电大人文英语4作文总结 您所在的位置:网站首页 有效交流英文作文 电大人文英语4作文总结


2024-07-16 16:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一、以“The Importance of Effective Communication”(有效交流的重要性)为题写一篇短文,字数不少于120词。

In our daily life,we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore,it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people.To get well along with others and win their friendships,we must observe strictly the following words.

To begin with,we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean.Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run.After all,honesty is the best policy.Second,we have to be humble enough.If we are proud in public,we can hardly win other's respect,not to mention "friendship"

Finally,we must not be selfish.We should learn how to show concern for others.

As long as we abide by what is mentioned above,we will find it easy to get along well with others.


Write a comment on the impact of television on family relationship(电视对家庭关系的影响). You may follow the cues given below.

(1) Do you think that the impact of television on family relationship is positive or negative? Or both?

(2) List two or three reasons to prove that the impact is positive or negative.

(3) What are your suggestions to make the family relationship healthier?

Many people think that TV can't teach you anything and most TV programs are just silly. True, there are a lot of shows that are anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powerful educational tool. With the emergence of the public TV in our country we now have more helpings of food for the mind. Take the travelogue "the world we live in" it provides us not only with vicarious travel experience but also with the histories and cultures of various nations. S pec live, what they wear and how they talk even though I can’t afford to travel to those countries. My family often sit together to watch a program and discuss it afterward. Sometimes my parents ask us what we would do in a similar situation and this gives us the opportunity to rethink.

We should not forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. In this era of mass media we believe that TV, if guided into the right channel, can really fire our imagination and contribute to family cohesion.


TV's bad effects on family and friendship

From my own experience I find this truth: TV is bad for family and friendship. There are three reasons.

Firstly, it's hard to take a good use of TV. Too many TV series, advertisements, and many other things on

TV could attract too much attention or time in real life. Thus, your valuable youth will surely loses many oppertunities and meaningful activities. It's true for your whole family.

Secondly, if you put too much time on wathcing TV, you won't take a good care of your relationship with friends. That means it'll do harm on your important friendship.

Lastly, waching TV is bad for your eye health. Think about what else would be better if your health were not good enough.


A Memo

The Human Resource Manager Bruce asks you to prepare a memo for him briefing all staff about the coming invited speech delivered by Dr. Jerry Anderson. You have been given the following information: The time and the date: 14:00-16:00, April 11

The venue: function room on level 3

The invited speaker: Dr. Jerry Anderson

The content: sorting trash scientifically

The participants: all staff


To: All Staff

From: Bruce, Human Resource Manager

Date: April 11, 2016

Subject: Invited Speech on Sorting Trash


To: All Staff

From: Bruce, Human Resources Manager

Date: April 11, 2016

Subject: Invited Speech on Sorting Trash

Dear Colleagues,

I cordially invite you to attend on hearing the speech event conducted by Dr. Jerry Anderson on the topic of Sorting Trash scientifically. The speech event will be held at the Function Room on Level 3 on April 11, 2016 at 14:00 to 16:00.

Your participation to the event is very much welcome.

Best regards,


Human Resources Manager













以“The Education We Need”为题,写一篇不少于120词的短文。

What kind of education we have before? That is easy to know, because almost all people have been to school when they were kids. I still remember when I was a kid, countless booklets waited for me on the table, but my teachers said school had already reduced lots of homework for us. If now young kids are still following this kind of educating rules, they will have no time to learn new things, which show up rapidly day by day. Current education system is welcomed to become the more humanized learning system, with sorting to several levels and several fields for different students who have different hobbies and talents. Our education should no longer focus on higher scores by spending all times on writing assignments and memorizing essays, but need to have all kinds of courses such as painting and dancing during normal school hours. This mode can have very good results that it can let kids know what things they truly love when they are only a couple years old.


Complete the cover letter with the expressions in the box(将求职信补充完整).

A. involves the successful management

B. would like to discuss my application further

C. can deal with

D. am a fully qualified social worker with 10 years of experience

E. ability to communicate and reach agreement

F. feel free to contact me

G. is first class

H. enclose my CV for your consideration

I. Yours Faithfully,

J. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dear Mark,

I am very keen to apply for the post of Social Worker that was recently advertised on your website and 回答H正确I 回答D正确in York City Council’s Social Work Department. My experience 回答A正确of a demanding caseload that has included elderly people and people who have learning disabilities and / or mental health issues. I 回答C正确what may be difficult and emotional issues in a calm and practical manner by finding out what is r eally important to the client’s needs.

My 回答E正确with other agencies, such as primary care practices and psychology services,回答G正

确and I have a team approach to establishing what is best of each individual. I am used to working unsocial hours, including evenings and weekends.

I 回答B正确with you and welcome the opportunity to attend for interview. Please 回答F正确on the details provided above in case you have any queries for me.



Hellen Chen

Hellen Chen

Encl. Résumé


2017年人文英语4作业1 一、交际用语 1-5 AABAC 二、选择填空 6-20 AABAC ABBCA CBABA 三、阅读理解 21-25 ECDBA 26-30 TFTFF 四、写作(略)基本就按照给出的information照抄就行 2017年人文英语4作业2 一、交际用语 1-5 BACAC 二、选择填空 6-20 BABBB CBACC ABAAB 三、阅读理解 21-25 FFTFT 26-30 AACBC 四、写作 31、THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Effective communication is essential for all organizations. It links the activities of the various parts of the organization and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Effective communication can eliminate misunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it. short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively. There are, of course, several ways of communication which include speaking to them directly, e- mailing, telephoning or sending a memo. The most appropriate method depends on what exactly it is you are communicating. For example, anything that is particularly sensitive or confidential, such as an employee’s appraisal, should be done face-to-face.. The use of technology, such as e-mail, mobile phones and network systems, is speeding up communication immensely. 2017年人文英语4作业3 一、交际用语 1-5 CBBCA 二、选择填空 6-20 CCBCA BBACB BACCB 三、阅读理解 21-25 FTFFF 26-30 ABBAC


安徽电大芜湖分校2013-2014学年度第二学期开放教育期中考试 英语开放英语4 试题 姓名学号得分 一、交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出正确选项。 1.–Oh, dear! I’ve just broken a window. --_______. It can’t be helped. A. Don’t worry B. All right C. That’s fine D. Not at all 2. –Would you like to see a film? --______________. A. Yes, I’d love to.. B. Do it, please. C. No, you like it ? D. How do you do? 3. —David injured his leg playing football yesterday. --Really? _________ A. Who did that? B. What’s wrong with him? C. How did that happen? D. Why was he so careless? 4.—I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? --_______I’m not using it right now. A. Sure, go ahead. B. I don’t know. C. It doesn’t matter D. Who cares? 5. –Madam, do all the buses go downtown? --__________. A. Wow, you got the idea. B. No, never mind. C. Pretty well, I uses. D. Sorry, I’m new here. 二、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30 分) 此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出正确选项。 Passage One: No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon(外科医生) and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn’t worry about feeling of pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have an operation felt all his pain.


第一部分交际用语33 The man at the concert told Mary’s parents that __A_ 1 Shall we see a movie tonight?34 Mary __B__when she was 16 See your later35 Eric Sound was the name of ___B__ A Right B wrong36-40阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断句子是否正确。 2 What would you like to drink, madam?Tim: Hello Where have you been? You look hot Can I have a glass of white wine?Xiaoyan: Yes, I am I’ve been to the tennis club I’ve had a tennis lesson A Right B wrong Tim: How did you manage? 3 When did you first come to China?Xiaoyan; Not too badly I’ve never played tennis before 10 years ago Tim; Don’t you play tennis in China? A right B wrong36 Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson 4 Do you like your job? A Right B Wrong I’m a nurse37 She has had a lesson at the public tennis courts A right B wrong A Rright B Wrong 5 What are you going to do this evening?38 She has played a lot of tennis in China I went there with some friends A Right B Wrong A right B wrong39 She has eaten a sandwich before she played 第二部分词汇与结构 A.Right B wrong 6.Today is busy Let’s discuss it ____C___ next week40 Mary and Tim haven’t eaten yet A sometimes B some times C some time A.Right B wrong 7 A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting第四部分翻译 B: Oh, not at all, I ____A____ here only a few minutes41 Although it is veryenjoyable, the film is too long A have been B was C will be尽管电影非常有趣,但是太长了。 8 His grandfather is very healthy He ___B __ drinks ______smokes42 Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress A both,and B neither, nor C neither, or桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。 9 As she ____B____ the newspaper, Granny ______asleep43 I need to be at the airport by 6 00 o’clock A read… was falling B was reading… fell C read… fell我得在六点前到达机场。 10 The book was rather expensive, but I bought it ___B___44 I must have left the camera in a shop A any way B anyway C even though我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了。 11 The buses, ____B___ were full of people, couldn’t go very fast45The accounts, which are in a A that B which C there bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month 12 I have no idea who stole his wallet It ___A___ anyone帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。 A could have been B should have been C must have been第一部分交际用语 13 Mary said she __ _A __ all over the world 1 Hello, Xiaoyan How was the party? A had been to B has gone to C went to Hi, Jack We had a great time 14 Mary’s father is very pleased ___A____ her A right B wrong A with B at C for 2 How are you feeling today? 15 You’d better have your hair___B___before going to your friend’s wedding---I’d rather stay at hom e A cutting B cut C to cut A right B wrong 16 He stopped ____A___TV when the dinner was ready 3 How old are you A watching B to watch C watch---Yes, I am 17 Nice weather,_____C_____? A right B wrong A doesn’t it B hasn’t it C isn’t it 4 Can I get you something to drink? 18 Mike offered to help and so ____C____John---Yes, please A coca-cola for me A does B is C did A right B wrong 19 Mary told Little Tom not____C____ all the money 5 How can I book a cheap hotel? A spend B spent Cto spent---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent 20 A: Have you finished your homework? A right B wrong B: _B_第二部分词汇与结构 A No, I didn’t B No, I haven’t finished C No, I haven’t 6 Sally is looking for a new job She has been bored ___C___ her job as a 21 He used to ___B___ very hard when he was young secretary A working B work C to work A by B from C with 22 He has ____A___ gone out7 A: ___C___ my glasses? A just B now C soon B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago 23 We enjoy ___C___ very much, because it is good to our health A Do you see B Would you see C Have you seen A swim B to swim C swimming8 An application form will be sent to you __ A___ th 24 March the 8 is ____B___ Day A on request B on a request C in equest A Woman’s B Women’s C Womens’9 I was watching TV ___B___ the telephone rang 25 A concert will be held in the school hall ___C___ 4 pm ______ Tuesday A while B when C since A on… at B in…in C at…on10 They named the island ____A___ its discoverer 第三部分句型转换 A after B in C to 26 Tim didn’t stay in the meeting He left the office (用instead of将11Could you please tell us what kind of work____A___you have got experience?两句练成一句) A at that B in which C which He left the office instead of staying in the meeting12 You can remember what you do if you ___B __ 27 Where is the restaurant? (用asked改写成间接疑问句) A take a diary B keep a diary C make a diary He asked where the restaurant was13 This morning I had my finger ___C___ when I was preparing breakfast 28 That cinema is very nice The tickets are quite expensive (用but连成一 A cutting B to cut C cut 句)14 A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive B: You’re welcome But could you ____A___ to me tomorrow? 29 He’s gone to Shanghai He’s negotiating a new contract (用动词不定式 A give it back B give back it C get back 连成一句)15 He is really good man, _B___? He’s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract A doesn’t he B isn’t he C won’t he 30 He didn’t run fast He didn’t catch the bus (用enough…to连成一句)16 I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift Do you have ____C____ in mind? He didn’t run fast enough A special something B special anything C anything 第四部分阅读理解special Mary began playing the violin when she was only six Her father came across a17 My father told me ___B___ his trip to Xin Jiang really old instrument at his aunt’s house, and he brought it back home with A of B about C with him Mary loved it and sssimmediately tried to play it After a few months she18 I’ve always enjoyed __A____ ’s father 31___C A swimming B to swim C swim began to have lessons She got on very well with the 31 Mary __19 We used to ___A___ bicycles to go to work 32 Mary began to need a better vio when she was a bout _B_ A ride B riding C to ride


1、日常活动/主要工作(职业活动)/社交生活 Dear bob, I’ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting. I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o’clock. I have lunch in the office . And I come back home at six. As a secretary , I deal with phone calls , emails and faxes during work hours . I also do the paper work for the manager . After work , I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home . sometimes I also like to chat on the internet. Best regards, Michelle 2、童年的梦想/目前的情况/对未来的希望 1st august 2005 Dear Jennifer, Thank you for telling me about yourself, I’d like to let you know more about me too. As a child , I wanted to be a detective , I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice . But my dream never came true. I’m mow a librarian dealing with books every day . The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it , Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e-library built soon . Looking forward to hearing from you again. Best regards, Ian 3、事件发生的时间和地点/人物/事件的经过 One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house, As soon as she was inside , two men opened the car door , started the engine and drove away in just one minute , When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110 . Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby . So the girl got in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped . Twenty minutes later , they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green . Needless to say , the car thieves were caught red-handed. 4、自主(autonomous)学习与过程教育/自主学习与合作 (collaborative)学习/你自己的学习情况 Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education . It is an essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time They do not meet their tutors or classmates very often . However ,distance learners can learn a lot from each other . So autonomous learning learner . I have to do most learning tasks by myself . Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences . I have found both forms of learning very helpful. 5、有一种观点认为:声调生活比乡村生活好/你对这种观点的看法 /你的结论 Some people believe that town life is better than country life . I don’t agree with this . Town life can be convenient to us in many spects . For example , you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife . But there are also many disadvantages , It is much nosier than in the country . Air pollution is more serious , It is not easy to park your car . It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough Therefore, I prefer country life. 6、保持身体健康的重要性/保持身体健康的方法/重申保持身体健 康的意义 Nowadays more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy, Without a healthy body, we can do nothing . For me there are three main ways to keep healthy . First , it is necessary ot keep a balanced diet , which is the basis of good health , It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables everyday , Secondly , it is important to take regular exercises , such as swimming , jogging and so on . Last but not least , it is euxenite to keep in a good mood . Relaxation and entertainment are ways go renew our spirits and release our stress . When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy. 7、哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式/阐述你的理由/做出结论 In a modern city , there are many means of transportation , such as subway , taxi , bus and so on .But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. First , riding a bike is good for keeping healthy . I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day , and I think it is a good form of physical exercise . Secondly , it is money-saving ,Recently , the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher but if you ride a bike , it will cost you nothing ,Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment , so it is a “green” form of transportation . Therefore , although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best . 8、描述你家的位置/各信房间的功能/表达你对家居条件的态度 My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city . We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom . The first room is the main room or living room . It is for having meals . relaxing , reading , watching television and so on . It is the busiest room in the house .The second room is my daughter’s bedroom . She sleeps and tresses there . The third room belongs to my wife and me . It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture . We sleep . prepare 精品文档


最新国家开放大学电大《人文英语4》网络核心课 作业及答案 单元自测1 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 –Thank you for your invitation. _______________ 选择一项: B. It's a pleasure. 题目2 –Good afternoon. Can I help you? ______________ 选择一项: B. I need to buy a birthday present for my son. 题目3 On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day. 选择一项: B. clients 题目4 题干 Both the kids and their parents __________English, I think. I know it from their accent. 选择一项:

题目5 John's father _________ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University. 选择一项: B. has taught 题目1 –Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?________ 选择一项: A. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon. 题目2 –Excuse me, could you tell the time? _________ 选择一项: C. It's three thirty by my watch. 题目3 Professor Smith promised to look ________ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence. 选择一项: A. over 题目4 Never before _________ see such a terrible car accident on the road! 选择一项:


《开放英语4》形考册第一次作业答案 第一部分:听力理解(20分) 一、理解对话(每题1分,共10分) 在本节中,你将听到10个对话,每个对话后有一个问题,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择答案,并标在答题纸的相应位置。每段对话后有10秒的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。 1. A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6. C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A 二、理解段落(每题2分,共10分) 在本节中,你将听到一段独白或对话,判断下列句子是否符合所听独白或对话的内容,符合的选择T,不符合的选择F,并标在答题纸的相应位置。独白或对话前后各有30秒钟的停顿,以便阅读问题并核对答案。独白或对话读两遍。 11. F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.T 第二部分:英语知识运用(35分) 三、选择填空(每题1分,共15分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题纸的相应位置。 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C 四、完型填空(每题2分,共20分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题纸的相应位置。 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. D 第三部分:阅读理解(共30分) 五、阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案,并 标在答题纸的相应位置。(每题2分,共20分) 短文理解1 41.B 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. D 短文理解2 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. B 50.D


电大开放英语(4)形成性考核册答案 学前记录卡 学习资源:(略) 回顾与终结 学习内容: 1, I often get up early.He went to the cinema last evening.They are waiting for a bus.The chil dren will have a race tomorrow. Will Chinese become the predominant Internet language by 2025 The government has been suffering from problems caused by the envirnment. 2,1500词 3,单词、短语的记忆和理解;句型结构和时态变化。 4,部分介词的用法;部分句子的理解。 5,在阅读理解和写作方面有一定的优势,但听说方面还待改进。 学习方法:(其他略)4,教材磁带上网教材 本学期学习目标和计划 学习目标:1,听完教材和练习磁带,争取更上一个台阶。 2,在小组讨论是尽量说,抓住主题。 3,阅读教材及辅导资料,做完练习。 4,按单元要求写作,用英语写日记。 学习计划:(略) 学习记录卡1(Units 1—6) 学习过程:(略) 学习内容: 1,被动句;真实条件句;现在完成时和现在完成进行时;结果状语;将来进行时;将来完成时;直接引语和间接引语;现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词:不定式; 2,部分语动词的用法;现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词;不定式; 3,The problem of waste and solutions for dealing with it. 现代社会的消费观及废物利用问题。 4Transformations taking place throughtout the world in urban and rural envirnments.城乡发展与变化。 阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)


2017 年人文英语 4 作业 1 一、交际用语 1-5 AABAC 二、选择填空 6-20 AABAC ABBCA CBABA 三、阅读理解 21-25 ECDBA 26-30 TFTFF 四、写作(略)基本就按照给出的information 照抄就行 2017 年人文英语 4 作业 2 一、交际用语 1-5 BACAC 二、选择填空 6-20 BABBB CBACC ABAAB 三、阅读理解 21-25 FFTFT 26-30 AACBC 四、写作 31、 THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Effective communication is essential for all organizations.

It links the activities of the various parts of the organization and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. Effective communication can eliminate misunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it. short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively. There are, of course, several ways of communication which include speaking to them directly, e- mailing, telephoning or sending a memo. The most appropriate method depends on what exactly it is you are communicating. For example, anything that is particularly sensitive or confidential, such as an employee ’ s appraisal, should be done face-to-face.. The use of technology, such as e-mail, mobile phones and network systems, is speeding up communication immensely. 2017 年人文英语 4 作业 3 一、交际用语 1-5 CBBCA 二、选择填空 6-20 CCBCA BBACB BACCB


电大开放英语(4)形成性考核册作业参考答案 学前记录卡 学习资源:(略) 回顾与终结 学习内容: 1, I often get up early.He went to the cinema last evening.They are waiting for a bus.The children will have a race tomorrow.Will Chinese become the predominant Internet language by 2025?The government has been suffering from problems caused by the envirnment. 2,1500词3,单词、短语的记忆和理解;句型结构和时态变化。 4,部分介词的用法;部分句子的理解。

5,在阅读理解和写作方面有一定的优势,但听说方面还待改进。学习方法:(其他略)4,教材磁带上网教材 本学期学习目标和计划 学习目标:1,听完教材和练习磁带,争取更上一个台阶。 2,在小组讨论是尽量说,抓住主题。 3,阅读教材及辅导资料,做完练习。

4,按单元要求写作,用英语写日记。学习计划:(略) 学习记录卡1(Units 1—6) 学习过程:(略) 学习内容:

1,被动句;真实条件句;现在完成时和现在完成进行时;结果状语;将来进行时;将来完成时;直接引语和间接引语;现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词:不定式; 2,部分语动词的用法;现在分词和过去分词的用法;情态动词;不定式; 3,The problem of waste and solutions for dealing with it. 现代社会的消费观及废物利用问题。 4Transformations taking place throughtout the world in urban and rural envirnments.城乡发展与变化。


在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页) 学前记录卡(第3页) 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是\否处画“√” 回顾与终结 学习内容: 1. 学习过多少时态? ①一般现在时②一般过去时③现在完成时④过去完成时⑤现在进行时⑥过去进行时⑦一般将来时 I often get up early. He went to the cinema last evening. They are waiting for a bus. The children will have a race tomorrow. The Arctic Subrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thailand . Will Chinese become the predominant Internet language by 2025? The government has been suffering from problems caused by the envirnment. 2. 你现在的词汇量: 1800 3. 英语I中最难学习的: 新的词汇太多记单词最困难 4. 还有那些没有掌握: 虚拟条件句, 进行时的被动语态 5. 你认为…哪些是优势\哪些有待改进 自己在阅读方面还可以,但是挺立和口语需要提高 学习方法: 1. 每周5~7小时不足 2. 有计划不能坚持工作原因 3. 一部分 4. 网上学习资源(教材磁带上网教材) 5. 问老师,自己查资料 本学期学习目标和计划 学习目标: 1. 听力方面: 听懂日常会话 2. 口语方面: 用简单的词汇表达 3. 阅读方面: 读懂课文 4. 写作方面:按照老师的要求写短文 学习计划:(略) 学习记录卡1(Units 19—24) 学习过程: 1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√






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