大学遇到的挑战英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 有关freshman的英语作文 大学遇到的挑战英语作文


2023-06-26 23:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”遇到的挑战“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Challenges encountered。以下是关于遇到的挑战的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Challenges encountered

Opportunities and challenges for college students if you are a college student, I think you have more opportunities to find a better job, but the premise is that you should study hard when you are in college. If you are an excellent student, you will have more opportunities to find a better job. When you stay in college, you can make more friends who will help you do anything in the future.

You can join the speech group to practice your spoken English. You should also go to the cooking group to learn how to be independent. I think you can do anything.

I think college students will have more opportunities and opportunities, and there will be no more challenges in their future. If they are hard-working students and join a more advantageous personal development group, their future will be better and their life will be more brilliant.




Studying abroad is a challenge, because students living alone will feel lonely, and it may be difficult for them to learn and make a living because of people from different worlds and languages. A very serious problem is that students may face cultural diversity. Communication with foreigners is the biggest challenge.

Learning other languages will make you the core competitiveness of the job market. This is a more complicated reason. Learning different languages can improve your personal value and find a more comfortable job you dream of.

Chinese culture is becoming more and more diversified And complex, you should learn more languages to adapt to the pace of cultural development. When we go back to history, the Olympic Games are the symbol of a higher, faster and stronger spirit. The Olympic Games used to be a peaceful environment to stop World War.

It is also an attractive arena because it can gather different people from all over the world to compete with each other in sports technology, which can prove that a country has no credit The level of development of the card, for those who do not want to use cash shopping, this will be quite difficult, perhaps because they feel that they can spend money more easily without a bag of cash. It is becoming more and more common for people all over the world to buy goods and do business with credit cards. Credit cards can push the economy to a higher level and bring us a better world than ever before.





When your life is blocked, it's like you have encountered a great opportunity and unexpected difficulties and challenges. When there is a sudden change, yoeally have a chance to shine on the stage. You will find yourself Summoning Skills and abilities that you have never used before.

Once you use these new skills, they will not disappear, but in fact, they will become stronger and more tolerant Accessibility challenges are ways in which life shows you that you can be stronger, more capable, more creative, more focused than you think. When life doesn't go as you want it to be, it's a golden opportunity for you to make your life better.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/oay75n2o.html







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