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2023-10-03 20:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

nvme 刷fw 1.nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvmex |grep "fr "(查看现在在的fw version)

2.nvme fw-download /dev/nvmexn1 -f fw.bin(-f后加上要刷的FW的bin文档) 在这里插入图片描述

3.nvme fw-commit(fw-activate) /dev/nvmexn1 -s 1 -a 3(-s表示想把FW放在哪个slot,-a表示所执行的操作) 在这里插入图片描述

4.nvme reset /dev/nvmex(reset使fw生效,如果第三步用的是a 3就不用执行reset) 5.nvme fw-log /dev/nvme*n1(可以查看FW在哪个slot)

Tip:Here is what the different commit actions do (-a), as you can see they nicely match the spec table. 0: Downloaded image replaces the image indicated by the Firmware Slot field. This image is not activated. 1: Downloaded image replaces the image indicated by the Firmware Slot field. This image is activated at the next reset. 2: The image indicated by the Firmware Slot field is activated at the next reset. 3: The image specified by the Firmware Slot field is requested to be activated immediately without reset

download nvme-cli tool link:https://github.com/linux-nvme/nvme-cli






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