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2024-07-13 05:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


high-fat food 高脂肪的食物 contain too much fat 含脂肪量过多 high-sugar food 含糖量高的食品 contain too much sugar 含糖量过多 lead a fast-paced lifestyle (城市里的人们)过着快节奏的生活 frozen food 冷冻食品 sugary drinks 含糖量很高的饮料 pose health risks 构成健康方面的风险

注意:在 pose health risks 的后面还可以写明对哪类人构成健康风险,例如:

pose health risks to consumers; pose health risks to children等。

实用表达 5:

outdoor sports 户外运动

大家注意有一条规律,表示 “从事” 户外运动,动词用 do或者 play,表示 “参加” 户外运动,动词用 take part in 或者 participate in。


increase strength, speed and balance 提高力量、速度和平衡能力 improve memory and concentration 提高记忆力和注意力 feel energetic 感到精力充沛的 develop strong willpower 形成顽强的意志力 build self-confidence 树立自信 reduce stress and anxiety 减轻压力和焦虑 improve their health and well-being 增进健康和幸福感 improve hand-eye coordination 增强手眼协调能力 take part in team sports 参加团队运动 participate in team sports 参加团队运动 develop their teamwork skills 发展他们的团队合作能力 give them a sense of achievement 带给他们一种成就感

【外刊例句】Sport provides fun and a sense of achievement.


实用表达 6:

promote healthy lifestyles (政府、媒体等)推广健康的生活方式


encourage people to exercise regularly 鼓励人们去经常锻炼身体 improve public health 增进公众的健康 regulate fast food advertising 对快餐广告进行严格的监管 encourage people to make healthy food choices 鼓励人们去选择健康的食品 raise people’s health awareness 提高人们的健康意识(注意:这个短语里不能用 healthy)

实用表达 7:

improve healthcare services 改善医疗服务


healthcare workers 医疗工作者,例如 doctors and nurses medical technology 医疗科技 improve the healthcare system 改善医疗体系 medical treatment 医学治疗

实用表达 8:

population ageing / aging 人口老龄化


retired people 退休的老人 rising life expectancy 上升的人口预期寿命

注意:retired people(退休的老人) 的反义短语是 working adults (还在工作的成年人)。大家注意:retire 是动词,retirement 是名词,retired 是形容词。

【外刊例句】These measures are not unreasonable because of Australia’s rising life expectancy.


cause labor shortages (人口老龄化、低出生率)导致劳动力的短缺 put pressure on the healthcare system 对医疗体系构成压力 increase the burden on taxpayers 加重纳税人的负担


save money for retirement 为退休养老存钱 retire later 更晚退休 raise the retirement age (政府)提高法定退休年龄 encourage immigration (政府)鼓励其他国家的人向本国移民

实用表达 9:

cause stress and anxiety 导致压力和焦虑


damage their emotion health 对他们的心理健康有害 improve their emotional health 增加他们的心理健康 … is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety …… 是一种减轻压力和焦虑的好方法 cause frustration 导致挫败感 … is a good way to relieve stress and anxiety …… 是一种减轻压力和焦虑的好方法

注意:很多考生但凡写到 “心理的” 必用 psychological 那个大词,而且很多人经常会拼错。其实,在真实的英美生活里,更简洁的 emotional 更常用。

【外刊例句】The report measures happiness in everything from family life to physical(身体的)and emotional health.

实用表达 10:

lead a stressful lifestyle 在生活中压力很大


… are under great pressure with their studies 在学业中承受着很大的压力 work long hours 长时间地工作 often work overtime 经常加班 cannot achieve a work-life balance 不能在工作与生活之间获得平衡 academic stress 学业上的压力 work-related stress 和工作有关的压力 have little time for leisure 很少有时间从事休闲活动

注意:有个细节请大家注意,pressure 这个单词里面没有字母 a,经常发现有同学拼错。另外,按照英美习惯,动词短语 work long hours 里面可以不用介词 for。

face tough competition for jobs (求职者)面对激烈的就业竞争 face tough competition for promotion (员工)面对激烈的升职竞争 face tough competition for business (企业)面对激烈的商业竞争

注意:以上三个短语里的 tough 也可以换成 keen,也是非常地道的英文。

实用表达 11:

have a strong sense of belonging 有一种很强的归属感


develop good relationships with their neighbors 搞好邻里关系 lack a sense of belonging 缺乏归属感 do not even know their neighbors 甚至不认识他们的邻居 feel lonely and unhappy 感到孤独而且很不开心 develop a strong sense of belonging 形成一种很强的归属感 build a strong sense of community 建设很强的社区感 lack a sense of community (生活在城市里的人们)缺乏社区感 feel homesick 思乡的;思念亲人的 feel lonely and isolated 感到孤独而且被孤立

注意:在地道英文里,a sense of pride 并不是骄傲的意思,而是 “荣誉感”。“develop a sense of pride in … ” 的意思就是 “形成对……的荣誉感”

develop a sense of pride in their school 形成对学校的荣誉感 develop a sense of pride in their hospital 形成对医院的荣誉感 develop a sense of pride in their country 形成对祖国的荣誉感 boost national pride 提升公众的民族自豪感 inspire people (名人的成功经历、太空探索、新的科学发现等)鼓舞人们,激励人们

实用表达 12:

spend too much time online 花太多时间上网


cause health problems 导致健康问题 damage their health 破坏健康 harm their eyesight 损害他们的视力 spend too much time in front of a computer screen 用电脑时间过长 spend too much time in front of a television screen 看电视时间过长

注意:在英美还专门有一个名词短语 screen time(盯着电子屏幕的时间),人们用来看电视、使用电脑或者打电子游戏的时间都可以称为 screen time,而 limit their children’s screen time 也成了很多家长的重要责任。

【外刊例句】David Cameron(卡梅伦,前英国首相) encouraged parents to limit their children’s screen time.



rely too much on fast food 过度依赖快餐 rely too much on the internet 过度依赖网络 rely too much on cars 过度依赖汽车

注意:如果大家要写 “严重地依赖于……”,则可以写成 rely heavily on。


are addicted to junk food 对垃圾食品上瘾 are addicted to media violence 对媒体里面的暴力内容上瘾 are addicted to social networking websites 对社交网站上瘾


编辑| Bella




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