酒馆老板 您所在的位置:网站首页 泰拉瑞亚npc拥挤判定 酒馆老板


2023-12-09 06:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo Switch versiontModLoader versionDesktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria. 酒馆老板TavernkeepMap Icon Tavernkeep地图图标Classic mode icon ClassicExpert mode icon ExpertMaster mode icon MasterStatisticsTypeNPCEnvironment有效的房屋AI Type被动 AIDamage243642 (Ale) [1]Max Life250Defense15KB Resist50%DropsItem (Quantity)Rate麦芽酒投掷器麦芽酒投掷器16.67%SoundsHurthttps://terraria.gamepedia.com/File:NPC_Hit_1.wavKilledhttps://terraria.gamepedia.com/File:NPC_Killed_1.wavInternal NPC ID: 550昏迷男子Unconscious ManStatisticsTypeNPCAI Type无 AIDamage10Max Life250Defense15KB Resist50%SoundsHurthttps://terraria.gamepedia.com/File:NPC_Hit_1.wavKilledhttps://terraria.gamepedia.com/File:NPC_Killed_6.wavInternal NPC ID: 579 Unconscious Man NPC


酒馆老板是个独特的商贩 NPC,其大多数物品只接受护卫奖章作为货币,而非钱币。他只在玩家打败世界吞噬怪或克苏鲁之脑之后才能见到。一旦此条件满足,他会以“昏迷男子”的样子生成在世界的任何一个地层。类似于其他受缚 NPC,与其谈话后他会占据一间房屋并在被杀后会重生其中。

酒馆老板的哨兵召唤武器与撒旦军队事件有关,一开始,只能在此事件中使用。只有在事件成功完成后才能在别处使用。酒馆老板的每个哨兵召唤武器都有三个级别:魔杖、手杖、和法杖;法杖最贵也最强。他所售卖的盔甲还将每个哨兵类型与一个特定类别关联在一起:弩车是近战(坦克向)、爆炸烈焰是魔法、爆炸机关是远程、而闪电光环是“快速近战”(针对召唤师)。酒馆老板会免费给每个玩家 5 个护卫奖章用来购买第一个哨兵;以后所有护卫奖章都要通过打过至少几波撒旦军队来获得。

受到威胁时,他会向敌怪投掷一杯杯麦芽酒,在游戏初期会造成 24 / 36 / 42 伤害,(在Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version)随着玩家的进程推进,他会得到各种属性提升。[1]。在所有版本中,他死亡时都可能会掉落麦芽酒投掷器,让玩家也能进行相同的攻击。

昏迷男子 is one of the few entities that can be detected by the 命体分析 or its upgrades.

目录 1 出售物品 2 生活偏好 3 名字 4 话语 4.1 互动话语 4.2 快乐话语 5 小贴士 6 花絮 7 另见 8 历史 9 参考 出售物品[ | ]

注:虽然所列的前六个物品(即用钱币购买的那些)的价格可以通过装备优惠卡或婪戒来降低,在Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version中,亦受 NPC 的快乐度影响,但其他货品则总是要花费固定数量的护卫奖章。

Inventory Item Cost Availability

麦芽酒麦芽酒 1 Always available. 永恒水晶永恒水晶 25 打败任意机械 Boss 之前。 永恒水晶永恒水晶 1 打败了至少一个机械 Boss 后且又尚未打败石巨人。 永恒水晶永恒水晶 4 打败石巨人后。 永恒水晶座永恒水晶座 1 Always available. 任何晶塔任何晶塔 10 当在特定生物群落中、足够快乐、且尚未打败石巨人。 护卫熔炉护卫熔炉 750000*75 Defender Medal Always available. 爆炸烈焰魔杖爆炸烈焰魔杖 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available. 爆炸烈焰手杖爆炸烈焰手杖 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 之后。 爆炸烈焰法杖爆炸烈焰法杖 1000000*100 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 弩车魔杖弩车魔杖 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available. 弩车手杖弩车手杖 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 之后。 弩车法杖弩车法杖 1000000*100 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 爆炸机关魔杖爆炸机关魔杖 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available. 爆炸机关手杖爆炸机关手杖 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 之后。 爆炸机关法杖爆炸机关法杖 1000000*100 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 闪电光环魔杖闪电光环魔杖 50000*5 Defender Medal Always available. 闪电光环手杖闪电光环手杖 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 之后。 闪电光环法杖闪电光环法杖 1000000*100 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 Inventory Item Cost Availability

武僧浓眉秃头帽武僧浓眉秃头帽 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 武僧衣武僧衣 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 武僧裤武僧裤 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 侍卫大头盔侍卫大头盔 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 侍卫板甲侍卫板甲 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 侍卫护胫侍卫护胫 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 女猎人假发女猎人假发 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 女猎人上衣女猎人上衣 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 女猎人裤女猎人裤 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 学徒帽学徒帽 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 学徒长袍学徒长袍 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 学徒裤学徒裤 250000*25 Defender Medal 打败至少一个机械 Boss 后。 英灵殿骑士头盔英灵殿骑士头盔 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 英灵殿骑士胸甲英灵殿骑士胸甲 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 英灵殿骑士护胫英灵殿骑士护胫 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 暗黑艺术家帽子暗黑艺术家帽子 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 暗黑艺术家长袍暗黑艺术家长袍 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 暗黑艺术家护腿暗黑艺术家护腿 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 红色骑术兜帽红色骑术兜帽 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 红色骑术服红色骑术服 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 红色骑术护腿红色骑术护腿 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 渗透忍者头盔渗透忍者头盔 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 渗透忍者上衣渗透忍者上衣 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 渗透忍者裤装渗透忍者裤装 750000*75 Defender Medal 打败石巨人后。 生活偏好 [ | ] BiomeNeighborLovesn/a爆破专家爆破专家Likes​神圣之地神圣之地​公主公主哥布林工匠哥布林工匠Dislikes​雪原生物群落雪原生物群落​向导向导Hatesn/a染料商染料商

For more information, see NPC happiness.

名字[ | ]

The 酒馆老板 may have any of the following names:

Barkeep Bill Blacksmith Bruce Dale Dani Moo Driscan Elandrian Ernest Iamisom Javahawk Jerry Moe Paddy Ted William 话语[ | ] 互动话语[ | ] “I've got the cure for what ails ya! Get it? Ale? No?” “They say you're strong, well, I know strong. Let's see if you measure up.” “Back where I'm from, we only serve Root Beer...” “This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day.” “Life's a challenge when you're just naturally better than everyone else.” “What am I doing here...” “A lot of tenacity and a little bit of luck can go a long way...” “Have you seen any Meburs around here?”


“Know any good places to set up shop? Would love to open up a bar here.”


“Really quiet out there. A little too quiet...” “Check in with me, and do your job.”


“No wonder has so many accidents. You can't imagine how much ale he buys from me.”


“Normally, I'm not much of a fan of Goblins, but seems to be an alright sort.”(指撒旦军队的基本敌怪是哥布林)


"Do you think has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one.”


“ seems nice. I should bring her back with me.”(指的是Tarvenkeep和树妖都和埃特尼亚相关联。) 在白天,当站在树妖面前时: “Anyone see where the Dryad went?”


“You know, where I'm from, a Blood Moon is actually just an excuse to get some fresh air.”


“I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld.”


“Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord?”


“There goes the roof. I had just had it redone yesterday!” “Hold onto your bonnet, there's a real breeze out today.”


“You look like a drowned, shaggy dog! How 'bout you down some ale, eh?” “Wipe your feet before you step in here, the floor was just waxed!”


“Take shelter from the storm! Sit down for a pint.” “You look a bit frazzled! Perhaps a mug'll calm your singed nerves.”


“Etheria has some dark places, but this takes the cake!” “The bar seems kinda dead tonight. Smells like it, too!”

派对期间(仅限Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version):

“There's a party happening here! I had just wiped down the bar, too.” “You should sit down and have a little fun. Don't worry, I don't think any kobolds will crash this party.”


“We should really do something about the Old One's Army. Ask me about the Eternia Crystal if you want to learn more.”(1 级之前) “Great job on fighting off the Old One's Army! But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them, they didn't put up much of a fight this time.”(1 级之后) “The Army of the Old One's keeps getting stronger, yet you keep pushing them back! But something tells me they aren't quite finished with us yet.”(2 级之后) “You really kept the full force of the Old One's Army at bay? Maybe you should visit Etheria some time.”(3 级之后)


人物在世界内第一次点击永恒水晶时,给予 5 个护卫奖章:

“For starters, take a few of these Defender Medals, on the house! I've got some special defenses you can purchase, but only with Defender Medals!”


“The first thing you need to know about are the special defensive artifacts I've got for sale, but only if you've got some Defender Medals!” “You can use these artifacts to create traps and defensive towers. Doing so consumes Etherian mana, a special energy dropped only by members of the Old One's Army!” “Challenging the Old One's Army is rather simple. They are attracted to the power of the Eternia Crystals, and that can be used to bait them out.” “To place an Eternia Crystal, you must obtain an Eternia Crystal and a stand to put it in. It just so happens, you can buy em from me!” “You'll want to place your Eternia Crystal stand in a pretty open, flat area. Lots of walls and stuff might make it pretty difficult to protect!” “Once your stand is set up, just interact with it while holding an Eternia Crystal, and prepare for a fight!” “Of course, you can't let the Old One's Army destroy the Eternia Crystal! This will have catastrophic consequences for my home world of Etheria!” “You can place defenses at the cost of 10 Etherian mana. Once placed, the Eternia Crystal will release some of this mana. Otherwise, you will need to defeat enemies to get more.” “With the help of the defenses, you will have to repel several waves of invaders who are attempting to destroy both you and the Eternia Crystal!” “If you successfully repel the invasion, you'll be awarded with more Defender Medals, which you can bring to me to purchase more artifacts and some other special rewards!” “I've also heard rumors that the power of the artifacts themselves may be further unlocked if you defeat the Old One's Army. Perhaps you could even use them any time you wish!”


“Huh? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was a portal opening up in front of me...” 快乐话语 [ | ]


“I feel so out of place without a bar to polish.”


“I might want to get back to my place in case anyone needs a drink or two.”


“Finally, some peace and quiet... as a bartender this is a luxury!”


“Not sure I like living next door to so many people.” “Hate to say it, but I rather hate overcrowded quarters.”


“Ahh, 神圣之地... I like it here, it's got character.”


“I'm not a fan of 雪原, it's bitter.”


“Is this another invasion? Oh, it's just 腐化之地/猩红之地/地牢 - even worse!”


“ is one crazy little drinker, I love it!”


“I like , it shows you cannot always judge a person by their... origins.”


“ would make a great ruler where I come from, as well.”


“I rather dislike , they put out similar vibes as some of the dark things from Etheria.”


“'s eccentric and narcissistic personality really makes me want to smash a table!”


“I'm livin' the dream.” 小贴士[ | ] 用狩猎药水有助于找到昏迷男子,因为它能高亮显示其身体。 在打败任何机械 Boss之前先囤积永恒水晶从长远来看是个省钱的好办法,因为在打败机械 Boss 后永恒水晶会涨价。 每一对盔甲套装(基础的和进阶的)强化某一种哨兵类型及一种玩法种类。他们还全部能提高仆从伤害和玩家在不动用埃特尼亚魔力能使用的哨兵的数量。 侍卫和英灵殿骑士对应于弩车和纯近战力量,还有再生和最高的防御力。 学徒和暗黑艺术家对应于爆炸烈焰并且给予了魔法加成。 女猎人和红色骑术对应于爆炸机关和远程。 和尚和渗透忍者对应于闪电光环,并可能是为了召唤师而提供“高速近战”的安排,同时用第二高的防御力与速度奖励替代了再生。 全部 40 个物品都解锁后,你依然可以通过快速售卖/丢弃快捷键来退回物品。 在升级事件之前囤积足够护卫奖章来买齐下一级别的全部四种召唤武器可能会是个好主意(打败任意机械 Boss 前囤积 100 个护卫奖章,打败石巨人前囤积 400 个)。 花絮[ | ] 酒馆老板是个来自于《地牢守护者2(Dungeon Defenders 2,缩写为DD2)》的人物。他的很多话语也引用了此游戏。 他的话“This is a big upgrade from wiping that table all day.”引用了在《地牢守护者 2》中玩家没和他交谈时他就只会擦桌子的事实。 他的话“Moon Lord, don't you mean Abyss Lord?”指的是《地牢守护者 2》中的 byss Lord(深渊领主和月亮领主共用的类克苏鲁外观。 他有两句话:“Do you think has an extra of that gun? I know a witch that may want one.”和“I know a Lavamancer that would really like that hellstone down in the underworld.”分别引用了《地牢守护者 2》中的英雄 un Witch(枪女巫和 avamancer(熔岩术士。 他有两句话:“ seems nice. I should bring her back with me.”和“Anyone see where the Dryad went?”引用了树妖同样出现在《地牢守护者2》中的事实。 他的话语“Have you seen any Meburs around here?”似乎指的是《地牢守护者 2》中一种叫作“ramster”的生物。在游戏的 v2.0 更新说明中有写到“有些人称这些高贵的生物为 meburs。”[2] 拿着麦芽酒靠近酒馆老板并站在他身边会让他也拿起自己的麦芽酒杯。 当他拿着麦芽酒时,玩家继续拿着麦芽酒向他走就能和他干杯,玻璃杯相碰时会制造出一个细微的微粒飞溅的效果。这个效果纯粹是为了好看,没有任何实际功效。 酒馆老板的名字可能为 Moe、Paddy、或 Ted,这可能是参考美国动画情景喜剧《辛普森一家(The Simpsons)》中的调酒师 Moe Szyslak、美国情景喜剧《酒吧五杰(It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)》中的爱尔兰酒吧“Paddy's Pub”、以及在美国情景喜剧《欢乐酒店(Cheers)'》中扮演调酒师 Sam Malone 的演员 Ted Danson。 酒馆老板的名字之一 Javahawk 是来自于 Joshua "Javahawk" Javaheri,他是开发并发行《地牢守护者 2》的 Chromatic Games(前身为 Trendy Entertainment)的工作室总监。 在 之前,酒馆老板并没有特别的派对话语。但源代码中有一条从不会显示的“I really need some birthday text, Yorai!”作为占位内容(提到了泰拉瑞亚的开发者之一 Yoraiz0r)。[3] 他的话语“Check in with me, and do your job.”引用了美国饶舌歌手兼歌曲作者 Juicy J 的歌《Slob on My Knob》,这首歌在互联网模因(meme)中经常用到。 石巨人被打败后他会出售 40 个物品,与高尔夫球手(高尔夫得分为 2000 或更高,在足够快乐时)并列为出售物品最多的 NPC。 但是,在任意时刻,没有某些先决条件的情况下,出售物品最多的 NPC 是圣诞老人,有 39 个物品。 虽然他的商店在石巨人被打败后就装满了物品,但依然可以卖东西给他。不过,此时卖掉的任何东西都无法“买回”。出售贵重物品时要小心。 虽然此 NPC 是酒馆老板,但是他却反感拥挤的地方。 酒馆老板可能的名字之一是 Barkeep,指的是 Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"(每个人都叫他“酒吧老板”)这个比喻。 他关于向导具有黑暗天性的评论指的是他是血肉墙的来源,是召唤它的关键。 酒馆老板和高尔夫球手都可能叫 William 这个名字。 在 更新之前,酒馆老板所出售的魔杖和手杖是仅有的名称中没有“法杖”字样的召唤武器。 中引入的泰拉棱镜和鞭则也具有此特质。 The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the 酒馆老板: "The Tavern Keep once managed a bar in another universe. He's here to help stop the Old One's Army from conquering this world." 另见[ | ] Tavern(酒馆) at the Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki 历史[ | ] Desktop version Desktop version 电脑版 当他的独有商品装满商店时就不再出售晶塔。 电脑版 修正了缺失的坐姿外观。 修正将永恒水晶称为“上古水晶”的地方 现在会出现在生命体分析机上。 不再会意外地在水中生成。 电脑版 修正了对国王雕像没反应的问题。 提高了昏迷男子的生成速度。 电脑版 1.3.4: 引入。 Console version Console version 主机版 1.18: 修正了酒馆老板被杀死后可能不会重生的问题。 主机版 1.17: 随 电脑版 为止的更改引入。 Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version Switch版 1.0.1096.2: 随到电脑版 为止的更改引入。 Mobile version Mobile version 移动版 随电脑版 到 为止的更改引入。 参考[ | ] ↑ 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is ↑ steamcommunity.com → Dungeon Defenders 2 → Discussions → thread: Current Patch Notes 7月 27, 2017 ↑ Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, BartenderSpecialText.Party_1 和 BartenderSpecialText.Party_2(他的新派对言语)。在 1.4 之前的版本中,占位话语位于 Terraria.Lang.cs 中的 GetBirthdayDialog() 方法中。 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is V • D • E角色(列表):​Blue Slime 困难模式之前的敌怪​Pixie 困难模式的敌怪​Goblin Warrior 事件敌怪​Skeletron HeadBoss​Bunny小动物​Guide 友方 NPC​Baby Dinosaur (pet) 亲随困难模式之前敌怪常见敌怪​尾真​[[蚁狮|]] (​狮​狮幼​狮​化蚁)​[[蝙蝠|]] (​穴蝙​雪蝙​林蝙​子蝙)​[[蜜蜂|]]​爬​[[螃蟹|]]​红喀迈​魔​噬​魂​[[脸怪|]]​菌球​型蠕​岗​岗岩巨​[[鸟妖|]]​甲步​[[黄蜂|]] (​黄)​[[水母|]] (​水​水)​人​星​菇瓢​人​[[骷髅|]] (​子骷)​[[鲨鱼|]] (​戟)​莱 (​史莱​史莱​史莱​史莱​史莱​史莱​莱姆之​莱姆宝​史莱​雪史莱​刺冰雪史莱​林史莱​刺丛林史莱)​人 (​抓人)​雪​穴爬​灵维京海​[[秃鹰|]]​墙蜘​[[僵尸|]] (​冻僵​蛆僵​子僵)不常见敌怪​[[甲虫|]] (​脂​壳​胶)​[[龙虾|]]​髅博​型卷壳​布林侦察​[[侏儒|]]​[[宁芙|]]​史莱​[[蝾螈|]]​蜗​[[乌贼|]]​[[蒂姆|]]​死矿 (​血鬼矿)[[地狱|]]​[[骨蛇|]]​[[恶魔|]] (​恶)​焰小​狱蝙​岩史莱​毒恶[[地牢|]]​怒骷髅​焰火​咒骷髅 (​骷髅)​黑法​牢史莱​刺困难模式敌怪常见敌怪​琶​怒捕​骨舌​甲骷​甲维京海​[[蝙蝠|]] (​型蝙​明蝙​型飞)​隐​血​沌 (​能)​藤​化​跳​掘​心浮游​足 (​能腹足)​型真菌球​型陆 (​雪陆)​蹦​雪​液黏黏​雪人​[[水母|]] (​水​菇​水)​林蜘​藓黄​[[猪龙|]]​[[妖精|]]​甲幻影​髅弓箭​莱 (​化史莱​影史莱​红史莱​明史莱​史莱​翅史莱​[[毒泥|]])​角​荡眼球​[[狼人|]]​[[幻灵|]]​[[狼|]]不常见敌怪​红​咒​[[沙虫|]]​魔​星探测​发女​箱 (​化宝箱​红宝箱​圣宝箱​林宝箱)​[[蛾|]]​石巨​文巫​世​[[飞龙|]] (​飞)[[沙漠|]]​蜥​漠幽​[[沙虫|]]​尸(​梦食尸​恶食尸​染食尸)​弥​乃​[[沙贼|]][[地狱|]]​岩蝙​魔​苦亡[[地牢|]]​甲骷 (​装甲骷​狱装甲骷​锈装甲骷)​教​灵法​褛邪教徒法​髅突击​髅狙击​髅特​髅李小​型诅咒骷髅​牢幽​骑​月教忠教​邪教徒弓箭 (​邪教徒弓箭)林蜥蜴神​[[飞蛇|]]​林蜥事件敌怪风​愤怒蒲公英​大风气球怪[[雨|]]​[[飞鱼|]]​衣僵​怒雨云​雪巨​莱 (​虹史莱​伞史莱)[[血月|]]​[[小丑|]] (​嗒牙齿炸)​化兔 (​兔)​化金 (​金)​化企 (​企)​腥僵​滴​[[新娘|]]​尸新​荡眼球怪​尸人​鳗​浆哥布林鲨​惧鹦鹉 (​乌)尘​沙鲨 (​水晶沙鲨​噬骨沙鲨​戮血沙鲨)​愤怒翻滚怪​沙尘精[[日食|]]​[[屠夫|]]​月​命​蝇人博​里​[[眼怪|]]​学怪​[[钉头|]]​态​[[死神|]]​泽​爬​血​[[蛾怪|]] (​怪宝​怪)活​病兔圣​[[鬼魂(NPC)|]]​跳杰克南瓜​[[乌鸦|]]布林军​布林弓箭​布林苦​布林巫​布林盗​布林战​布林召唤 (​影焰幻)人军​刺先​人暴​拉雪旦军​神秘传送门​埃特尼亚哥布林​埃特尼亚哥布林投弹手​埃特尼亚标枪投掷怪​埃特尼亚飞龙​小妖魔​小妖魔滑翔怪​枯萎兽​德拉克龙​埃特尼亚荧光虫盗入​盗船 (​盗诅)​船海​盗弩​盗神射​盗水​[[鹦鹉|]]星暴​扰脑怪​火星飞船​火星工程师​电击怪​灰咕噜​火星军官​激光枪手​鳞甲怪 (​鳞甲怪枪手)​特斯拉炮塔​火星走妖瓜​草​[[树精|]]​狱​闹​头骑[[霜月|]]​尸精​灵弓箭​饼​花​物宝箱​桃夹​灵直升​卜​[[雪兽|]]亮事日耀​流星火怪​千足蜈蚣​火龙战士​火龙怪 (​火龙怪骑士)​火月怪​火滚怪星旋​异星蜂王 (​异星黄蜂​异星幼虫)​漩泥怪​星旋怪星云​吮脑怪​进化兽​星云浮怪​预言怪星尘​流体入侵怪​银河织妖​星细胞​观星怪​闪耀炮手 (​闪耀怪)已移除的 NPC​[[神龙|]]Boss困难模式之前​莱姆 (​刺史莱)​苏鲁之 (​苏鲁之)​界吞噬​苏鲁之 (​眼)​[[蜂王|]] (​[[蜜蜂|]])​髅 (​牢守)​角​肉 (​[[血蛭|]])难模​莱姆皇 (​力史莱​晶史莱​翔史莱)​子魔​灭 (​测)​械骷髅​纪之​巨​之女​龙鱼公 (​鱼​炸泡)​月教邪教 (​古幻影​影)​亮领 (​苏鲁真​蛭凝)​库瑞 (​库瑞姆之)[[事件|]]​兰飞盗​暗魔法 (​旦骷)​人​足翼​星飞​[[哀木|]]​瓜​绿尖叫​诞坦​雪女​界 (​耀​旋​云​尘)​[[天兔|]] (​[[病兔|]])​感恩的火小动物陆生​[[蚜虫|]]​[[兔兔|]] (​石兔​[[金兔|]])​[[青蛙|]] (​[[金蛙|]])​[[蚱蜢|]] (​蚱)​[[蛆虫|]]​[[蝇蛆|]]​[[老鼠|]] (​老)​[[企鹅|]]​[[大鼠|]]​[[蝎子|]] (​蝎)​[[海龟|]]​涕​[[蜗牛|]] (​光蜗​浆蜗)​[[松鼠|]] (​松​石松​松)​[[龟|]] (​林)​[[水黾|]] (​水)​[[蠕虫|]] (​魔夜行​蠕​露)水生​[[海豚|]]​[[金鱼|]] (​金)​[[鳉鱼|]]​[[海马|]] (​海)空中​[[鸟|]] (​蓝​[[红雀|]]​[[金鸟|]])​[[鸭|]] (​[[野鸭|]])​[[蜻蜓|]] (​蜻)​火 (​岩萤火​光)​[[䴙䴘|]]​[[瓢虫|]] (​瓢)​头​[[海鸥|]]​[[仙灵|]][[蝴蝶|]]​蝴​狱蝴​莉娅​王​彩草​君王​纹​磺​若虫蝴​利西斯​纹燕尾友方 NPC困难模式之前​[[向导|]]​料​[[商人|]]​破专​漆​[[护士|]]​[[树妖|]]​[[渔夫|]]​火​对女​型​布林工​[[巫医|]]​装​械​馆老​尔夫球​物学难模​[[海盗|]]​露​[[巫师|]]​汽朋克​收​器​诞老​[[公主|]]镇宠​城镇兔兔​城镇猫咪​城镇狗狗其他 NPC​[[旅商|]]​髅商​[[老人|]]已移除的 NPC​c MoneyPant亲随[[宠物|]]​星滑板小​龙宝​噬怪宝​怪宝​林奇宝​蜂宝​鬼宝​人魔宝​鹅宝​熊猫宝​髅王头宝​人宝​露人宝​人宝​[[霉运纱线|]]​[[胡萝卜|]]​咒树​型毁灭​管小​虫吞噬​斯​绿尖叫怪树​簧​廓​猪存钱​光蝴​oardrago​[[闪耀蜂蜜|]]​雪女​双足翼​鸟​[[蜥蜴蛋|]]​你牛头​机械骷髅​精​[[鹦鹉饼干|]]​幻影​纪之花幼​型世纪之​[[狗哨|]]​翔Gat​光眼和魔焰​[[幼苗|]]​影宝箱​鲨​骷髅​莱姆王​莱姆公​[[蜘蛛卵|]]​蛛​瓜娃​袋​疑眼​基幽​[[海草|]]​猪龙​空​特​风​[[血液瓶|]]​[[卷心菜|]]​莱​[[蜜蜡|]]​[[狼牙|]]​[[脑子|]]​[[闪亮黑板|]]​比​lf​尔兰小矮明宠​红之​[[仙灵铃铛|]]​烁灯​灵公​法灯​克南瓜​影​疑触​具石巨​[[妖灵瓶|]][[仆从|]]​宝​莱姆宝​命​漠​魔飞​[[黄蜂法杖|]]​[[小鬼法杖|]]​[[海盗法杖|]]​[[矮人法杖|]]​[[乌鸦法杖|]]​红蝙​鱼旋​[[蜘蛛法杖|]]​尘细​尘之​拉棱​子魔​F​血鬼青[[哨兵|]]​[[弩车哨兵召唤物|]]​炸机​炸烈焰​戒标​霜九头​电光​亮传送​蛛女​彩水​尘守[[坐骑|]]​蜥​[[涂蜜护目镜|]]​[[暗黑魔法师巨著|]]​[[绒毛胡萝卜|]]​爱猪龙​[[黑铆钉鞍|]]​[[钻头控制装置|]]​烈​[[山羊骷髅头|]]​尔夫球​岩鲨​[[皇家鎏金鞍|]]​[[蒙尘牛皮鞍|]]​[[带鳞松露|]]​盗​蹦​道​诞老人坦​甲​莱​[[硬鞍|]]​[[魔法树枝|]]​F​角​翼史莱​巫扫 本Wiki翻译以官方Wiki中文语言包为准







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