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2024-07-16 13:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

评论翻译 middleclassic I’m American and I couldn’t help but laugh when the girl said she wanted to visit the US because she likes places with nice beaches like Guam and Hawaii. Although Guam is a US territory, I’m positive most people in the US have no idea where Guam is, or even What Guam is, let alone that it’s a US territory. I 我是一个美国人,当听到那个女孩说喜欢夏威夷和关岛的美丽沙滩,所以想要去美国旅游时,我忍不住笑了。虽然关岛是美国领土,但我敢肯定大部分美国人不知道关岛在哪里,甚至他们都不知道关岛是什么,有可能他们都不知道这是美国的领土。 Avilio Amici Yeah I don’t know what Guam is 是的,我不知道关岛是什么 alukuhito I guess you don't live in Japan, because just about everyone in Japan knows Guam, including Americans who live in Japan. It's a very popular vacation spot. It was also controlled by Japan for a while, and some battles happened in WW2 between Japan and the USA. 我想你应该不住在日本,因为日本几乎每个人都知道关岛,包括生活在日本的美国人也都知道这个地方。它是一个非常受欢迎的度假胜地。日本曾经短暂控制过这个地方,二战时期日本和美国在这里爆发过多场战役。 xenotypos Guam is actually probably more well-known in Japan than in USA. 关岛在日本的名气或许要比在美国的还要大一些。 Fenim I never thought I'd see India ever get mentioned in any videos like these! this is actually so rare for Japanese people to feel like visiting India in my experience! 我从来没有想到会在这类视频中看到有人提到印度。因为根据我的经验,想要到印度旅游的日本人真的非常罕见。 Life in Japan Yeah, most Japanese people like India only for food and curries, but they usually don’t really like Indians. They don’t usually like brown people, specially the younger generations. This goes for Pakistanis too. 是的,大部分日本人仅仅只是出于食物和咖喱才会喜欢印度,但他们往往并不喜欢印度人。他们一般不喜欢棕色人种,日本年轻一代人尤其如此。他们同样也不喜欢巴基斯坦人。 GT Dragon Gaming And here i though india has good image in the mind of Japanese because we have good relationship with their government if someone did a same interview here i am sure a lot of people are gonna say japan and korea 我认为在日本人心里,印度的形象是很好的,因为我们和日本政府的关系很好,如果有人采访印度人最喜欢哪个国家的话,那么我肯定很多人会说他们最喜欢的是韩国和日本。 Tye I also surprised China get mentioned. I thought most West-alliance countries will hate China due to politics and pollution 让我感到惊讶的是,竟然有日本人会说最喜欢中国。我还以为大部分和西方同盟的国家会因为政治和污染原因而讨厌中国。 Sara.C @Life in Japan I disagree. I think many Japanese like Indian people. However they dislike certain religions like Islam. So Middle Eastern countries are definitely at the bottom. 我不同意你的看法,我认为很多日本人都喜欢印度人。但他们不喜欢某些宗教,比如说伊斯兰教。所以日本人肯定最不喜欢的是中东国家。 mithritades A lot of people mentioned Thailand 很多日本人都提到了泰国。 Amiga 501 Japan and Thailand have been on good terms since the pre-war era I think. 我认为泰国和日本自战前关系一直都很好 LE REDDIT COMMANDER Vietnam and thailand are the mexico of asia lmao... people are so nice and fun! 越南和泰国是亚洲的墨西哥,那里的人幽默而友善。 BMO na Thailand has always been a popular tourist country. Not really surprised 泰国一直都是旅游胜地,所以日本人会提到泰国一点都不令人惊讶 Masa Pan I'm so glad that a lot of people answered that Thailand is their favourite 让我感到高兴的事,接受采访的很多人都说泰国是他们最喜欢的国家。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

chawan64ma6 My favorite country of all time is Japan. The reasons are that almost everywhere in Japan are so clean, Japan is safe with low crime rates, the people are so nice and approachable (mainly customer service), the train systems are much more advanced in Japan than in California (where I live), and the food is so delicious! 一直以来,我最喜欢的国家都是日本,原因是日本几乎每个地方都非常干净,日本很安全,犯罪率很低,人们也非常友好而亲切,日本的火车系统要比我生活的加州更加先进,而且食物很美味。 Sep G Nice to vacation there, but working and living there is another story. 到日本度假是一个很不错的选择,但要在那里生活和工作的话就是另一回事了。 lllllllIIIIIIIIlllll @Sep G it depends on the company 这取决于你在哪个公司上班。 winter10x06 Filipino here! My top 5 favorite countries I’ve been to are Japan, Spain, Brazil, Peru and Australia! US is also cool but too much issues going on there at the moment. I would like to visit Mexico, Italy and Germany in the future! 我是菲律宾人,我去过的最喜欢的五个国家是日本,西班牙,巴西,秘鲁,和澳大利亚。美国也很酷,但现在美国有很多的问题。未来我想要去墨西哥,意大利和德国。 mayankknirwan Phillipines and India have a lot of things in common. If you get some time visit India in future and you'll never regret it the food, the people and the places here are very cool and good. Western Media always shows the negative things about this country. 菲律宾和印度有很多的相似之处,如果你有时间的话,未来可以到印度来看看,保证你不会后悔,印度的食物非常美味,人也很友好,而且印度还有美丽的风景。西方媒体一直在报道印度的负面新闻。 Calebrushmann You'll definitely run into problems in Mexico lol.. There's a reason why they love coming into the US illegally 在墨西哥你肯定会遇到麻烦的,哈哈,他们喜欢非法入境美国是有原因的 Dougal Darcy if you come to Australia go to Sydney, and then Queensland where all the beautiful reefs are. 如果你要去澳大利亚的话,可以到悉尼和昆士兰看看,那里拥有美丽的珊瑚礁。 Dries Jansen Wow so nice to see someone loving Belgium. I'm from Belgium and it's such a small country that usually many people don't even know about Belgium 很高兴看到有人喜欢比利时,我来自于比利时,这是一个很小的国家,一般情况下很多人都不知道比利时 Coco 5:35 I am very happy to see my country's name here 很高兴看到有人提到我们国家的名字。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

MJT I'm from Singapore and my Favourite Country is Japan. Why I love Japan because it's not only Anime, they got Godzilla, Kaiju, Food, Sports, Culture, Shrine, and Temple. The Buildings, Houses, and toilets are very clean. The scenery is nice and pretty. The Bullet Train is very Fast and I love it. 我来自于新加坡,我最喜欢的国家是日本,为什么我会喜欢日本,因为日本不仅有动漫,还有哥斯拉,怪兽,美食,体育,文化,神社和寺庙。日本的建筑,房屋和厕所都很干净。日本风景非常美丽。日本的高铁非常快,我很喜欢。 Qase M Kop Thank you for your videos Mr Takashii, after you have interviewed lots of different people, I would wonder how yourself would feel their responses, no matter from Japanese or foreign interviewees 感谢你的视频,在采访了那么多人之后,我想要知道你是如何看待他们的回答的,不管是日本人的还是外国人的。 Spiele_maus My favourite countries are probably - Denmark (I travel there every year, and it’s just such a beautiful country. Nice people, beautiful cities and landscapes, and it’s easy to communicate since many people speak very good German and English) - Japan (friendly people, diverse culture (tradition vs. modern Pop-Cluture) - of course my home-country Germany too (since well it’s were I feel home, where all of my family lives) 我最喜欢的国家可能是: 丹麦:我每年都会去那里旅游,丹麦是一个非常美丽的国家,那里的人很友好,城市和风景非常美丽,可以很方便的和丹麦人交流,因为很多丹麦人的英语和德语说的都非常好。 日本:日本人很友好,文化很多元,那里既有传统文化,也有现代流行文化。 当然我也非常喜欢我的祖国德国,因为那里有家的感觉,我所有的家人都生活在那里。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Papi Chulo JAPAN SWITZERLAND NEWZEALAND This is my top 3 favorite countries and im a FILIPINO. Why i love this countries? Because of the Cleanliness and the Beautiful Sceneries 最喜欢的国家: 日本,瑞士和新西兰 我是菲律宾人,这是我最喜欢的三个国家 为什么我喜欢这些国家 因为这些国家都很干净,而且风景很美。 Aguiar Pelo Mundo iam from brazil, i would love to know china, i love chinese culture, the geography, language and traditions, i would love to visit hefei city, and if one day i can visit, other countries that i love are Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, laos, Indonesia, Cambodia,Vietnam the both Koreas and Japan too. 我来自巴西,我想要到中国看看,我爱中国文化,爱中国的地理,语言和传统,如果有一天可以到中国的话,我希望到中国合肥看看,我喜欢的国家还有泰国,马来西亚,菲律宾,老挝,印尼,柬埔寨,越南,韩国和日本。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Noch I am surprised that most Japanese people do not know that the largest Japanese community outside of Japan is in Brazil, it is very difficult not to find Japanese or descendants in any Brazilian state 让我惊讶的是大部分日本人竟然不知道海外拥有日本人数量最多的国家是巴西,在巴西任何一个州,你都可以轻易找到一个日本人或者日本人后裔。 SmokyIsHere As a belgian, I am please that someone said belgium haha 作为一个比利时人,我很高兴听到有人说最喜欢比利时。 FFM I'm Japanese, but I'd like to visit Western countries such as France, Spain, and Italy someday! Also, I've been to Korea twice and it's a wonderful country! 我是日本人,但我想要到西方国家看看,比如法国,西班牙,和意大利,我还去过韩国两次,这是一个非常棒的国家。 Sara.C I'm intrigued why you think Korea is that great? I've been there twice and think nothing of it. 我想要知道为什么你会觉得韩国很不错?我去过那里两次,觉得韩国没有什么好的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

FFM @Sara.C Because I really like Korean food and culture. Also, the fact that I liked kpop is also a reason. 因为我真的很喜欢韩国的食物和文化,我喜欢韩国的另一个原因是因为韩国的流行音乐。 Arcturus' Let's Plays Surprised no one said UK or Germany! Most Japanese people I meet tend to express a lot of interest in them 奇怪的是,没有一个日本人说最喜欢英国或者德国。我遇到的大部分日本人对德国和英国都很有兴趣。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Weazel I'm from Germany and my favourite country is Japan 我来自德国,我最喜欢的国家是日本。 Christian jun hoffman That half Japanese half pilipine is so beautiful. 视频中的那位日菲混血儿真的非常漂亮。 idk I personally wish to visit as many Eastern and South Eastern Asian countries. 就我个人而言,我真的很想去东亚和东南亚国家看看。 MGTOWJetiKnight My parents are from the Dominican Republic , I was born and raised in NYC. I really want to travel to Japan 我的父母来自于多米尼加共和国,我在纽约出生长大,我真的很想到日本旅游 Superpower Dragon kinda surprised that china was on the list, although many Japanese people might love Chinese culture, its still kinda hard to say it in a public interview due to current political situation. even more surprising is India, which is often portrayed as the dirty backward unfriendly for women country in Japan 让我感到有点惊讶的是,中国也在名单上面,虽然很多日本人或许喜欢中国文化,但由于目前的政治形势,我认为在公开采访中说喜欢中国还是有点难以启齿的。更加令人惊讶的是有人说最喜欢印度,因为在日本,印度往往被描绘成一个肮脏,落后,对女性不友好的国家。 Mike Inverse My favourite countries are Japan, Canada and Switzerland. 我最喜欢的国家是日本,加拿大和瑞士原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lars Gibbon I've been to about 20 countries and my favourite country is definitely Japan. Went there about 5 years ago and would love to go back.... 我去过大约20个国家,最喜欢的无疑是日本,我在五年前去过日本,我希望可以再去一次。 Benjamin Schiffl’s Soprano Saxophone Channel Interesting interview! But it is disappointing that Germany wasn't mentioned. I'd like more Japanese people visiting my country :) 一个很有趣的采访。但令人失望的是,没有人提到德国。我希望有更多的日本人可以到我们国家看看。 Hannah_Ph I'm Filipino Japan is one of my favourite country 我是菲律宾人,日本是我最喜欢的国家之一。






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