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升降椅 的英文翻译(translate 升降椅 to english)

2024-03-24 10:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

更多网络例句与升降椅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you can overcome this "bruising" fact before you even get on your first chair lift, you have already succeeded.


But before I could get my footing, the lift chair shoved me over some traffic cones and into a snowbank.


I went skiing recently, and on the chairlift some asked me what I did.


My apprehensions about the reliability of Chinese ski lifts proved unfounded: At a resort in the other side of Wanlong's mountain, opened this season by an Italian firm, the chairlift is state of the art, while Wanlong's lifts seem just as good as your average Alpine system.


The lifter rod, chair foot , foot wheel of the chair could be tailor made basing on client's demands.


Ronghua school with owner Teaching Green with a metal plate, white board, mobile board, lifting plate series; classroom desks and chairs, podium series; student apartment bed series; table series; experimental table series;íHall series; Library steel, wood bookshelf series and reading series and office series (fire board furniture, painted furniture, screens, seat sofa); glass audio-visual series; glass office series; glass home series.


Production stage equipment products such as: stage boom lifts, boom VVVF machine, theater chairs, stage curtain, pull-screen machine, stage lighting, stage fake Activity Desk mouth, the stage fire curtain orchestra pit lift and other equipment of good quality, complete varieties, considered by many theater, dance hall, gymnasium and stage equipment to do the units used in engineering.







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