用英文介绍中国的火锅 您所在的位置:网站首页 潮汕历史介绍简短 用英文介绍中国的火锅


2024-07-09 09:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文 / 莫嗔堂堂主

Hot Pot

我们中国的火锅到底有多火,想必大家都了解。但是当我们身边有一些“老外”朋友的时候,我们又要怎么给他们介绍一下呢?是不是到了关键的时刻就“辞穷”了,除了Hot Pot,除了hot,hot,hot之外,就什么都不会说了?没关系,本篇就利用思维导图,给大家一个介绍的思路,再结合一些单词,我们就能把我们的“国粹”向国际友人解释清楚了。

Hot Pot is a kind of cooking style, which originated from China and is very popular in some east Aisan countries, especially in China, including mainland, Taiwan, Hongkong.


The Hot Pot employs a metal pot which is located in the center of dining table. It is simmering all the time, so we can place our favoriate ingredients into the pot and then wait for a little while.


Typical dishes of Hot Pot include thinly sliced meat, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, seafood and so on. These dishes are usually eaten with dipping sauce, such as sesame and peanut paste.


The history of Hot Pot is very long in China. It originated from the North, where people have to fend off the chill in winter. The Hot Pot spereaded to the south during the Tang Dynasty. Several enhancements have made Hot Pot developed diversely, for example, the northern nomads added beef and mutton into it while southerners use seafood as an ingredient. It became popular in the whole China during the Qing Dynasty.


Hot Pot has many types, for example the modern one with sectioned bowl which has several different favored broths. The tradional one, which uses some brass pot and a chimney in the middle. We also need to mention the famous area, Chongqing, where people like the "mala" Hot Pot, which is spicy and makes the tongue burn and numb a little, some sensation similar with carbonated beverage.

大体再聊一下有哪些种类。其实火锅种类可是挺多的,各地都有各地的习惯吃法。它们有一个共同的特点,就是好吃。无论是哪种类型的火锅,都被广大美食爱好者所喜爱。这些都介绍完了,估计也吃得差不多了。在就餐过程中,如果点了一些对于“老外”算是奇怪的食材,如毛肚,那就更要花费些力气介绍了。 如果还需要介绍别的,也可以说下火锅的品牌,比如海底捞。各个地方都有各个地方特色的火锅店,那介绍起来可就是需要时间精力了,不过按照本篇内容整理,便可以轻松应对“火锅场”。







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