易烊千玺真正的魅力是什么? 您所在的位置:网站首页 易烊千玺手写体转换 易烊千玺真正的魅力是什么?


2023-11-29 01:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Such international critical success marks a historic moment: this is the first time a Hong Kong-born director has received such an honour.

Better Days sees Chinese star Zhou Dongyu portraying the fragile yet hardworking student Chen Nian, while Jackson Yee, of Chinese pop group TFBoys, brings gangster Xiao Bei to life.

Both turned heads, but it was 20-year-old Yee’s charisma and gritty character portrayal that seemed to impress audiences most. According to Jing Daily, critics on review site Douban commented on how the movie had transformed him from a pop idol to a mature actor.

As we wait for the winning film to be crowned at the official Oscars awards ceremony, on April 25 in US time, we take a look back at Yee’s upwards trajectory and ask: if the film nabs the Academy Award, could it be his stepping stone to Hollywood?

Yee debuted as a child actor and began by appearing in variety programmes. In 2012, he took part in the Hunan television show, Up Young. He was soon eliminated, but this was a blessing in disguise: he caught the attention of TF Entertainment, which would soon propel him to fame with a new boy band the star agency was working on.

When Yee debuted with TFBoys in 2013, he was barely a teenager. According to China’s Global Times, it only took TFBoys two years to become mainstream A-list pop stars.

TFBoys went on to release five albums and are now worth some US$4 billion, but Yee is the undisputed star. He’s described as China’s most valuable pop idol with more than 86 million followers on social media site Weibo.

In 2019, Yee ranked No 8 on the “Forbes China Celebrity 100”. A year later he secured the top spot – and was the youngest celebrity to do so. His inclusion would translate to luxury endorsements: Bottega Veneta named him as spokesperson for Asia-Pacific, and he became brand ambassador for Rimowa in China. Recently, Armani Beauty appointed him as global ambassador for make-up and skincare.

Before landing the lead role in Better Days, Yee had already clocked credible acting credits, starring in a number of Chinese TV series. According to media reports, he did not initially pass the audition for Better Days; however, he pushed for a second audition to secure the part he knew he deserved to play.

Yee knows the responsibility that comes with fame, and how to use his influence for good. In 2017, he was one of the four youth leaders from China who called out Aids discrimination. The same year, he was made tobacco control envoy for the World Health Organization, mobilised to influence young people on the harmful effects of smoking. He also took part in the United Nation’s annual ECOSOC Youth Forum in recognition of how youth can make a difference to the world today.

As we wait for the winning film to be crowned at the official Oscars awards ceremony, on April 25 in US time, we take a look back at Yee's upwards trajectory and ask: if the film nabsthe Academy Award, could it be his stepping stoneto Hollywood?



表示“抢先获得;获得;拿取”,英文解释为“to get something or someone quickly, especially before anyone else can get them”,举个🌰:

See if you can nab a seat.


stepping stone

表示“垫脚石;进身之阶;敲门砖”,英文解释为“You can describe a job or event as a stepping stone when it helps you to make progress, especially in your career.”

Yee debuted as a child actor and began by appearing in variety programmes. In 2012, he took part in the Hunan television show, Up Young. He was soon eliminated, but this was a blessing in disguise: he caught the attention of TF Entertainment, which would soon propelhim to fame with a new boy band the star agency was working on.

易烊千玺以儿童演员身份出道,一开始是在综艺节目中亮相。2012年,他参加了湖南卫视的节目《向上吧!少年》(Up Young)。他很快就被淘汰了,但这是不幸中的万幸:他引起了TF娱乐公司的注意,这将很快推动他与该明星机构正在筹备的新男团一起成名。

a blessing in disguise

表示“祸中之福,因祸得福”,英文解释为“something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later”举个🌰:

Losing that job was a blessing in disguisereally.



表示“推动;驱动;推进”,英文解释为“To propel something in a particular direction means to cause it to move in that direction.”举个🌰:

The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.


The film propelledhim to international stardom.


When Yee debutedwith TFBoys in 2013, he was barely a teenager. According to China's Global Times, it only took TFBoys two years to become mainstream A-listpop stars.

2013年,当易烊千玺加入TFBoys组合并出道时,他还不到十岁。据中国《环球时报》(Global Times)报道,TFBoys只用了两年时间就成为主流一线流行明星。


表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debutin a 1937 production of "Hamlet."



A-list表示“知名的,成功的”(used for describing people who are the most famous),如:A-list celebrities 一线明星。B-list就表示“二流的”(used for describing people who are quite famous but not as famous as the A-list people),如:B-list actors二流演员。

🎬电影《自由作家》(Freedom Writers)中的台词提到:This was an A-list school before they came here. 他们来这之前这是个顶级学校。

TFBoys went on to release five albums and are now worth some US$4 billion, but Yee is the undisputedstar. He's described as China's most valuable pop idol with more than 86 million followers on social media site Weibo.



表示“无可争辩的,毫无疑问的;公认的”,英文解释为“known to be definitely true;accepted by everyone”,如:an undisputed fact 无需正义的事实;the undisputed world heavyweight champion 公认的世界重量级拳击冠军。

In 2019, Yee ranked No 8 on the “Forbes China Celebrity 100”. A year later he securedthe top spot – and was the youngest celebrity to do so. His inclusion would translate to luxury endorsements: Bottega Venetanamed him as spokesperson for Asia-Pacific, and he became brand ambassador for Rimowain China. Recently, Armani Beauty appointed him as global ambassador for make-upand skincare.

2019年,易烊千玺在“福布斯中国名人榜”中排名第8。一年后,他稳居榜首--而且是最年轻的名人。他的入选转化为对奢侈品的代言。葆蝶家(Bottega Veneta)任命他为亚太区代言人,他还成为Rimowa在中国的品牌大使。最近,阿玛尼美妆任命他为化妆和护肤品的全球大使。


熟词僻义,作动词,表示“获得;设法得到;争取到”,英文解释为“to get something, sometimes with difficulty”举个🌰:

He was disappointed by his failure to securethe top job with the bank.



endorsement 名词,endorse 动词,1)表示“(公开)赞同,支持,认可”,英文解释为“to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action”举个🌰:

I wholeheartedly endorsehis remarks.


2)表示“(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品)”,英文解释为“to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it”;

3)表示“(在支票背面)签名,背书”,英文解释为“to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account”;

Before landingthe lead role in Better Days, Yee had already clocked credible acting credits, starring in a number of Chinese TV series. According to media reports, he did not initially pass the auditionfor Better Days; however, he pushed for a second audition to secure the part he knew he deserved to play.



熟词僻义,表示“成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)”,英文解释为“to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want”例如:

He's just landed a starring rolein the next movie.



可以作名词,也可以动词,表示“试演;试唱;试音”,英文解释为“to take part in an audition”举个🌰:

She was auditioningfor the role of Beth Ann.


We auditioned more than 100 dancers before deciding on Beth Ann.


Yee knows the responsibility that comes with fame, and how to use his influence for good. In 2017, he was one of the four youth leaders from China who called out Aids discrimination. The same year, he was made tobacco control envoyfor the World Health Organization, mobilised to influence young people on the harmful effects of smoking. He also took part in the United Nation's annual ECOSOC Youth Forum in recognition of how youth can make a difference to the world today.

易烊千玺知道成名后的责任,以及如何利用他的影响力做好事。2017年,他成为来自中国的四名青年领袖之一,谴责对艾滋病的歧视。同年,他被任命为世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的控烟大使,被动员去影响年轻人了解吸烟的害处。他还参加了联合国(United Nation)经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)的年度青年论坛,以表彰青年如何能够为当今世界带来改变。

envoy /ˈenvɔɪ/

表示“使者;代表”,英文解释为“An envoy is someone who is sent as a representative from one government or political group to another.”

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19岁的易烊千玺凭借《少年的你》提名了最佳男演员奖Best Actor Award并夺下金像奖最佳新人奖Best New Performer Award他成为了历史上第一个拿下这个奖的内地男演员

这个粉丝8000万的男孩一条微博转发数量均100万粉丝力量庞大tremendous fan base


千玺却仍是人群中静默的主角quiet star among people回观他最常对自己说的话是“我想留下好作品I just wanna leave some good work

谁都没有想到成年的第一年first year after his coming of age他已交出一份闪闪发光的答卷

那清冷皮相之下under his standoffish surface藏着一个过早接触成人世界的虚与利却勇于主动防噪prone to isolate himself from worldly noise

并逼近自己内心的魂灵so he could be closer to his soul

Tony从不追星starstruck但还是惊叹于这少年的天资与成长着实爱他超出年龄的沉稳really amazed at his maturity

但千玺知道是谁牵着自己的手who was leading him by the hand迈过这十九年的路是谁愿意让他褪下沉稳又变回那个稚气的小男孩become a childish boy again by shedding everything

每一次成就加身的时刻every time in the moment of glory千玺都忍不住想念妈妈——妈妈,我爱你

我要成为一个与众不同的人I wanna be a person who can make a difference.


妈妈高中辍学在深圳车间打工并认识了如今的丈夫当年双双打工的父母很容易让孩子变成留守儿童left-behind children

为了让千玺可以在爱与陪伴中长大妈妈暗下决心要全程参与千玺的成长I will be in his life every step of the way

从小她便坚信自己孩子的与众不同家里收入虽然不高但妈妈钱都舍不得给自己花全部投在千玺的才艺培训上invested all she got in his talent development

而千玺也立刻展现出夺目的先天禀赋show outstanding gifts

但单有才华,又怎么够?当一个人渐渐被无数人寄予厚望when numerous people pinned their hopes on an individual他便开始背负着自己的生活与世界的眼光he has to bear the burden of the world's attention

这之后小千玺就开始了很辛苦、很辛苦、很辛苦的童年日程表被排得满满当当不停地在上课、培训,和路上赶着always in sessions or on the way to sessions

那时街舞班上其他人都上高中大学了唯有他一个是七八岁的小不点little dumpling among big kids

很孤单所以千玺开始学会了在缝隙中寻找短暂而又稀少的自娱时间譬如折许许多多的纸人origami person譬如在轮轴转中找到缝隙长长地发呆zoning out in the intervals of schedule

是妈妈一直在身旁勉励千玺她虽然严厉却也保护着千玺一尘不染的内核she was protecting his spotless inside

也会身体力行地让小小的千玺学会如何对世界展开一个微笑taught the little boy how to crack a smile to this world


看到千玺如今的模样妈妈不知该有多欣慰how proud she could be by looking at him now


妈妈心疼千玺的疲累she feels sorry for his exhaustion却不能守在他身边熬一碗热汤给孩子喝

如今妈妈更多只能在台下忧心又骄傲地守护着儿子看着千玺从小时候的奶里奶气变成大人模样turning into adult-like from a weaning boy

私底下他又继承了母亲的纯良he inherited Mom's kindness创立爱心基金出手百万资助山区孩子和流浪猫狗

当看到资助小孩的生日祝福视频时却红了眼眶got tears in his eyes眼神有一股永远清澈的哀思which have a clear everlasting melancholy

他爱猫如痴cat person

当他看到很多流浪猫狗在街头挨饿受冻时主动捐助几大吨猫粮给毛小孩儿们donate tons of food to fur kids


这是作为艺人之外的个人嗜好在这些热爱里他拉开了与当下的距离he drew a distance between himself and status quo隔绝欢呼声与噪骂声在自己的世界独自喘息catch a breather in a world of his own


“我在沸点燃烧我要的冷静,我在冰点凝固我要的热情。十九岁,我继续成为我自己”。I will burn the chill I need at the point of boiling I will cool the passion I need at the point of freezing

I will keep being me, at the point of turning nineteen

看着千玺在外面的世界光芒万丈妈妈也会有儿子离开自己也成长得很好的复杂又酸楚的幸福mixed feelings

最近,吃得好吗?睡得好吗?how is everything going lately?

但如今众星拱月的千玺却依旧是那个贴心的儿子shining star is still the same good old considerate son

平日很少在微博发自己私人动态的他会po上妈妈年轻的照片突如其来地告白“终于知道我的帅,是遗传谁的了。”I finally know who I take after for my handsomeness

日益大佬化的他as the boy is turning into a superstar

却会亲自为妈妈设计衣服去摘妈妈最喜欢吃的草莓亲自下厨做惊喜晚餐给妈妈吃然后唱着“爱你苍老的脸上的皱纹”时强忍着不让自己哭出来try his best holding tears back

这完美得几近不可思议的少年有他一辈子温柔的软肋got his tender Achilles heel妈妈的眼泪

随着自己越来越忙碌越来越多想做的事千玺也会怕怕再没有那么多时间陪伴亲人afraid of not sparing time for his beloved

可妈妈却在这时选择真正的放开truly let him go“我的生命也因为对你的陪伴,而更有意义。"my life is also getting more and more meaningful because of the company I can offer

白驹过隙千玺已长大time flies and he has grown2015年9月1日穿上校服正式成为高中生的他不知道2018年4月11日的自己会考取中戏第一名

但2020年5月6日成为内娱第一名获得金像奖最佳新人的易烊千玺知道自己以后想成为一个怎么样的大人了known what kind of grown-up he wanna be

感谢千玺的妈妈把这么好的千玺带到大家面前thank you for bringing him to our attention

千玺的真正魅力也许正是他活出了妈妈梦中的样子He is living in a way Mom has always been dreaming about返回搜狐,查看更多






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