2005金球奖最佳电影:《杯酒人生》 您所在的位置:网站首页 杯酒人生讲了什么 2005金球奖最佳电影:《杯酒人生》


2024-05-01 02:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2005年度金球奖的最佳电影《杯酒人生》片段 点击观看:宽带视频 如果不能正常观看请刷新页面 点击此处下载播放器



  After clinching the Best Motion Picture and Best Screen Play Awards in the Golden Globe Awards 2005, it was predicted to e a spoiler in this year's Oscar. Nominations include Thomas Haden Church for the Best Actor in Supporting Role, Virginia Madsen for the Best Actress in Supporting Role, Best Picture, Adapted Screenplay and Directing.

  Sideways tells the story of Miles, a failed novelist, and his soon-to-be married friend Jack, acted by Thomas Haden Church, a washed-up actor. To salute the remains of their youth, the two men take one last road trip in the week before Jack's wedding. A serious wine enthusiast, Miles is determined to educate his friend on the region’s beloved Pinot Noir before the week is out. Jack indulges his best friend's passion for the grape but is mainly interested in living his last week of bachelorhood to the hilt. Trouble ensues with wine and women, played by Virginia Madsen and Sandra Oh and the duo comes to some profound realizations as they come to terms with maturity.It is writer-director Alexander Payne's fourth feature film, following Citizen Ruth, Election and About Schmidt and needless to say, the most successful one.

  在夺得了2005年度金球奖的最佳电影、最佳编剧奖之后,《杯酒人生》又获得本届奥斯卡的多项提名,其中包括最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳编剧(改编)奖、还有Thomas Haden Church的最佳男配角、以及Virginia Madsen的最佳女配角奖。







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