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My Birthday Party英语作文

2023-07-18 03:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

My Birthday Party英语作文 字典 |

2017-08-05 09:27




【 - 英语作文 】

  It’s July23. Today I am16 years old. 下面是出国留学网作文栏目小编为您精心编辑的《》作文,希望对你的写作有所启示,写出好的作文。

  1,The New Term's Plan

  The new term is coming.I am excited..I will be in eight grade next term.

  I will be more hard-studying in next term.And I will pay more attention to study math and physics.In order to be more and more healthy and strong.I will do more exercise next term.In the new term,I will know more focus of the world because I will read more newspaper.

  I hope the new term will come sooner.

  2,How i have changed!

  My life at weekends has changed a l ot since last year. In the past i had to get up at six at weekends. After breakfast i hurried to school. it was always busy my lessons——four lessons inthe morning and four in tne afternoon. But now i don't have to go to school, of cuorse i neen'd get up so early. I can do what i like. For example, i can go out for a picnic with my friends, or play baketball. In the evening, i used to do my homework or go over my lessons, but now i can watch TV, surf the internet or do some reading, and so on. In the past, i didn't go to bed until half past ten, but now at half past nine. I have more free time than before!

  3,I like movies very much. 

    My favorite movie is “Love Me Once More, Mom”.This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son?was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn’t find him She was very sad and almost went mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again。

  4,My Birthday Party

  It’s July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.

  My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.


  English is the most popular language in the world, and it is also most widely spoken of all the language. It is mother tongue in many important countries, such as the USA,England, Australia and so on. In India, Though it is not the mother tongue, it ‘sthe important offical language.

  In China, English is spoken as an important and useful foreign language. The 2008 Olympics will be hosted in Beijing. Many foreigners will come to China. We should try our best to serve the Olympics. For example, we can help the foreign visitors if we learn English well.

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