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研究领域:Public Leadership, Crisis Management, Communication.


办公电话:+65 67906793

Email: [email protected]

一、教育背景(Educational Backgrounds)

09/1979 - 07/1983

B.A. Xiamen   University

09/1983 - 07/1986

M.A. Xiamen   University

09/1986 - 06/1987

M.A. Stanford   University.

09/1993 - 05/1997

PhD. Indiana   University

二、海外学习经历(Oversea Study Experiences)

09/1986 - 06/1987

M.A. Stanford   University.

09/1993 - 05/1997

PhD. Indiana   University

01/2014 - 08/2014

Visiting   Professor, Univeristy of Southern California

三、学术任职(Academic Positions Held)

09/2009 - 10/2012

Associate Dean   in College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological   University, Singapore

12/2009 - 12/2013

Director,   Nanyang Centre for Public Administration, Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore

05/2005 - 09/2009

Associate Chair,   School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore

04/2002 - 04/2004

Deputy President   and Director of Academic Affairs, Singapore International Management Academy

04/2004 -  /

Tenured   Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University

四、任教课程(Teaching Courses)

1997 - 2002

MBA: Corporate   Communication, Business School, National University of Singapore

1997 - 2002

EMBA: Public   Relations, Business School, National University of Singapore

2004 - 2014

MPA: Leadership   in Public Sectors, Nanyang Technological Univeristy

2004 - 2014

EMBA: Business   Communicaton and Negotiation, Xiamen Univeristy

2006 - 2014

EMBA:   Negotiation. Nanyang Technological University

2014 -

EMBA: Leadership   and Ethics, Nanyang Technological University

五、业界经验Professional Experiences ( Consulting)


International refereed journal articles:

1. Wu, W., Yu, W., Ma, L., Meng, Y., Wang, J., & Lin, T. Building Service-Oriented Government to Make Quality Cities in China: 2013 Lien Chinese Cities Service-Oriented Government Report. E-government, 2014, No. 136: 18-33.

2. Ma, L., Yu, W., Wu, W. Public Service Delivery, Performance Evaluation, and Government Trust: A Review of the 2013 Lien Conference on Public Administration. Journal of Gansu Administration Institute, 2014, (1): 4-16.

3. 吴伟, 于文轩, 林挺进, 马亮, 盛明科, 王君. 2013. 完善服务型政府体系,实现全面均衡发展:2012 连氏中国服务型政府调查报告. 经济研究参考 (Review of Economic Research) . Vol. 10, No. 1. 2013. 22-40. (This is journal is CSSCI indexed and is one of the core journals in China 全国中文核心期刊

4. 于文轩, 马亮, 吴伟. 2013. 中国政府外部绩效评估:以连氏中国服务型政府调查为例. 武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)(Government Performance Assessment by External Third Party: Implications from the Lien Chinese Service-Oriented Government Project). (Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences) (Upcoming).

5. Lin, T., Wu, W., Yu, W., Wang, J. July 2011. “Factors Influencing Citizen’s Satisfaction with Public Education Service in China: A Quantitative Analysis via Hierarchical Linear Model”. Fudan Education Forum. 2011, No.4, 54-58. (This is journal is CSSCI indexed and is one of the core journals in China 全国中文核心期刊

6. Wang. J., Lin T., Wu, W., Yu,W., July 2011. “Citizen’s Satisfaction with Public Education Service in China: An Empirical Study Based on 2010 Lien Public Service Excellence Index for Chinese Cities. Fudan Education Forum. 2011, No.4,49-53.

7. Wu, W., Yu, W., Lin, T., Wang, J. 2011. “Building Service-Otirneted Government, Improving Public Service Delivery”. Journal of Urban Insight. 2011, No. 1.

8. Wu, W., Hao, X. April 2009. “A Critical Discourse Analysis of Letters to the Editor as a Public Forum in Singapore”. Paper submitted to Critical Studies in Media Communication for consideration of publication.

9. Wu, W. and S. Koo, 2001. Perceived effects of sexually explicit Internet content: The third-person effect in Singapore, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. Vol. 78, No. 2, 260-274. (USA)

10. Wu, W., 2000. Why journalism: Chinese journalism students motivation to enter journalism, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator Spring, 55(1), 53-65. (USA)

11. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. 1998. Making Chinese journalists for the next millennium: > The professionalization of Chinese journalism students. Gazette, 60, 513-529. (UK)

12. Wu, W. E. Yuen and J. Zhu, 2001. Individualism_collectivism and conflict resolution Styles: A cross cultural study of managers in Singapore. Research paper series, Faculty of Business Administration, RPS #2001-006. (Singapore)

13. Wu, W. and S. Dai. 2001, A Comparative study of crisis management planning in Singapore and Hong Kong. Research paper series, Faculty of Business Administration, RPS #2001-007. (Singapore)

14. Wu, W. and S. Koo, 2001. Internet Communication and Third Person Effect: An Exploratory study in Singapore. Research paper series, Faculty of Business Administration, RPS #2001-008. (Singapore)

15. Wu, W. (1998).“Dominant or alternative paradigm: A meta-research of mass communication and national development in Asia.” Journal of Development Communication, Vol. 9, No. 2, 31-45. (Malaysia)

16. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. (1997)“Online Democracy or Online Demagoguery -- Public Opinion ‘Polls’ on the Internet.” Harvard International Journal of Politics/Press, Vol. 2, No. 4. 71-86. (USA)

17. Zhu, J. , Weaver, D., lo, V., Chen, C. and Wu, W. (1997). "Influences on Media Role Perceptions: A Comparative Study of Journalists in China, Taiwan and the United States." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 74, No.1, Spring 1997, 84-96. (USA)

18. Wu, W. (1996). "Long March or Great Leaps: Some policy issues on the development of Internet in China." Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 20, No. 9. 699-711. (USA)

19. Wu, W, Weaver, D. and Johnson, O. (1996). "Professional Roles of Russian and American Journalists: A Comparative Study." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 73, No. 3 (Autumn 1996).534-548. (USA)

20. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. (1996) "A Journalism Quarterly Potpourri." Political Communication, Vol. 13, No. 2, 239-242. (USA)

21. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. (1996) "A Journalism Quarterly Potpourri." Political Communication, Vol. 12, No. 2, 250-254. (USA)

International   conference papers

1. Wu. W., Liang Ma, and Wenxuan Yu. Transparency, Trust and Social Equity. Paper presented at 2015 American Society for Public Administration Conference, 6-10 May, 2015. Chicago, US.

2. Wu. W., Liang Ma, Yu Meng, and Wenxuan Yu. Public Engagement and Public Satisfaction: Empirical Evidences from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Paper presented at 2014 International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM), 7-9 May, 2014. Kyodo, Japan.

3. Wu. W. 2013. Consultative Policy-making: The Singapore Experiences. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation, Hong Kong, 6-7 December, 2013

4. Wu. W. 2013. The Singapore way:the labor force development strategy in face of new challenges. Keynote presentation at the conference, “102 Year elite pilot- International Symposium on Workforce Development" by the Central Training Centre, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training in Taiwan, 21 November, 2013. Taichung, Taiwan.

5. Wu. W. 2013. Leading Change & Quality Training. Singapore’s Experiences. Keynote speech delivered at the "2013 International Conference on Human Resources Development in the Public Sector-Leading Change & Quality Training hosted by the Civil Service Protection and Training Commission of the Republic of China. 6-7 Oct. 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.

6. Wu. W. 2013. Singapore’s experience in anti-corruption. Presented at the conference organized by Taiwan Open University and National Taipei University 8 Oct, 2913, Taipei, Taiwan.

7. Ma, Liang, Wenxuan Yu, and Wei Wu. 2013. Government Accountability and Citizens' Satisfaction with Air Quality in Chinese Cities. In Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association 2012-13: Managing International Connectivity and Diversity: Experiences of Asian World Cities. Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

8. Ma, Liang, Huanming Wang, Wenxuan Yu, and Wei Wu. 2013. Does Public Service Delivery Arrangement Influence Citizens' Satisfaction? Evidence from Urban Public Transportation in China. Paper presented at 2013 ASPA Annual Conference "Governance & Sustainability: Local Concerns, Global Challenges". New Orleans, LA. USA. March 14-16. 2013

9. Wenxuan Yu, Wei Wu. 2013. “Is Political Trust Declining in China? A Longitudinal Analysis”. Paper presented at 2013 ASPA Annual Conference “Governance & Sustainability: Local Concerns, Global Challenges. New Orleans, LA. U.S.A. March 14-16. 2013

10. Ma, Liang, Wenxuan Yu, and Wei Wu. 2012. What Matters for Public Perceptions of Government Transparency in China? In Symposium on Public Service, Local Governance and Performance. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai.

11. Wenxuan Yu, Wei Wu. 2012. “Public Service Performance and Political Trust in China: An HLM analysis” In Symposium on Public Service, Local Governance and Performance. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. November 22-23 2012.

12. Wenxuan Yu, Wei Wu. 2012. "Political Trust in Urban China: Evidence from 2011 Lien Project” with Wei Wu, The Sixth Sino-U.S. International Conference on Public Administration, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, June 5-6, 2012.

13. Yu, W., Wu, W., “Government Transparency and Political Trust: A Curvilinear Relationship?”. Paper presented at the 2010 ASPA Conference, Las Vegas, NV. USA. March 2-6, 2012.

14. Wu, W., Yu, W., Lin. T., Wang, J., Dec. 11-12, 2010. “2010 Lien Public Service Quality Index and Public Service Delivery in China.” Paper presented in The First China Urban Management Summit, Guangzhou, China.

15. Yu., W and Wu, W. 2010. “Teaching Chinese EMPA Students in Singapore”. Paper presented in 2010 National Schools of Public Administration Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA. Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2010.

16. Yu, W and Wu, W. 2009. “What should an EMPA program provide and how? A comparative study of the differences between EMPA and MPA programs”, paper presented at NSPAA’s annual conference in USA.

17. Wu, W. April. 2008. “Social-cultural Context of Letters to the Editors in Major Singapore Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis”. Paper accepted for presentation at Globe 2008 in Warsaw.

18. Wu, W. December. 2007. Paper presented as a key-note speech at International Conference on MPA Education in Macau.

19. Wu, W. 2006. What Went Wrong? -- The losing battle of Confucian doctrine against cheating in science Presented at the First World Knowledge Dialogue Symposium, Switzerland. The paper is to be published in a book by the conference organizer.

20. Wu, W. and J. Zhu, 2002. Mental Programming and Conflict Management Styles: A Cross-cultural Study in Singapore. Paper accepted for presentation at XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 2002, Singapore.

21. Dai, S.Y. and Wu, W. 2002. Role of media relations in crisis communication: Perceptions by managers in Singapore and Hong Kong. Paper accepted for presentation by the bi-annual conference of International Association of Media and Communication Research, July 2002, Spain.

22. Wu, W. and J. Zhu, 2002. Individualism-collectivism and conflict resolution Styles: A cross cultural study of managers in Singapore. Paper presented at the Organisational Communication Division, International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, 15-19 July 2002, Seoul, Korea.

23. Wu, W, Zhou, S. and Koo, S. 2001, “The third-person effect and Internet censorship: A comparative study in Singapore and the United States.” Paper presented at the annual conference of Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 5-8 August 2001, Washington D. C.

24. Dai S. and Wu, W. 2001, “A comparative study of crisis management planning in Singapore and Hong Kong.” Paper presented at the annual conference of Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 5-8 August 2001, Washington D. C.

25. Wu, W. and Dai S. 2000. “Culture and crisis preparedness in Singapore and Hong Kong’s companies.” Paper presented at the Second Asian Academic of Management, Singapore.

26. Wu, W. and Dai S. 2000.“Kiasu and crisis management in Singapore.” Paper presented at the Biannual General Assembly & Scientific Conference of International Association of Mass Communication Research, Singapore.

27. Wu, W. and S Koo, (2000) “Internet Communication and Third-person Effect: An exploratory study in Singapore.” Paper presented to the International Communication Association’s 50th anniversary conference in Acapulco, Mexico. (June 1-5).

28. Wu, W. (1999).“Why journalism: Chinese journalism students motivation to enter journalism.” Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference. San Francisco, United States, May 27-31.

29. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. (1998). “Making Chinese Journalists for the Next Millennium: > The Professionalization of Chinese Journalism Students.” Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly & Scientific Conference of International Association of Mass Communication Research, Glasgow, Scotland, July 26-30, 1998.

30. Wu, W. (1998). “ Chinese journalism students’ ethical considerations: What they are and why?” Paper presented to the annual conference of Chinese Communication Society. Taipei, Taiwan. June 1998.

31. Wu, W. (1998).“Who is to Blame: A Comparative Study of News Media Exposure and Political Cynicism toward the European Union.” Paper presented to the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Montreal, Canada, May 22-26, 1997.

32. Wu, W. (1998).“Dominant or alternative paradigm: A meta-research of mass communication and national development in Asia.” Paper presented at the Second annual conference of Ease-West Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, November 24-27, 1997.

33. Wu, W., and Weaver, D. (1996)“Online Democracy or Online Demagoguery -- Public Opinion ‘Polls’ on the Internet.” Paper presented to the annual conference of MAPOR, Chicago, November 22-23, 1996.

34. Wu, W. (1996). "Alienation or Involvement? A Discriminant Analysis of Media Effects on Voter Turnout in the 1992 Presidential Election." Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA) 1996 convention, Chicago, Il, May 23-27, 1996.

35. Wu, W. (1996). "Long March or Great Leaps: Some policy issues on the development of Internet in China." Paper presented at AMIC (Asian Mass Communication Research Center) 1996 convention, Singapore, June 1-3.

36. Wu, W., Weaver, D. and Johnson, O. (1995). "Professional Roles of Russian and American Journalists: A Comparative Study." Paper presented at AEJMC annual convention, Washington, D.C. August, 1995.

37. Wu, W. (1993). "NWIO and China." Paper presented at the Third National Conference on Communication, Xiamen, China, May 1993.

38. Wu, W. "Diffusion and Assimilation of Buddhism in China." Paper presented at the First Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland Conference on Culture and Communication in China, May 1993, Xiamen, China.

39. Wu, Wei (1992) "Impact of Cross-cultural Communication on Chinese Culture." Paper presented at the International Conference of Communication, Beijing. October, 1992.

Books/book chapters

1. Hu. W and Wu. W 2013.中国城市公共服务公众满意度. 上海人民出版社。

2. Wu. W. 2013 (ed.) Building Service-oriented Government in Chinese Cities. 236pp. Nanyang Public Management Book Series. World Scientific Publishing.

3. Wu. W. 2012 (ed.) Best Papers of Lien Challenges. World Scientific Publishing.

4. Wu. W. 2011 (ed.) Best Papers of Lien Challenges. World Scientific Publishing.

5. Wu. W. 2010 (ed.) Best Papers of Lien Challenges. World Scientific Publishing.

七、科研项目(Research Grants)


Singapore   $60,000 from Nanyang Technological Univesity for my research project:   Eyeballing the Media


Annual Research   Grant of $340,000 from Lien Foundation for my research project on Public   Service Quality in 36 Major Cities in China

八、获奖情况(Honors and Awards)


Best Teacher.   School of Management, Xiamen University


Best Teacher.   Nanyang Centre for Public Administration, Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore


Best Teacher.   Nanyang Centre for Public Administration, Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore






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