枸杞goji berry >>行业英语>>英语>>外语爱好者网站 您所在的位置:网站首页 枸杞种植技术和方法英语介绍 枸杞goji berry >>行业英语>>英语>>外语爱好者网站

枸杞goji berry >>行业英语>>英语>>外语爱好者网站

2024-03-29 17:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语阅读:枸杞goji berry 中国人在疯狂海淘的时候,老外也在购买中国好商品枸杞。Goji, goji berry or wolfberry (pinyin: gǒuqǐ) is the fruit of Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense, two closely related species of boxthorn in the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The family also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, belladonna, chili pepper, and tobacco. The two species are native to Asia.



After Mayinglong Hemorrhoid Ointment and Laoganma chili sauce, yet another Chinese specialty has gone viral outside of China - gouqi, the fruit of Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense, two closely related species of boxthorn.继马应龙痔疮膏和老干妈辣酱之后,又一中国土特产在国外火了 ―― 枸杞,是宁夏枸杞和中华枸杞这两种相近枸杞属植物的果实。

In China, gouqi is largely popular among middle-aged and elderly people. They usually drink water with pieces of the fruit in it or eat it directly as a kind of snack. Few young people in China, if they are not particularly concerned with their health, develop a taste for it.枸杞在中国中老年人群体中大受欢迎。他们通常都会用枸杞泡水喝,或者直接把它作为一种零食。而中国的年轻人,如果不是特别注重养生的话,很少有人爱吃这个。

However, many young people in Western countries have fallen in love with the fruit. They call it goji berry. According to an article from bbcgoodfood.com, goji berries are being increasingly hailed as a superfood in the UK because of their nutritional value.然而,许多西方国家的年轻人却爱上了这种果子。他们将其称为枸杞莓。BBC美食网站的一篇文章写道,由于枸杞莓丰富的营养价值,它作为一种超级食物在英国日益流行。

Many consumers are convinced that goji berries, packed with various vitamins, iron, selenium and other antioxidants, can benefit one`s health in many ways, such as boosting immunity brain activity, and preventing chronic diseases.许多消费者相信,富含多种维他命、铁、硒以及其他抗氧化物的枸杞莓,能在许多方面有益健康,如促进大脑免疫活动,预防慢性疾病等。


On amazon.com, there are multiple brands of goji berries for sale. Several of these brands have received around 2,000 customer reviews, most which have given the fruit a full 5-star rating.在亚马逊网上,有各种品牌的枸杞莓出售。其中多个品牌已经收到了大约2000条顾客评价,大部分都打了五星好评。

According to customer reviews, a number of customers like the berries because they enjoy the fruit\`s woody, raisiny taste and chewy consistency. Its bright reddish-orange color is another plus for some, especially those who like to add them to trail mix, because it can brighten up an otherwise drab looking snack.据顾客评价显示,一部分顾客喜爱枸杞莓的原因是因为他们喜欢这种果子吃起来好似有木头味的葡萄干,而且也很有嚼劲。枸杞鲜亮的桔红色在一些人看来也为其加分不少,尤其是喜欢在什锦果仁中加入枸杞的人,因为枸杞能为这种黄褐色的零食增添一抹亮色。

Falling for goji berries, some people consider it a crucial ingredient in their daily meals. They enjoy eating it in almost everything, such as salads, cereals or sandwiches. Many bloggers not only eat the fruit every day, but have also invented a few new ways to enjoy them, which they share with others in videos.一些喜爱枸杞莓的人认为它是日常饮食中不可或缺的食材。他们喜欢在几乎所有的食物中加入枸杞,如沙拉、谷物麦片、或是三明治等。许多博主不仅每天吃这种小果子,还发明了不少新方法来食用它们,并把这些方法在视频中和他人分享。

Among all the recipes for goji berries, goji cake is one of the top choices for many. To prepare it, place dough in a pan and flatten it; put the pan in the fridge; blend goji berries, cashews and coconut milk in a blender; pour the mixture onto the dough on the pan; and freeze for two hours before slicing and enjoying the cake.在所有枸杞莓的食谱当中,枸杞蛋糕是许多人的首选。想要制作这道美食,首先要在盘中放入面团并将其压平并冷藏;用搅拌机将枸杞莓、腰果以及椰奶搅拌均匀;将混合物倒到盘中的面团上;冷藏两小时后,便可将蛋糕切片、享用美味了。(备注:生吃?)

Goji cookies are also popular, as they are seen as an ideal breakfast choice by many. Making them is similar to goji cake, except the dough and the mixture need to be baked for around 20 minutes until golden brown before being served.枸杞饼干也很受欢迎,许多人将其视作完美早餐的选择。它的制作方法和枸杞蛋糕类似,只是在上桌前,要将面团和混合物再烘烤20分钟左右。

For some bloggers looking to lose weight, they sometimes make themselves broccoli juice with some fruit on top. Of course, the fruit includes goji berries.对于一些想减肥的博主而言,他们有时会准备椰菜汁,并在上头撒上一些水果。当然,这些水果里就有枸杞莓。

Besides cakes and cookies, there are many other ways to enjoy the berries.除了蛋糕和饼干之外,还有许多其他享用枸杞莓的方法。

A book on amazon.com, which claims to be the ultimate recipe guide for goji berries, teaches people how to cook them in 30 different ways. Looking at the reviews for the book, those who have purchased the book have found it helpful.亚马逊网上有一本书自称为枸杞莓的终极食谱指南,教人们如何用30种不同的方法来烹饪枸杞莓。而书的评价显示,购书读者认为这本书十分有用。

In addition to culinary purposes, some bloggers use goji berries for beauty purposes by blending gel, powder and the berries into a goji berry mask that they say can revitalize the skin. Also, there are goji berry-related health care products being sold in many countries.除了食用以外,一些博主还用枸杞莓做美容。他们将凝胶、护肤粉末和枸杞莓混合在一起,制成枸杞莓面膜,称这能令肌肤焕发生机。而枸杞莓相关的保健产品也在许多国家有售。

While goji berries may not be getting much love from young people in their home country, they seem to have found a warm welcome overseas. It seems more natural products from China are about to sweep Western markets.尽管枸杞莓在国内并不受年轻人追捧,但他们似乎在海外获得了热烈欢迎。来自中国的天然产品似乎即将席卷西方市场。

没有相关文章 枸杞goji berry:https://www.ryedu.net/syy/hyyy/201701/53834.html






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