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北京望京 SOHO / 易兰规划设计院

2023-12-10 01:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

易兰规划设计院+Zaha Hadid Architects 扎哈哈迪德建筑师事务所:望京SOHO位于未来北京的第二个CBD望京核心区,东至阜通西大街、南至阜安东路、西至望京街、北至阜安西路。项目由三栋流线型塔楼组成,加上独一无二的都市园林式办公环境使其成为国内首个亚高效空气环境的办公和商业楼宇。望京SOHO景观项目建成后受到各界人士广泛关注,荣获2014年美居奖中国最美人居景观奖、在时代楼盘第九届金盘奖中荣获年度最佳写字楼奖、2014年北京园林优秀设计奖等众多奖项。并于2018年登上国际顶级景观建筑杂志TOPSCAPE PAYSAGE封面。

ECOLAND+Zaha Hadid Architects 扎哈哈迪德建筑师事务所:Wangjing SOHO is a mixed-use commercial complex that is one of the most recognized locations in the city of Beijing. The park structures include a fountain plaza, a curvilinear bridge, botanic pathways, an amphitheatre with both paved and green space, and large, multipurpose spaces. All of which are integrated organically, seamlessly flowing from element to another whilst staying consistent with the main buildings aesthetic. Not only has Wangjing SOHO become one of the most notable landmarks, it has become the pinnacle destination for local workers and residents in the booming Wangjing district.

望京SOHO从北京的高层建筑中脱颖而出,成为现代都市发展的一盏明灯。公园受到社区的热烈欢迎,并成为经济发展的催化剂。 The Wangjing SOHO park maintains a cohesive aesthetic with the world renowned architects iconic buildings. Emerging from the high-rise landscape of Beijing, Wangjing SOHO stands as a beacon of urban design progression within a dense and rigid city fabric.

平面图 Master Plan

望京SOHO是一片熙熙攘攘的城市绿洲,在城市中心地带为人们提供了接近自然和户外休闲的体验。 Wangjing SOHO, a green oasis in a bustling urban realm, offers the experience of nature and outdoor leisure in the heart of city. Features include forest walks, activity plaza, musical fountain, amphitheater garden and extensive plantings of native plants.

望京SOHO由易兰规划设计院与扎哈 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid) 建筑事务所倾力合作,从建筑设计到景观设计,双方设计风格和实力得到了完美的结合和充分展现。 整个项目围绕三座建筑分别划分为北侧、西侧、东侧和南侧四块绿地,不同区域表达不同的景观主题。为了体现四季更迭变化,易兰设计团队为望京SOHO打造了休闲剧场、场地运动、艺术雕塑、水景四大主题景观。5万平米超大景观园林,绿化率高达30%,形成了独树一帜的都市园林式办公环境。其独具匠心的音乐喷泉和园林景观设计,与楼群相辅相成。这一切使得整个项目在建筑、景观和施工组织等方面都达到美国绿色建筑LEED 认证标准,打造出一个节能、节水、舒适、智能的北京新绿色建筑。

Wangjing SOHO achieves the goal of excluding repeated patterns and straight lines in its physical features such as the paving, landscape, seating, and even lighting elements. This creates a sophisticated, modern, and innovative design that incorporates environmentally conscious aspects. The gardens and community spaces surround the buildings within the three distinct sectors (northern, eastern, and southern), and were created with the intent to contain subtle elements that guide people from one area to the next. To achieve this, flowing lines were implemented in the structures to give a seamless effect, while subtle details in the stone paving provided dynamic contrast. All this was achieved while ensuring a safe and pleasant environment for the public.

北广场的中央喷泉边界采用流线型缓坡设计,在需要的时候,喷泉系统可以用于举办活动,周边的空间也足以容纳人数较大的群体。 By day and night, the northern park serves as the central outdoor hub, where people enjoy gathering. The illuminated path, musically animated fountain, curved benchesand bridge are carefully integrated into the architectural aesthetic.

精心设计的喷泉形状与建筑物的线条相互呼应,广场与周边场地道路、地形植被交错掩映,冬天则成为是仅有的几个城市中的室外冰场之一。 The shapes produced by the choreographed fountain jets echo the line-work of the building, adding movement to the form. The zero-entry pool can also be drained to accommodate events that draw large crowds, and for easy winter maintenance.

烈日炎炎的夏天大型水景提供清凉的休息场所。 The tranquil central fountain in the northern plaza is a calming oasis and retreat. A curvilinear retaining wall beneath the trees acts as shady seating spot for people wishing to relax, socialize or enjoy the water scene.

钢结构支撑,突破结构难点;水平、竖直双向曲面,打造灵动轻盈景观桥体;排水口暗藏于绿地与道路转角交汇处,美观实用;设计统一铺装拼接方向,提升空间整体感。 A unique curvilinear bridge spans a portion of the fountain pool, its smooth dynamic line consistent with the architectures artfulness. The use of light-weight steel in itsconstruction precludes any structural difficulties.

曲线桥的设计作为一个独特的细节,经过整合SOHO建筑的总体设计概念,将其建筑语言延伸至人们的日常生活中。 Designed with childrens safe play in mind, the shallow pool merges seamlessly with the ground plane. The designers challenge, successfully met, was to exclude right angles from the curvature of the pools edge.


Within the Wangjing SOHO complex, one of the most important areas is the northern park, which has perhaps the most prominent effect on the community. It serves as a central gathering space, and is where the musical fountain- the Wangjing Eye, is located. The fountain has choreographed water jets, which provide a source of entertainment for the crowds. If more space is required for an event or larger crowds, the hidden fountain mechanisms allow the water to be drained, transforming the area into a grand plaza. Around the fountain are shaded areas, keeping the public cool during the hot summer months. The trees also dampen the noise of the urban streets. A bridge of a patented design traverses the eastern end of the fountains pool, and curves both horizontally and vertically. There is a birds-eye view from the office buildings of the northern park, and the custom lighting in the seats, floors, and fountains enhance the night time scene. This hidden lighting system aids in creating SOHOs unique identity that was desired.

地形设计和植物围合为场地隔绝了外部道路的交通噪音,创造了一个私密空间。同时采用了雨洪管理技术,软质景观减少了地面热辐射。 Native Poplar trees and Chinese Pennisetum grasses line the path to the central buildings. Besides providing shade, the trees form a visual buffer to the buildings, turn vibrant yellow in autumn, and offer excellent habitat for birds and wildlife.

夜晚水景的设计既呼应建筑,同时考虑建成后公众的参与使用。为城市居民提供了人与人、看与被看、交流互动的场所。 The illuminated water feature is a magnet for evening activity. The lighting gives a sense of safety, and the signage is a welcoming landmark where friends and colleagues can meet.

作为四大主题景观之一,提供最广泛的行人停留,各种大型的文化和商业活动都可以在这里举行。 The fountain has choreographed water jets, which provide a source of entertainment for the crowds.

南侧绿地主要以运动、休闲空间为主。其中设置了小型艺术馆和运动场地,一条蜿蜒的跑步道将四周的绿地空间串联起来,汇聚形成天衣无缝的连续统一体,为人们提供更多休息放松的场所。 西侧绿地距离市政道路较近,景观设计一方面利用密植的植物降低道路对此处绿地的影响,同时也将植物作为背景,在绿地内塑造地形,种植大面积地被以构筑幽静清新的休闲空间。绿地北侧水景景观桥由钢结构支撑,设计中突破了结构难点,利用水平竖直双向曲面,打造灵动轻盈景观桥体。排水口暗藏于绿地与道路转角交汇处,美观实用。水景边矮墙座椅采用双曲面设计,既烘托水景区动感氛围,又能满足游客多角度观景需求。林下矮墙座椅采用双曲面设计,与道路用砾石自然衔接,既起到柔滑作用又能很好的限定空间。座椅正立面设置沟槽,隐藏灯带,丰富矮墙立面的同时提升夜景效果。流线型挡土墙与地形及道路用钢板收边,砾石过渡,并有植被遮挡其顶部,弱化墙体给人带来的压迫感,打破横平竖直的铺装拼接方式,采用统一倾斜角度,配合内部流线收边,彰显动感与现代感。铺装采用流畅的抛物弧线设计,铺装之间留有10mm的渗水缝隙,边框出有机形态后,再用不同的颜色或大小来区分体块,这样更容易强调边界。场地内井盖用以石材镶嵌,既满足了功能需求又不切割铺装图案。

Various designs that improve the environmental quality were also implemented. For example, the walking pathways in the western park are lined with native species of vegetation that require fewer resources to manage, yet provide many ecosystem services such as filtering rainwater, absorbing air pollutants, and assisting in mitigating the urban heat island effect. The plants also add dynamic colours that change with the seasons- cherry blossoms in spring, and wildflowers in summer. This vibrant green space is not only a pleasant contrast to the heavily urbanized Wangjing district, but it also provides essential habitat to wildlife such as butterflies.

丰富的植物配置展现了多样的色彩,有助于强调地貌,同时软化城市硬质空间,为人们提供更具有安全感的空间体验。 The deliberate and extensive use of native plants offers visitors a sense of connection to nature,and a joie de vivre from the dynamic seasonal changes in flora throughout the year.

下沉剧场,运用与竖向统一的流线型元素使整个下沉广场完美的融入建筑环境。 In the amphitheater, landform modification, gradual elevation, and the incorporation of water and planting allow expression of the curvilinear style. This makes for a more naturalistic setting, whilst maintaining aesthetic integrity.

在下沉剧场的设计中,将青翠的草坪与花岗岩条凳穿插于倾斜的地形之中,自然阶梯式的地形处理将城市居民引入场地。 The amphitheater acts as a major focal point, attracting pedestrians into the park. From the retail stores at basement level, the smooth increase in elevation to street level is achieved through integration of complementary hard-landscaping materials, water and planting.

设计把建筑附属绿地与城市代征绿地进行统一设计,通过舒适宜人的绿地景观设计一体化设计,激活城市公共空间活力。 The waterscape and terraces are surrounded with a network of paths and planting, designed to encourage the public to trace their own pathways, among the patchwork of pools, lighting, paving and vegetation.

望京SOHO的景观设计中,采用充满艺术感的铺装与图案,整体打造优美、动人的城市空间。 Pervious pebble-filled swales, retaining walls and planting extend the hardscape lines of the seating platforms, making for seamless public wayfinding between the gardens and pedestrian pathways leading into the commercial core.

地形处理作为本案的一大特色,亮点在于平面流线与竖向高差的完美结合以及不同材质的自然过渡与融合。 Luminescent seating walls in the grass plane buttress the leveled landscape adjacent to the water feature in the eastern plaza. The sunken plaza is a popular shopping, eating and strolling destination for the local community.

开放绿地和广场的结合为人们提供了一处奔跑嬉戏的安全场所。座位下面的特殊照明设施能够保证夜晚的活动安全。 Landforms and trees buffer the green space from the surrounding urban streets. Children and adults alike are afforded a quiet and safe haven for playing and socialising,in the heart of the city.


Another ecosystem service is storm water management, as pervious areas filled with decorative pebbles and plants filter the sites run-off water and direct it towards catch basins, then to the municipal storm system. These features are part of the eastern park, where the amphitheatre with terraced seating is located. This amphitheatre enhances the sloping terrain that leads from the street level to the retail centre in the eastern park basement. The terraced space is multi-functional, used for socializing, and hosting yoga classes and performances. Since its completion, this project has set new standards in China, its design features responding to a densely populated urbanized areas need for a backyard oasis in which people can interact with each other and with nature.






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