英语作文关于机器人 您所在的位置:网站首页 智能机器人英语怎么写 英语作文关于机器人


2022-03-23 15:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语作文关于机器人 字典 |

2017-11-14 15:45




【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】






  Hi! Hi, I'm a multi-functional robot. Look! I have a pair of glasses. That's a mirror! I am wearing a scarf can be spilled flash powder, so that I can work in the night, my arm can be turned into a broom sweeping the floor, can also become a long iron claw the naughty children in the home.

  I guess you'll be wondering if we'll have a power outage! In fact not, as the host to our belly with a special kind of batteries, and it can be put into my belly dust suction to the battery, the battery again put the dust into electricity, so that we can keep working.

  I took my lens can penetrate infrared, go out and find master's son, I would if master's son is a student once and again, repeatedly urged him to write my homework, if he refused to force, I wrote them out and iron claw his home work.







  The robot's eyes are the camera, and the beautiful place automatically takes it down, like tian 'anmen, Oriental pearl... The information is transmitted to the computer.

  The ear of the robot is in the wind, and the language of the animal can be heard, and some unsolved mysteries of the animal are solved.

  The robot's nose can smell anything and can bring convenience to the police.

  This kind of robot is convenient to travel, it is light, it can fold. Can become a car, if want to cross a river, still can become a boat. If you go to a forest, you can also turn into tents, which can prevent bad people and animals from invading.

  The robot of the future is like this, although we can't invent such a robot now, but I believe that in the near future, it will become a reality!




  I want to invent a kind of intelligent robot, the robot can help blind people to cross the road, can help children do not understand the question, can also help my mother cook, wash clothes, wash bowl, sweep the floor, tidy up the room -- -- -- -- -- -. The robot is a versatile robot, a smart robot capable of understanding the commands people send. The robot can tell which one is its own owner, and if a bad man breaks into the house, it will use a laser gun to bring down the bad guy.

  In the 22nd century it was possible that I wanted to invent this kind of robot, because our technology is becoming more and more developed, and no one can predict it in the future. The imagination of our 21st century is likely to come true at that time. Robots will help people.

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