安徽师范大学2021年考研真题:893英语教学论 您所在的位置:网站首页 湖南师范大学考研专业课试题971英语教学论答案 安徽师范大学2021年考研真题:893英语教学论


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安徽师范大学2021年考研真题:893英语教学论 更新时间:2022-11-16来源:升研教育 2025考研封闭集训营·回归高三式学习模式













I、Translate the expressions (2 points each, 20 points)











II、True (T) or False (F). (2 points each, 20 points)

Directions: Indicate the following statements or assumptions T (True) or F (False).

( ) 1. A mistake has direct relation with the learners' language competence.

( ) 2. Critical Period Hypothesis states that if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker.

() 3. Micro planning is planning over a longer period of time.

( ) 4. According to Kelly (2005:11), intonation is as important as grammar or lexis.

() 5. In the inductive method, the teacher provides learners with authentic language data and induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation.

() 6. Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about language.

() 7. There are two major purposes in listening. The first is for social reasons. The second is to obtain and exchange information, which is easier than the first one.

() 8.Mapping will give students the opportunity to select from the list those useful ideas to be included in their writing and also to see how these ideas can be put together in a coherent or logical way to present a convincing argument.

( )9. Setting the scene means getting the students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text.

( ) 10. Questions for inference require students to obtain literal information from various parts of the text and put it together in a new way of reinterpreting it.

II、 Answer the questions. (20 points each, 40 points)

1、 What is classroom management? What are the roles that teachers play in the language classroom?

2、 《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》提出了课程内容的六要素。具体是哪六个要素?六个要素之间是什么关系? (中文作答)

IV. Brief Sample Analysis (10 points)

案例简析(10 分。本题用中文作答)


Unit 1 You like western classical music, don't you? (Module 5 Western Music)

Step 1

T: Do you like music? What music do you know? (showing a slide on music)

S1: Classical music.

T: Good. (clicking the mouse, showing pop music on the screen)

S2: Pop music.

S3: Opera.

T then shows the mind map.

Step 2

T: Let's listen to a piece of music. (showing the picture of an orchestra playing the music). What's it called?


T: Yes. The Blue Danube. Who wrote it?

S4: Strauss.

T: What music is it?

Ss: Classical music.

T: It's beautiful, isn't it?

T then plays different kinds of music, and asks Ss to classify them.

V, Detailed Sample Analysis (20 points)

案例详析(20 分。本题用英文作答)

Directions: Study the following sample, and write out 4 design purposes of the 4 steps and make a general comment on the design rationale.

Instructional Design: Retelling a Story- -Direct and Indirect Speech (高中英语必修一)


Step 1: Lead-in (5 mins)

[ Activity 1] Study sample notes and sum up note-taking skills

Ss watch sample notes about Direct and Indirect Speech, which have been set down after they self- studied the textbooks and reference books the night before.

T focuses Ss ’attention on the strong points of the notes, including the important information about the grammar and the techniques that could be used in note-taking.

Step 2: Perceiving and Inducing (15 mins)

[ Activity 2] Listen and retell story

1) Ss listen to an audio clip of a carton Peppa's First Sleepover and identify the direct speech.

2) Ss turn the direct speech into indirect speech, which is then formed into a short paragraph.

3) T invites Ss to read the direct and indirect speech, and asks them to share how they feel about the two different versions in class.

[ Activity 3] Compare the two versions and induce their respective features and effect

1) Ss work in groups to read the story of Peppa Plays Football in indirect speech (adapted from the original story in direct speech by T) and turn it into direct speech, taking consideration of how they feel about the characters in the audio clip.

2) T and Ss discuss and list the possible features of direct and indirect speech on the blackboard.

3) T and Ss draw a conclusion: grammar←→language effects

Step 3: Practice and Application (20 mins)

[ Activity 4] Retell two stories using indirect speech

1) T asks, “If you are going to retell a story of about 200 words in 2 minutes, would you prefer direct speech or indirect speech? Why?" Ss share their ideas with the whole class.

2) Task One: Ss listen to a story (Part C: Retelling from Oral Test in 2015-D, in ** Province) and take notes of the part with direct speech. Then they discuss in groups of four whether the direct speech should be changed into indirect speech. If the answer is “Yes", make the change and share their retelling of the story to their teammates. If the answer is “No”, also share it in the group. Then T invites Ss to share their groups' retelling work and try to convince the class why they think their decision on how to retell the story is good.

3) Task Two: Ss listen to another story (Part C: Retelling from Oral Test in 2015-E, in **Province) and retell the part with direct speech, considering the previous discussion in Task One on whether direct or indirect speech is more preferred. T invites Ss to share their retelling work and makes some comments, based on whether the information is complete and how fluently and succinctly they retell the story.

4) T encourages Ss to have a small discussion on “How can we make a perfect story by deciding on the ratio of direct speech to indirect speech?"

Step 4: Summarizing and Homework (5 mins)

1)T invites the class to summarize what has been learned in this class.

2) Homework: Read the story extracted from The Enormous Crocodile and turn all or some of the direct speech into indirect speech. See how the change of the speech affects how people feel about the story and the characters. Explain why you decide to make the changes and what effect you expect to exert. (Two versions are welcomed because with a comparison you will find the different effects more easily)

VI. Teaching Design (40 points)


请根据题为Eric around the world文本内容设计一节阅读课。时长为45分钟。







The travel journal below was written by Eric Lin, a travel writer: He shares his experiences of attending an Indian wedding.

24 January, a wedding ceremony, India When Nadim invited me to his sister's wedding, 1 knew it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. I was definitely not wrong!

The wedding ceremony took place in a brightly decorated hotel room. There were hundreds of guests, all dressed up in formal, colorful clothes. According to tradition, the bride was wearing an eye-catching red silk sari.

I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me.

One was the bridegrooms' entrance on a beautiful white horse. I have never seen that back home! Another was the part when Nadim's father proudly led his daughter through the rows of seats to her husband. It reminded me of my sister's wedding. Although our cultures are so different, the smiling faces are the same.

The customs that followed were anything but ordinary. The couple joined hands and walked around a small fire four times. Then they took seven steps together by the fire, and with each step made a different promise about how they were going to support each other and live together happily. It was very romantic!

After the ceremony, it was time for the celebrations. That is a story for another day, but let's just say there was a lot of dancing, Now I know I have two left feet.. and both of them hurt!


关键字: 安徽师范大学   考研真题   【责任编辑:小青】

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