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2023-10-07 04:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中国人民抗日战争(简称:抗日战争、抗战) the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (the War of Resistance)

抗日民族统一战线 Chinese united front against Japanese aggression

全面全民族抗战 total resistance against Japanese aggression by the whole nation

片面抗战 partial resistance against Japanese aggression

全国抗战 nationwide war of resistance against Japanese aggression

局部抗战 regional war of resistance against Japanese aggression

正面战场 center stage battlefield

敌后战场 backstage battlefield

战略防御/相持/反攻 strategic defense/stalemate/counter-offensive

世界反法西斯战争 the Global War against Fascism

国际反法西斯统一战线 the international anti-fascist united front

战争策源地 hotbed of war

中国战场 China theater

欧洲战场 European theater

太平洋战场 Pacific theater

东方主战场 the main Eastern battlefield

【例】中国开辟了世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场。 The main Eastern battlefield for the Global War against Fascism was developed in China.

无条件投降 unconditional surrender

中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日 Victory Memorial Day for the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (VM Day)

事变 Incidents

九一八事变 September 18th Incident

七七事变(卢沟桥事变) July 7th Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident)

会战、大战 Battle/Campaign

淞沪会战 Battle of Shanghai

平型关大捷 Battle of Pingxingguan; victory at Pingxingguan

台儿庄大捷 Battle of Tai'erzhuang; victory at Tai'erzhuang

武汉会战 Battle of Wuhan

百团大战 Hundred-Regiment Campaign






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