星期三的英文怎么读 您所在的位置:网站首页 星期三的英语怎么读 星期三的英文怎么读


2024-06-16 11:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、星期三的英文怎么读星期三,又称礼拜三或周三。是指一周中星期二之后、星期四之 前的那一天。星期三是一周的第三天,星期三的拉丁语名字是diesMercurii,即水星日或墨邱利日。那么,你知道星期三的英文怎么读 吗?星期三星期三的英文释义:Wedn esdaymidweekWed.Weds星期三的英文例句:他写信告诉我说他星期三到。He wrote me that he would be arrivi ng on Wed nesday.今天是星期二,那麽明天就是星期三。Today is Tuesday so tomorrow is Wedn esday.今天要是星期三,後天就是星期五。If tod

2、ay is Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will beFriday.今天要是星期三,前天就是星期一。If today is Wednesday, the day before yesterday wasMon day.我看星期三吧。On Wedn esday I expect.我星期三有个约会。I have an appo in tme nt on Wedn esday.星期三用于冷却系统的一个水泵现在修理好了。Wednesday a pump that chills the system was fun cti oning.星期三是避开忍群去旅行的最佳

3、时间。Midweek is a time to travel to avoid the crowds.美国联邦政府星期三公布的两个报告显示了经济正在减缓的进 一步证据。Two governmentreports show further evideneeslow ing economy.Our big task for tomorrow Wed is to get them exit visas天(星期三)我们最重要的任务就是拿到他们的出境签证。The immediate flashpo int was Wed nesda y& #39;s big rallyin the city c

4、e ntre星期三市中心的大集会成了直接的导火索。nowof a明On Wedn esday we cleared a beach and woodla nd of litter 星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。A photographic exhibiti on ope ns at the Royal College ofArt on Wed nesday星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。Austria beat Hun gary 3-nil in a frien dly match at Salzburgon Wednesday 在星期三萨尔茨堡的一场友谊赛中奥地利以3比0击败了匈牙

5、利。A Federal Court case had bee n fast tracked to Wedn esday联邦法庭的一桩案件提前到星期三审理。David always collects Alistair from school on Wed nesdays戴维总是星期三去学校接阿利斯泰尔。The findings of the court will be published on Wedn esday法院的判决将于星期三公布The lady returned from Bost on Wedn esday week这位女士是上上个星期三从波士顿回来的On the Wednesday

6、 she got worse 这个星期三,她病得更严重了Well, the Wedn esday of their wedd ing turned out to be an' autum n& #39;tiger,& #39;areal scorcher 偏偏结婚的那个星期三,天气是秋老虎,热得利害We are going to give a small party at our house nextWednesday evening“下星期三晚上,我们准备在家里举行一个小型的宴会We moved out on Wednesday and the new tenants

7、 moved in on Thursday我们是星期三迁出去的,新房客星期四就搬了进去Therefore, much of Wedn esday was spe nt on sett ing the stage for postwardiplomacy 因此,星期三大部分时间都用在为战 后的外交舞台做准备Wedn esday , October 17, was once aga in a day of wait ingfor the unfoldingofevents 十月十七日 星期三又是 一个等待事态发展的日子The Soviet jumped in on Wedn esday, much more massively than we, withairlift 苏联在星期三投入雪运活动,规模 比我们大得多On Wednesday night after the election he relaxed at dinner with severalfriends 在大选后的星期三晚上,他轻松地和几 个朋友共进晚餐Mr Lu, everything is OK Your booking is from today through WendnsdaySingle room 陆先生,没问题的您从今天订 到星期三,单人房She wants to change her appoint






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