LoRa笔记02 LoRa sx1276 sx1278的发射功率研究 您所在的位置:网站首页 最小输出功率 LoRa笔记02 LoRa sx1276 sx1278的发射功率研究

LoRa笔记02 LoRa sx1276 sx1278的发射功率研究

#LoRa笔记02 LoRa sx1276 sx1278的发射功率研究| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 前言


我正在学习LoRa和LoRaWAN,基本按照 官方资料+梳理解析+相关源码 的方式来记录笔记,相信对不少同行者有所帮助,可点此查看帖子LoRa学习笔记_汇总。


2 官方datasheet资料 5.4.2. RF Power Amplifiers PA_HF and PA_LF are high efficiency amplifiers capable of yielding RF power programmable in 1 dB steps from -4 to +14dBm directly into a 50 ohm load with low current consumption. PA_LF covers the lower bands (up to 525 MHz), whilst PA_HF will cover the upper bands (from 779 MHz). The output power is sensitive to the power supply voltage, and typically their performance is expressed at 3.3V. PA_HP (High Power), connected to the PA_BOOST pin, covers all frequency bands that the chip addresses. It permits continuous operation at up to +17 dBm and duty cycled operation at up to +20dBm. For full details of operation at +20dBm please consult section 5.4.3

Table 33 Power Amplifier Mode Selection Truth Table

PaSelectModePower RangePout Formula0PA_HF or PA_LF on RFO_HF or RFO_LF-4 to +15dBmPout=Pmax-(15-OutputPower) Pmax=10.8+0.6*MaxPower [dBm]1PA_HP on PA_BOOST, any frequency+2 to +17dBmPout=17-(15-OutputPower) [dBm] Notes - For +20 dBm restrictions on operation please consult the following . - To ensure correct operation at the highest power levels ensure that the current limiter OcpTrim is adjusted to permit delivery of the requisite supply current. - If the PA_BOOST pin is not used it may be left floating 5.4.2 中文解读

芯片有几个不同的射频管脚,PA_HF(大于779 MHz) and PA_LF(小于525 MHz)都最多输出14dBm。PA_BOOST则比较厉害点,可持续输出17dBm,duty cycled operation周期性工作可飙到20dBm。



5.4.3. High Power +20 dBm Operation

The SX1276/77/78/79 have a high power +20 dBm capability on PA_BOOST pin, with the following settings:

Table 34 High Power Settings

RegisterAddressValue for High PowerDefault value PA_HF/LF or +17dBmDescriptionRegPaDac0x4d0x87 0x84Set Pmax to +20dBm for PA_HP


High Power settings must be turned off when using PA_LF or PA_HFThe Over Current Protection limit should be adapted to the actual power level, in RegOcp

Specific Absolute Maximum Ratings and Operating Range restrictions apply to the +20 dBm operation. They are listed in Table 35 and Table 36.

The duty cycle of transmission at +20 dBm is limited to 1%, with a maximum VSWR of 3:1 at antenna port, over the standard operating range [-40;+85°C]. For any other operating condition, contact your Semtech representative.

5.4.3 中文解读

如果要设置20dBm,则必须对高功率寄存器(RegPaDac)进行配置。如果用 PA_LF 和 PA_HF 那就不需要设置高功率寄存器(RegPaDac)。20dBm发送时占空比最大只能为1%。天线驻波比不能超过3:1。供电电压为2.4~3.7V。

IoT小能手twowinter注:此种情况下输出功率为 20 - (15 - OutputPower),也就是5~20dBm。这就目前绝大多数厂家对外宣称的功率参数。

5.4.4. Over Current Protection

The power amplifiers of SX1276/77/78/79 are protected against current over supply in adverse RF load conditions by the over current protection block. This has the added benefit of protecting battery chemistries with limited peak current capability and minimising worst case PA consumption in battery life calculation. The current limiter value is controlled by the OcpTrim bits in RegOcp, and is calculated according to the following formulae:

5.4.4 中文解读


3 不同发射功率下的耗电

4 代码分析

LoRa这部分的代码是使用LORAMAC_DEFAULT_TX_POWER这个宏来定义,这个宏的值是根据各地区的数值来的,有的地区默认是14dBm,有的地区默认是20dBm。 具体可以查看LoRaWAN协议V1.0.2中文版_配套文件 地区参数(物理层)。


void SX1276SetTxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preambleLen, bool fixLen, bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod, bool iqInverted, uint32_t timeout ) { uint8_t paConfig = 0; uint8_t paDac = 0; SX1276SetModem( modem ); paConfig = SX1276Read( REG_PACONFIG ); paDac = SX1276Read( REG_PADAC ); paConfig = ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_MASK ) | SX1276GetPaSelect( SX1276.Settings.Channel ); paConfig = ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_MAX_POWER_MASK ) | 0x70; if( ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) == RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) { if( power > 17 ) { paDac = ( paDac & RF_PADAC_20DBM_MASK ) | RF_PADAC_20DBM_ON; } else { paDac = ( paDac & RF_PADAC_20DBM_MASK ) | RF_PADAC_20DBM_OFF; } if( ( paDac & RF_PADAC_20DBM_ON ) == RF_PADAC_20DBM_ON ) { if( power < 5 ) { power = 5; } if( power > 20 ) { power = 20; } paConfig = ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power - 5 ) & 0x0F ); } else { if( power < 2 ) { power = 2; } if( power > 17 ) { power = 17; } paConfig = ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power - 2 ) & 0x0F ); } } else { if( power < -1 ) { power = -1; } if( power > 14 ) { power = 14; } paConfig = ( paConfig & RF_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power + 1 ) & 0x0F ); } SX1276Write( REG_PACONFIG, paConfig ); SX1276Write( REG_PADAC, paDac ); ...... }


1.设置频点时,顺便把是否PA Select给配置了。

void SX1276LoRaSetRFFrequency( uint32_t freq ) { LoRaSettings.RFFrequency = freq; freq = ( uint32_t )( ( double )freq / ( double )FREQ_STEP ); SX1276LR->RegFrfMsb = ( uint8_t )( ( freq >> 16 ) & 0xFF ); SX1276LR->RegFrfMid = ( uint8_t )( ( freq >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); SX1276LR->RegFrfLsb = ( uint8_t )( freq & 0xFF ); SX1276WriteBuffer( REG_LR_FRFMSB, &SX1276LR->RegFrfMsb, 3 ); SX1276Read( REG_LR_PACONFIG, &SX1276LR->RegPaConfig ); if( LoRaSettings.RFFrequency > 860000000 ) { SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_MASK ) | RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_RFO; } else { SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_MASK ) | RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST; } SX1276Write( REG_LR_PACONFIG, SX1276LR->RegPaConfig ); }


void SX1276LoRaSetPa20dBm( bool enale ) { SX1276Read( REG_LR_PADAC, &SX1276LR->RegPaDac ); SX1276Read( REG_LR_PACONFIG, &SX1276LR->RegPaConfig ); if( ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) == RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) { if( enale == true ) { SX1276LR->RegPaDac = 0x87; } } else { SX1276LR->RegPaDac = 0x84; } SX1276Write( REG_LR_PADAC, SX1276LR->RegPaDac ); }


void SX1276LoRaSetRFPower( int8_t power ) { SX1276Read( REG_LR_PACONFIG, &SX1276LR->RegPaConfig ); SX1276Read( REG_LR_PADAC, &SX1276LR->RegPaDac ); if( ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) == RFLR_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST ) { if( ( SX1276LR->RegPaDac & 0x87 ) == 0x87 ) { if( power < 5 ) { power = 5; } if( power > 20 ) { power = 20; } SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_MAX_POWER_MASK ) | 0x70; SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power - 5 ) & 0x0F ); } else { if( power < 2 ) { power = 2; } if( power > 17 ) { power = 17; } SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_MAX_POWER_MASK ) | 0x70; SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power - 2 ) & 0x0F ); } } else { if( power < -1 ) { power = -1; } if( power > 14 ) { power = 14; } SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_MAX_POWER_MASK ) | 0x70; SX1276LR->RegPaConfig = ( SX1276LR->RegPaConfig & RFLR_PACONFIG_OUTPUTPOWER_MASK ) | ( uint8_t )( ( uint16_t )( power + 1 ) & 0x0F ); } SX1276Write( REG_LR_PACONFIG, SX1276LR->RegPaConfig ); LoRaSettings.Power = power; }


void SX1276LoRaInit( void ) { ...... SX1276LoRaSetRFFrequency( LoRaSettings.RFFrequency ); SX1276LoRaSetPa20dBm( true ); SX1276LoRaSetRFPower( LoRaSettings.Power ); ...... } End







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