【译课】发掘暗含语义是一种翻译意识(2) 您所在的位置:网站首页 桑榆的暗含意义是什么 【译课】发掘暗含语义是一种翻译意识(2)


2024-05-09 10:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【译文】The civil construction will easily result in safety risks and noise pollution to the surrounding residents' living, sonoise and shock control measures shall be taken during the construction to minimize effect and interference on the surrounding residents.

分析:上一句话(Case 2)中的逻辑关系相对比较隐蔽;在这句话中,第一部分很明显是采取措施的原因。尽管原文没有出现任何表现因果的连词,但翻译时,应将英因果关系体现出来,使得译文连贯、易懂。尽管没有用because或since,但使用了弱化的“so”来体现。

Case 4

【原文】After final adjustments have been made, the car can be rolled off the end of the assembly line to a parking lot, where it alwaits shipment to the dealer who will sell to the customer.



Case 5


【译文】The Insurer will decide whether to pay the indemnity and define the payable indemnity scale in accordance with the terms of the insurance policy uponthe receipt of the Assured's Claim Form and all documentary evidence.


Case 6

【原文】In boiling water this substance is broken down to form another violet pigment astacin – which gives cookedshellfish its color.



Case 7

【原文】As it is pumped up from 6000 feet down, the water turns naturally into steam,whichis used to drive an electric generator on the surface.



Case 8

【原文】The children report that when they do not look at the picture long enough, they do not have an image of parts of it, although they may remember what those parts contain.


分析:句子中,“when they do not look at the picture long enough”从句从表面看是表示时间的,如果翻译成“当…的时候”,也能说的通,但若从汉语表达习惯上考虑,将逻辑转换成假设或条件(如果…),句子似乎更通顺。

Case 9

【原文】This information is assembled in maps and cross sections, and fitted together in the mind of the petroleum geologist, whereit is interpreted and translated into the best place to drill a well that will penetrate a trapbelow the surface of the ground and thereby enable the well to the trap’s content.



1 information is assembled in maps and cross sections 资料绘制在地质图或剖面图上 逐渐递进 2 fitted together in the mind 分析 3 interpreted and translated into the best place to drill 确定最佳井位 4 penetrate a trap 这样的井位会怎样 -- 钻穿地下圈闭 5 enable the well to the trap’s content 测试出圈闭中油气的储量


此外,在此句的翻译中,还进行句子成分转换,将“石油地质学家”提升为句子“主动者”,统领全句。还将“interpreted and translated”进行了减译,避免了累赘。

Case 10

【原文】Ironically, hydropower has leastexploited on conditions that have the most potential,wherevast walls of watertumble down innumerable cliff faces.




所暗含的逻辑关系 案例 因果关系 1、2、3 顺序关系 4 条件关系 5 结果目的 6、7 假设关系 8 递进关系 9 让步关系 10 案例6和7,也含有因果过关系和递进关系的意味,但不太明显,仔细分析似乎也不太一样,所以另外单独设置在“结果目的”里面。







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