? 用户界面改造将是一个不错的起点。 (So how do we fix Twitter? A user interface revamp would be a good place to start.)

It’s no secret that Twitter has been struggling to grow its user base. To fix this, they’ve laid out a long-term strategy to turn around its business by focusing on five areas:

Twitter一直在努力扩大其用户群 ,这已不是什么秘密。 为了解决这个问题,他们制定了一项长期战略, 着眼于五个领域来扭转业务局面 :

Its core service

其核心服务 Live-streaming video

直播视频 The site’s “creators and influencers”

该网站的“创作者和影响者” Safety

安全 Developers


Two things that stuck out to me in that statement are 1) focus on its core service (tweeting) and 2) live-streaming video (Periscope).


Those stuck out to me because just recently, I convinced a friend to join Twitter. When he landed on the feed, his first questions were “how do I Tweet?” and “how do I go live?”

那些人对我很感兴趣,因为就在最近,我说服了一个朋友加入Twitter。 当他着陆在饲料上时,他的第一个问题是“我如何鸣叫?” 和“我该如何生活?”

Seeing as how those are key features of Twitter, I’d think that those should be the most intuitive things to do, even for a new user.


目标 (Objectives)

Make Tweeting intuitive: Tweeting is the driving force behind Twitter; the staple that drives their product. So, right when a new user completes the registration process, the user should know, right away, how to Tweet.

使推文变得直观:推文是Twitter背后的推动力; 驱动产品的钉书钉。 因此,当新用户完成注册过程时,该用户应立即知道如何进行鸣叫。

Make going Live more intuitive:






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