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2024-07-10 17:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.边走边爱,反正人山人海。 1. Love while walking, there are plenty of people out there.

2.握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。 2. Can’t hold the sand? Just let it go.

3.看我不顺眼,你可以选择自杀也可以选择装瞎。 3. If you can’t stand me, you can either commit suicide or pretend to be blind.

4.我不做谁的公主,也不做谁的王妃,我要做自己的女王。 4. I won’t be anyone’s princess or queen, I will be my own queen.

5.我喜欢的人,喜欢的东西,别去碰,也别惦记着,脾气这玩意我控制不好。 5. Don’t touch or think about the people and things I like, I can’t control my temper well.

6.不要以为你晒黑了就能掩盖你是白痴的事实。 6. Don’t think getting tanned can cover up the fact that you’re an idiot.

7.我没脸蛋没身材没能力,但姑娘我霸气,我坚强我有这一股你没有的范儿。 7. I have no face, no figure, and no ability, but I’m domineering, strong, and have a style you don’t have.

8.想让我低头,那你跪下吧。 8. Want me to bow down? Then kneel down.

9.我捧你的时候你是杯子,松手的时候你是玻璃渣子。 9. When I hold you, you’re a cup; when I let go, you’re broken glass.

10.用不着你喜欢也轮不到你讨厌。 10. No need for your liking, and it’s not your turn to hate.

11.不再热情似火,也懒得幽默。 11. No more passion like fire, too lazy to be humorous.

12.能入我心者,我待以君王;不入我心者,不削与敷衍。 12. To those who enter my heart, I treat them like kings; to those who don’t, I don’t bother with sarcasm.

13.我不做谁的公主,也不做谁的王妃,我要做自己的女王。 13. I won’t be anyone’s princess or queen, I will be my own queen.

14.一无所有,干净自由。 14. Have nothing, but be clean and free.

15.我爱你时你才闪耀,我不爱你你算个毛。 15. You only shine when I love you; if I don’t, you’re nothing.

16.要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给爱情。 16. If you have to lose, lose to pursuit; if you have to marry, marry love.

17.我不是人民币,所以做不到人人都喜欢。 17. I’m not a yuan, so I can’t be liked by everyone.

18.我可以专一到你惊讶,也可以花心到你害怕。 18. I can be loyal enough to surprise you, or I can be flirtatious enough to scare you.

19.没有相同的感同身受就不要热嘲冷讽。 19. Without the same empathy, don’t mock or ridicule.

20.时间会告诉你世上任何东西都会过期。 20. Time will tell you that everything in the world will expire.

21.九十九步是喜欢,最后一步是尊严。 21. The first 99 steps are about liking, the last step is about self-respect.

22.泼出去的水我连盆都不会要! 22. I wouldn’t even take the basin for the water I’ve splashed out.

23.非常沉默,非常骄傲,从不依靠,从不寻找。 23. Extremely silent, extremely proud, never relying on anyone, never searching for anything.

24.倘若你看不到我的绚烂天空,我又何必解释我的不同。 24. If you can’t see the splendid sky in my world, why should I explain my differences to you?

25.我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 25. In my world, it’s enough for just me to understand.

26.你没有看见我的努力,就不要诋毁我的未来。 26. You haven’t seen my efforts, so don’t discredit my future.

27.姐是文明人,所有脏话均已使用唾液消毒。 27. I’m a civilized person, all the dirty words have been disinfected with saliva.

28.我说话从来不带刺,如果我说话让你难堪,请你记住,我是故意的。 28. I never speak with a hidden sting, if my words embarrass you, please remember, I did it on purpose.

29.想做一个很酷的人,当你残忍的时候,我能比你更狠。 29. I want to be a cool person, when you are cruel, I can be even harsher than you.

30.待我日后嫁得良人,定谢你当年不娶之恩。 30. When I marry a good person in the future, I will definitely thank you for not marrying me back then.

31.你没资格说我变了,知道有句话叫拜你所赐吗? 31. You have no right to say I’ve changed, do you know there’s a saying called “thanks to you”?

32.不苟言笑,给人留下无数瞎想,少说话多行动,很酷地过完一生。 32. Be serious and not frivolous, leave people with endless guesses, speak less and act more, coolly live a lifetime.

33.永远别去解释,理解你的人不需要,不理解你的人不配要! 33. Never explain yourself, those who understand you don’t need it, and those who don’t understand you don’t deserve it!

34.不讨好不迎合,不够讨喜但却自由。 34. Don’t please or cater to others, not pleasing but free.

35.我有我的调,不需要对你笑。 35. I have my own tune, no need to smile at you.

36.我不虚情假意,怎配你犯贱到底。 36. I’m not hypocritical, how could you deserve to be despicable to the end?

37.天生是个浪子,别试图靠近我别妄想我会给你安稳,我做不到也给不了。 37. Born a wanderer, don’t try to get close to me or think I’ll give you stability, I can’t do it and I won’t.

38.委曲求全没有什么用的啊,所以我宁愿做一个外表冷面无私的强者,也不愿意做在墙角抽泣的废物。 38. It’s useless to compromise, so I’d rather be a strong, cold and selfless person on the outside, than a crying waste in the corner.

39.遇到恶心事,你要学会淡定和从容,毕竟这个世界上的人渣是千姿百态的。 39. When encountering disgusting things, you need to learn to be calm and composed, after all, the scumbags in this world come in all shapes and forms.

40.不要在别人的眼光里找快乐,否则永远悲哀;不要在别人的嘴巴里找尊严,否则永远卑微。 40. Don’t seek happiness in other people’s eyes, otherwise you’ll always be sad; don’t look for dignity in other people’s mouths, otherwise you’ll always be humble.

41.我不够圆滑,见识也很少,带着浓烈的稚气,不懂得卑躬屈膝,但只要你对我好,我自然对你差不了。 41. I may not be smooth-talking, well-traveled, or sophisticated, but if you treat me well, I’ll treat you the same way.

42.有些失望是不可避免的,但大部分的失望,都是因为你高估了自己。 42. Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are due to overestimating yourself.

43.我不是坏人,如果伤害到你,对不起,借过。 43. I’m not a bad person. If I’ve hurt you, I’m sorry. Excuse me.

44.那些你给我的伤痛我都自动过滤过,你有空来尝尝。 44. I’ve filtered out the pain you’ve given me. Feel free to taste it when you have time.

45.别总是看不惯我,那就别看我,记住以后看见我,请你绕路。 45. If you always dislike me, then don’t look at me. Remember to avoid me when you see me in the future.

46.好脾气从不留给得寸进尺的人,善良也是,爱也是。 46. I don’t tolerate those who push their luck, be it with my good temper, kindness, or love.

47.宁可孤独到苟延残喘,也不愿做谁的羁绊。 47. I’d rather be lonely to the point of barely surviving than be a burden to anyone.

48.把我对你的好全部记着,然后原封不动的还给我。 48. Remember all the good I’ve done for you, and return it to me untouched.

49.我始终没那么大度,不能包容你的一切,包括背叛。 49. I’m not that magnanimous; I can’t tolerate everything about you, including betrayal.

50.走好自己的路,也要迈好自己的步,少理那些在背后说三道四的废物。 50. Walk your own path and take your own steps. Pay less attention to those gossiping behind your back.

51.如果我在你的世界里可有可无,那么我会无情的退出。 51. If I’m dispensable in your world, I’ll withdraw mercilessly.

52.没有什么是永远,也没有什么会很久。找个借口,谁都可以先走。 52. Nothing lasts forever, and nothing will take a long time. Find an excuse, and anyone can leave first.

53.成熟就是,以前屁大点事就多愁善感,现在即便千山万水,单枪匹马也可以应付得来。 53. Maturity means that I used to be sentimental over trivial matters, but now I can handle even the most difficult situations on my own.

54.胃痛就喝酒,难受就自残,心情不好就跳跳楼,失恋就吃镇静剂,但请不要找我喜欢的人倾述你的烂心情。 54. If you have a stomachache, drink alcohol; if you feel uncomfortable, self-harm; if you’re in a bad mood, jump off a building; if you’ve lost a lover, take sedatives. But please don’t confide your lousy feelings to someone I like.

55.该白眼就白眼,该甩脸就甩脸,又不是你家的抽水马桶,凭什么吃了屎还要装作很开心的样子。 55. If I need to roll my eyes, I will; if I need to show my anger, I will. I’m not your toilet, so I don’t have to pretend to be happy after swallowing something disgusting.

56.别等到我把巴掌扇你脸上,才知道把自己的嘴缝上! 56. Don’t wait until I slap you in the face to learn to keep your mouth shut!

57.我心眼有些小,但是不缺;我脾气很好,但不是没有! 57. My mind may be small, but it’s complete; my temper is good, but not nonexistent!

58.最习惯笑看人事荒唐,最不屑留恋人海茫茫。 58. I’m most accustomed to laughing at the absurdity of human affairs and least willing to linger in the vast sea of people.

59.我是你转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎到天涯。 59. I’m just a passerby you forget as soon as you turn away. Why should I accompany you to the ends of the earth?

60.我曾经骄傲的谁也不低头,可后来,我学会了花言巧语面对不同的狗。 60. I used to be so proud that I would never bow my head to anyone, but later, I learned to use sweet words to deal with different people.

61.你泼过来的水我定烧开了泼回去! 61. The water you splash at me, I will definitely boil and splash back!

62.我虽然渴,但不是什么水都喝。 62. Although I am thirsty, I don’t drink any water.

63.当个坏人吧,好人没前途,除了哭,就只会细数痛苦。 63. Be a bad person, for good people have no future, except for crying, they only count their pain.

64.我走过的路很黑,你拿什么体会。 64. The road I have walked is very dark, what do you take to understand.

65.明明可以靠脸吃饭,却偏偏要靠实力。 65. Clearly can rely on the face to eat, but偏偏要靠实力。

66.我会凭着本事忘了你,甚至比你还狠。 66. I will forget you with my ability, even more ruthless than you.

67.你有抛弃我的权利,我有让你后悔的实力。 67. You have the right to abandon me, I have the strength to make you regret.

68.如果我放弃,不是因为我输了,而是因为我懂了。 68. If I give up, it’s not because I lost, but because I understood.

69.你若三心二意,我会逢场作戏。 69. If you are fickle, I will play along.

70.你再好也不会十全十美,我再不好也是独一无二。 70. No matter how good you are, you will never be perfect, and no matter how bad I am, I am still unique.

71.我不是王者,但有属于自己的荣耀。 71. I am not a king, but I have my own glory.

72.别对我那么好奇,爱情友情你都不配与我为敌。 72. Don’t be so curious about me, you are not worthy to be my enemy in love or friendship.

73.该走走,该留留,今后一律不强求。 73. Go or stay, from now on, I will not force anything.

74.爱就留,恨就走。我就是太阳,无需凭借谁的光! 74. Love stays, hate leaves. I am the sun, I don’t need to rely on anyone’s light!

75.走不进的世界就不要硬挤,难为别人,作贱自己,何必。 75. If you can’t enter a world, don’t force it, it’s difficult for others and degrades yourself, why bother.

76.我不用笑便可以让你知道,我生性招摇! 76. I don’t need to smile to let you know, I am naturally flamboyant!

77.别总因为迁就别人就委屈自己,这个世界没几个人值得你总弯腰。 77. Don’t always compromise yourself to accommodate others, there are few people in this world who are worth you always bending over.

78.如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你。 78. If you hate me, I don’t mind at all, I am not living to please you.

79.我也不是蒙娜丽莎,没必要对谁都微笑。 79. I am not the Mona Lisa, there is no need to smile at everyone.

80.现在的我你们爱理不理,以后的我你高攀不起! 80. You can ignore me now, but you will not be able to reach me in the future!

81.用我半生颠沛流离,换你一世无家可归 81. I’ve spent half my life wandering, only to leave you homeless for a lifetime.

82.不求人好感,不予人难堪。 82. I don’t seek others’ favor, nor do I make others feel embarrassed.

83.圈子不同,不必硬融。 83. If you don’t fit into a circle, there’s no need to force yourself in.

84.别等到我把巴掌扇你脸上,才知道把自己的嘴缝上! 84. Don’t wait for me to slap you in the face before you learn to keep your mouth shut!

85.你珍惜我,我加倍奉还,你不在意我,就让一切归零。 85. If you cherish me, I’ll give back double; if you don’t care about me, let’s just reset everything to zero.

86.没有人是天生好脾气,对你好真的只是因为你很重要。 86. No one is born with a good temper; I’m only nice to you because you really matter to me.

87.直言不讳是我一贯的性格,敢作敢为更是我一向的作风。 87. Being outspoken is my consistent character, and daring to act is my usual style.

88.我要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,外形上的柔情少女,心理上的变形金刚! 88. I want to be a mentally rebellious woman, a good girl in life, a tender girl in appearance, and a psychologically strong being like the Transformers!

89.你说我的态度伤害了很多人,那你可曾回头看我碎了一地的心? 89. You say my attitude has hurt many people, but have you ever looked back to see my broken heart on the ground?

90.一个女人最酷的样子应该是风情万种吻不同的唇,喜欢不同的人却不爱任何人。 90. The coolest thing for a woman is to be charming and kiss different lips, like different people, but not love anyone.

91.总不能用一身的刺去拥抱无辜的人,认识就够了,何必谈余生。 91. You can’t embrace innocent people with a body full of thorns; knowing each other is enough, no need to talk about the rest of our lives.

92.留不住的人不要留,再好的链子也栓不住想走的狗。 92. Don’t try to keep someone who can’t be kept; even the best chain can’t hold back a dog that wants to leave.

93.我可以爱你到撕心裂肺,也可以走的干干脆脆。 93. I can love you with all my heart, or I can walk away clean and simple.

94.除了电影里没人会等你好多年,感情就是不联系就没有的东西。 94. In real life, no one will wait for you for years like in the movies; relationships are something that fade away when you stop connecting.

95.时间告诉我们,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人可以再换。 95. Time tells us that words can be taken back, and people you’ve loved can be replaced.

96.别和我说对不起,我既不能原谅你,也无法捅死你。 96. Don’t say sorry to me; I can’t forgive you, nor can I kill you.

97.尊严这种东西,你得有实力捍卫,否则,那就是死要面子活受罪。 97. Dignity is something you have to defend with strength; otherwise, it’s just putting on a show and suffering in the end.

98.浑身都是刺,别人才会照顾你的感受。你软绵绵的,是人都想揉一把,多舒服。 98. If you’re covered in thorns, people will take care of your feelings. If you’re soft and weak, everyone wants to take advantage of you; it feels so comfortable.

99.从今天开始,做个难相处的人,尽情尽兴的给讨厌的人甩脸子,光明正大给喜欢的人说情话,情愿少活几年,只想痛快一点。 99. From today on, be a difficult person to get along with; show your dislike for those you hate, openly express your love for those you like, and live a more carefree life, even if it means living a few years less.

100.不要把自己想的多么多么牛,再厉害的香水也干不过韭菜盒子。 100. Don’t think you’re so great; no matter how good a perfume is, it can’t compete with the smell of a leek box.






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