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2024-07-14 15:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 《San Andreas 》 introduce

Former US soldier Raymond Gaines (played by Dawn Johnson Dwayne Johnson) has now become a helicopter rescue worker for the Los Angeles Fire Department after ending his career in gunfire. Although he worked hard, was admired, and trusted, none of these could save his failed marriage. After a brief vacation, Ray returned to work when a once-in-a-century earthquake struck southern Nevada, completely destroying the Hoover Dam. Before long, another strong earthquake struck Los Angeles from San Francisco, and Ray witnessed the terrible scene of a busy city turning into ruins in a flash from a helicopter.At this time, his wife Emma (Carla Gugino) and daughter Brick (Alexandra Dadario) are located in two cities. In order to save his two favorite people, he is alone, courageously advancing, competing against the earthquake for minutes and seconds

 《末日崩塌》 繁體簡介

前美國大兵雷蒙德·蓋恩斯(道恩·强森Dwayne Johnson飾)在結束硝烟戰火的生涯後,而今成為洛杉磯消防局的直升機救援人員。 雖然工作中全力以赴,受人敬仰,值得信賴,這些卻都無法挽回他失敗的婚姻。 某次短暫休假後,雷重返崗位,這時在內華達州南部發生了百年不遇的大地震,胡佛水壩在强震中被徹底摧毀。 未過多久,又一輪强震從舊金山襲向了洛杉磯,雷在直升機上目睹了繁華都市轉眼變成廢墟的可怕一幕。此時他的妻子艾瑪(卡拉·古奇諾Carla Gugino飾)和女兒布蕾克(亞曆珊德拉·達達裏奧Alexandra Daddario飾)此時分處兩座都市,為了拯救最愛的兩個人,他隻身一人,勇往直前,與地震展開爭分奪秒的賽跑……

 《末日崩塌》电影播出信息公元 2015年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,布拉德·佩顿导演负责制作,道恩·强森,亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,卡拉·古奇诺,雨果·约翰斯通-伯特,雅奇·潘嘉比 等明星实力参演的 犯罪片《末日崩塌》,此影片于2015-06-02上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!奈飞中文祝您观影愉快!奈飞中文于 2021-12-03 10:19:46整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 06:35:06再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《末日崩塌》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:末日崩塌,末日崩塌在线观看,末日崩塌免费观看,末日崩塌百度云,末日崩塌下载 等。






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