关于放慢生活节奏的英文作文(关于放慢生活节奏的英文作文初一) 您所在的位置:网站首页 次元喵app正版下载 关于放慢生活节奏的英文作文(关于放慢生活节奏的英文作文初一)


2023-04-18 04:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

急求一篇“生活节奏”——the pace of life 的英语作文,120个单词左右,谢谢。

The modern pace of life is just too fast. Everyday as you open your eyes in the morning, you have to move fast or you won’t get things done on time.

You have no time to enjoy breakfast; you have to run in order to catch a bus; you have to shout and yell to get other people moved; you have to be nervous all day long. Since what time we human become such miserable creatures? It’s because of money, which can buy almost every thing in the world.With such a powerful stimulus, we people act like drug addicts and become oblivious to the true meaning of life.


As the pace of people's life is speeding up, their living presure is also getting higher. Now with people's lifestyle changing, the way of their shopping is secretly varying. Instead of going out to shop in stores, more and more people are interested in shopping online without leaving home. Shopping online has become a trend to modern life. Thus, the advantages and disadvantages of net shopping has become the focus of people's argument.

people who are in favour of it agree that it is convenient. To begin with, net shopping can take place anywhere whether at home, in offices or in restaurants. Next, it happens without time limit. In all, it offers people great conveniece and makes people's life easier. Another advantage lies in its huge quantities of information about business products given for people to choose from and a spin-off of this is that people can get better goods for cheaper price.

However, as an old saying says, one coin has two sides. There are some disadvantages about net shopping. For one thing, there is difference between the picture shown on the net and the real item . For the other thing, the quality of the goods may sometimes not be guaranteed and it is hard to return it when needed. The last but not least, some people think payment onling has no safety prevention.

In my opinion, as the system of net shopping is more and more perfect, we can enhance its strengths and avoid its weaknesses to make our life improved.


As the pace of people's life is speeding up, their living presure is also getting higher. Now with people's lifestyle changing, the way of their shopping is secretly varying. Instead of going out to shop in stores, more and more people are interested in shopping online without leaving home. Shopping online has become a trend to modern life. Thus, the advantages and disadvantages of net shopping has become the focus of people's argument.



With the development of economic globalization, the quiet changes in daily life are filling our lives, and busyness has become the main theme of everyone's life.


Children are busy with their studies, adults are busy making money, old people are busy with fitness, and even vacations advocate "go and go" travel.


Fast is the basic rhythm of modern life, and the traffic jam in Beishangguang is the portrayal of fast rhythm.


Ask yourself who can really be the master of your own life in this busy time, and how many people have fallen into slavery of the times?


So let's slow down, and don't lose the heart of being a man and doing things in the cold world.



英语 作文 是英语考试中必不可少的题,我在此献上大学英语作文 范文 ,希望对你有所帮助。

生活的意义 The Meaning of Life

Since we were born, we are meant to face the stage of study and work until we retire, which seems everybody does the same thing in their life. They start to wonder about the meaning of life. In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in study and finding the right place.


Study comes first for human being. Since we learn the knowledge, we get to know about the world. The more we learn, the more we want to search for the unknown knowledge. The world is beautiful because of diversity, and there are so many amazing scenery waiting for us to discover. At the process of searching the knowledge, we also become mature and have our own thinking.


Finding the place in the world is the basic task for us. The purpose of knowledge is to master some skills, so as to get accustomed to the world and know what we want to do and what we can bring to the world. The value we create can bring happiness to people we love and make a contribution to the world.


Life is short, but we keep searching all the time.


如何应对负面情绪 How to Deal With Negative Emotion

Life is a journey. We will see different scenery and learn to grow up. Nobody can live easy life all the time, and they must have gone through some hard time. The one who can conquer the difficulty will be stronger. While those who can’t deal with the negative emotion will miss the beautiful scenery. Wise men can find the ways to remove bad mood.

生活是一场旅程,我们将会看到不一样的风景并学习成长。没有人能一直过着一帆风顺的生活,他们都会经历一些艰难的时刻。那些能够克服困难的人会变得更强。而那些不能处理负面情绪的人会错过美丽的风景。智者总能找到 方法 来消除坏心情。

In the modern life, a lot of people do the same things every day, then the repeating routines are easy to frustrate them. They feel life is meaningful and why they have to sit in the office to work for a whole day. The negative emotion makes them lose themselves. At this time, they need to slow down their life pace. A trip is the best way to relax and forget about the annoyance. It opens your vision and helps you to find the answers.


Talking to the families or friends is also a good way to relieve your bad emotion. We need someone to listen to us. With their support and caring, we will find the motivation to move on. Life is short, don’t be afraid of making change if you are not really satisfied with the current situation.


    社会实践 的必要性 The Necessary of Practical Experience

The stage of college is the new chapter for students. They need to learn independent as they live in the dormitory. Learning major knowledge and mastering the professional skill are the main tasks, but the necessity of practical experience can’t be ignored if they want to start their career successfully.


Being freshmen, many students start to lose themselves as they just want to enjoy the freedom and forget about study when they come to campus. But some wise students have made their plans. They not only spend a lot of time in library, but also fulfill their time by taking practical experience, which will be a great help in future career. We are easy to find that the successful young men have started their career as they are students.


In the job market, most employers care about the practical experience when they look at the resumes. They want this type of graduates because they can spend less time to teach them get familiar with the new environment, which can improve the working efficiency. If students want to take advantages over others in the job market, then they’d better seek some internship.

在就业市场上,大多数招聘人员在看简历的时候都会关心有没有社会 经验 。他们想要有经验的 毕业 生,因为他们可以花更少的时间让他们熟悉新环境,提高工作效率。如果学生想要比其他人在就业市场上占据优势,他们最好找一些实习工作。

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