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abode是什么意思 abode的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-06-18 14:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

abode是什么意思 abode的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:裸身摇滚 • 2023-06-20 03:00:16 • 阅读 15


1. 词释:abode可以指住所、居住地,也可以指某个地方常常停留或存在的状态。常常作为名词使用。

2. 用法搭配:abode通常和介词in搭配使用,如in one's abode。把它和live, dwell等动词结合使用可以表达某个人或者某个动物生活或者居住在某个地方,如:abode in the forest。也可以和leave, vacate等动词搭配,表示离开或者搬离某个居住地,如:vacate one's abode。

3. 词根词源:abode来自古英语,原意是待在某个地方,后来引申为居住在某个地方。这个单词与中古德语的“buwen”有关,它的意思是居住、住在其中。

4. 音标读音:[əˈbəʊd],bet和boat之间的中间音。


1. He has lived in his abode for over two decades. (他在这个住所已经居住20年以上。)

2. Mary Jones' abode can be found on the outskirts of the town. (玛丽·琼斯的居所位于市镇的郊外。)

3. The cave serves as the abode of the vampire for most of the year. (这个洞穴在大部分时间内是吸血鬼的居所。)

4. As soon as they left their abode, they headed straight to the airport. (一离开住所,他们直奔。)

5. The old man was forced to vacate his abode due to the threat of flooding. (由于洪水的威胁,老人搬离住所。)


1. My abode is a small apartment in the city center.


2. The old man has lived in the same abode for over 50 years.





例句:May I use the your sacredness within my words to release her soul to the abode of the blessed. (容我在言词中使用您的神圣... 来解放她的灵魂... 到受祝福者的住所)


例句:But we sailed from Philippi after the days of the Azymes, and came to them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days. (至于我们,无酵节后,才从斐理伯启航,直到第五天才抵达特洛阿,到了他们那里,在那里住了七天。)


例句:The Secretary for Security, Regina Ip, ruled out granting amnesties to Mainland right of abode claimants . (保安局长叶刘淑仪说排除会给予内地申请居留权人士特赦。)


例句:His condition, his clothes, the place he was found, there was no evidence of any fixed abode. (翻译:他的身体状况,他的服饰,还有他被发现的地点, 没有任何有固定居所的证据。)


abode一般作为名词、动词使用,如在habitual abode(日常住所)、humble abode(蜗居)、legal abode([法] 合法住所)等常见短语中出现较多。

habitual abode日常住所humble abode蜗居legal abode[法] 合法住所mediation abode禅房natural abode习生地no fixed abode[网络] 居无定所place of abode[法] 住所right of abode居留权my humble abode寒舍例句

1. The Secretary for Security, Regina Ip, ruled out granting amnesties to Mainland right of abode claimants . (翻译:保安局长叶刘淑仪说排除会给予内地申请居留权人士特赦。)

2. His condition, his clothes, the place he was found, there was no evidence of any fixed abode. (翻译:他的身体状况,他的服饰,还有他被发现的地点, 没有任何有固定居所的证据。)

3. Observance of this Ekadasi fast alone promotes one to the supreme abode of Sri Visnu. (翻译:遵守爱卡达西戒食本身就已经足够使人臻达至尊主维施奴的居所。)

4. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. (翻译:以利亚就从妇人怀中将孩子接过来,抱到他所住的楼中,放在自己的床上。)

5. We are not meeting ITe tonight in the abode of Mr. Smith, by first self dawn toit American friends of his, to observe Easter. (翻译:今晚咱们在这儿,史密斯男士的家,还有他的美国UnitedStates朋友,一起来庆祝复活节。)

6. Um, welcome to my humble abode. (翻译:welcome to my humble abode.)

7. And using only what's present, he goes in and makes a little abode studio to work out of. (翻译:就地取材, 他进去做一个小工作室进行创作。)

8. The sound of public bells rouses the most secluded abode, as if with a call to be . (翻译:大钟声惊醒了最幽僻的人家,仿佛在号召大家欢乐起来。)

9. ...to the heavenly abode to the Reverend Father Superior, Kuzma... (翻译:去往天堂 去往高高在上的可敬天父之处 库兹马)

10. And using only what's present, he goes in and makes a little abode studio to work out of. (翻译:就地取材, 他进去做一个小工作室进行创作。)

11. IN THE AUTUMN of 1813, Nikolay married Princess Marya, and with his wife, and mother, and Sonya, took up his abode at Bleak Hills. (翻译:一八一四年秋天,尼古拉和玛丽亚公爵结了婚,尼古拉带着妻子、母亲和索尼娅迁到童山居住。)

12. but she is perfectly amiable , and often condescends to drive by my humble abode in her little phaeton and ponies . (翻译:她的确是可爱透顶,常常不拘名份,乘着她那辆小马车光临寒舍。)

13. Thereafter Jada's son was taken to the abode of Lord Visnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (翻译:后来,加达的儿子被带去了主维施努的居所,并在那里恒常地服务着至尊人格首神。)

14. Whether it's the abode of a spirit or a pile of ore is irrelevant. (翻译:无论那座大山是神的住所 或者仅仅是一堆矿石 这都不重要 )

15. I realise that my humble abode isn't as fancy as the Baudelaire Mansion, but I'm coming into a great deal of money soon and I think it'll be quite charming when it's finished. (翻译:我知道寒舍... 不及你们家豪华... 将会得到很多钱...)


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