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#事务所OFFICE| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

项目PROJECTS 研究LAB. 媒体MEDIA 事务所OFFICE 事务所OFFICE 一十一建筑是于2015年在深圳成立的建筑设计事务所、我们参与建筑,景观,室内,和旧区更新规划设计。包括深圳在内的许多中国城市,正经历着大规模、高速的城市发展。在城市化带来高效单一工作和居住环境的同时,我们希望能通过设计提供给人更多元化的生活方式,努力创造为“使用的人”而建造的有意义的城市/建筑空间。我们觉得新的建筑是比现在更柔软的,与周围环境相呼应的。它不只是通过视觉形态,更是通过空间体验被人们识别和记忆。我们探索多样的设计手法,试图将更多景观体验带入设计项目中。   过去几年中,我们在深圳和广州等地完成了若干项目,其中好几个应媒体杂志邀稿发表,同时我们也应几所大学邀请做讲座。2018年初,我们通过竞赛投标赢得了福田“8+1”建筑联展新沙小学设计权。通过不同尺度和类型的项目,我们持续探索更多样的空间体验和设计可能性。   团队TEAM 藤森亮(创始人/主持建筑师) 藤森亮和谢菁于2015年成立了一十一建筑。他是日本一级注册建筑师,规划设计师,城市专题研究员。同时他也在香港大学建筑学系任教(2016-2017)。他以“香港的高密度城市形态”为研究课题,在香港大学取得了博士学位,并在此期间参与了香港大学建筑系设计课程和视觉文化课程的教学工作。此外,他还曾在上海马达思班建筑设计事务所担任主任建筑设计师,并在香港升建筑任高级设计师。他于2006年取得香港大学建筑学硕士学位,并于2002年取得日本明治大学建筑学学士学位。在工作中,他关注各种尺度城市生活环境,兼顾的设计实践与学术研究。在设计和研究两个领域中,他的兴趣点还包括“视觉感知和建筑设计”,“通过视觉表现分析城市空间”,以及“现代及当代日本建筑”等。 Fujimori Ryo (Founder / Principal Architect) Ryo Fujimori, together with Xie Jing founded 11architecture in 2015. He is a registered architect, an urban designer, and a researcher on urban topics. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong (2016-2017). He obtained a PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong researching on the topic of ‘high-density urban form in Hong Kong’. During the period in the University he involved in teaching design studios and a taught course of visual culture. Prior to the researcher position, he was an associate partner at MADA s.p.a.m. Architecture Design Office in Shanghai and a senior designer at INDEX Architecture Ltd. in Hong Kong. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 2006 with the Master of Architecture degree, and from the Meiji University in 2002 with the Bachelor of Architecture degree. Throughout his career, he has remained committed to both design and research in all scales around our living environment. His interests in relation to design and research also include ‘Visual perception and architectural design’, ‘Mapping technique of urban built landscape’, and ‘Modern and contemporary Japanese architecture’.   谢菁(创始人/主持建筑师) 谢菁是一十一建筑的创始人之一。她是香港注册建筑师及规划设计师。曾在香港两家有影响力的设计公司——许李严建筑师事务所和王维仁建筑设计研究室工作。2010至2015年期间,她一直在王维仁建筑设计研究室担任主任建筑师,负责了包括香港中文大学(深圳)一期发展项目在内的许多不同类型的规划及建筑单体设计项目。期间还参与了香港大学基础课程“中国建筑及园林”的教学工作。她于2007年取得香港大学建筑学硕士学位,并于2005年取得上海同济大学建筑学学士学位。凭借王维仁建筑设计研究室的工作经验,各类教育设施设计是她的专门强项,如游泳馆,图书馆,学生宿舍等等。 Xie Jing (Founder / Principal Architect) Xie Jing is a founding partner of 11architecture. She is a registered architect and an urban designer having extensive working experience in several high profile architectural firms including Rocco Design Architects and Wang Weijen Architecture. She was an associate partner at Wang Weijen Architecture between 2010 and 2015, and took a lead in various projects including Shenzhen Campus development for Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also taught a course of ‘Chinese architecture and garden’ in the University of Hong Kong in the period. She graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 2007 with the Master of Architecture degree, and from the Tongji University in 2005 with the Bachelor of Architecture degree. With the experience of working for Wang Weijen Architecture, she has strong expertise in design of educational facilities including swimming pavilion, library, student dormitory and so forth.   罗明钢(合伙人/主持建筑师) 罗明钢是一十一建筑的合伙人之一。曾在doffice设计事务所和(深圳)意大利迈丘设计事务所工作。2008至2010年期间曾兼职在广州盟力美术培训中心从事教学工作。他于2012年毕业于广州美术学院的建筑艺术设计学院。 Luo Ming Gang (Partner / Principal Architect) Luo Ming Gang is an associate partner at 11architecture. He worked for doffice and Metrostudio. He was a part-time teacher in Guangzhou Meng Li Art Training Center between 2008 and 2010. He graduated from School of Architecture & Allied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.   联系CONTACT 联系电邮 [email protected] 联系电话 0755-8656-2912   我们一直在寻找优秀的队友:建筑设计师 / 助理建筑师 / 行政助理 详见招聘信息:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Fei9iPrA860r7h8BaA4jyQ 工作申请发送至电邮:[[email protected]] 微信公众号WEIXIN

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