端午节的习俗英语介绍:赛龙舟 您所在的位置:网站首页 数字的起源英文版简短介绍图片 端午节的习俗英语介绍:赛龙舟


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®无忧考网英语资源频道为大家整理的端午节的习俗英语介绍:赛龙舟,小编在这里祝大家端午节快乐 天天快乐:)1、赛龙舟

1, the Dragon Boat Race


Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. Legend originated in ancient Chu people were reluctant to Qu Yuan to throw the river to die, many people to catch up with the rescue boat. They fall over each other, when not a trace Zhuizhi Dongting Lake. After a year in May 5th to commemorate the Dragon Boat racing. Borrow rowing River to disperse the fish, eat fish so as not to the body of Qu Yuan. Race of the practice, prevalent in the Wu, Yue, chu.

  其实 ,“龙舟竞渡”早在战国时代就有了。在急鼓声中划刻成龙形的独木舟,做竞渡游戏,以娱神与乐人,是祭仪中半宗教性、半娱乐性的节目。

In fact, "Dragon Boat Race" early in the Warring States era had. Carved Jackie Chan in urgent drum-shaped canoe races do, games, and music to entertain people of God, is a semi-religious rituals, half entertaining programs.


Later, dragon boat racing in addition to commemorate Qu Yuan, the local people also paid a different meaning.

  江浙地区划龙舟,兼有纪念当地出生的近代女民主革命家秋瑾的意义。夜龙船上,张灯结彩,来往穿梭,水上水下,情景动人,别具情趣。贵州苗族人民 在农历五月二十五至二十八举行“龙船节”,以庆祝插秧胜利和预祝五谷丰登。云南傣族同胞则在泼水节赛龙舟,纪念古代英雄岩红窝。不同民族、不同地区,划龙 舟的传说有所不同。直到今天在南方的不少临江河湖海的地区,每年端节都要举行富有自己特色的龙舟竞赛活动。

Jiangzhe zoned dragon, meaning both commemorate the native-born female modern democratic revolutionary Qiu Jin. Night dragon boat, decorate, shuttle, water, touching scene, distinctive taste. Guizhou Miao people in the lunar calendar in May twenty-five to twenty-eight held a "Dragon Boat Festival", in celebration of transplanting victory and wish a bumper grain harvest. Yunnan Dai compatriots in the Water-Splashing Festival Dragon Boat Race, memorial ancient hero Yangong nest. Different nationalities, different regions, different rowing dragon boat legend. Until today in the southern region of rivers and lakes in the lot, every year at the same rich characteristic sport activities.


Twenty-nine years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1736), Taiwan began to hold dragon boat races. At that time Taiwan magistrate Jiang Yuanjun in Tainan City Hokkeji half pool chair friendly. Now the Taiwan dragon boat race is held in May 5th every year. In Hongkong, held a race.

  此外,划龙舟也先后传入邻国日本、越南等及英国。1980年,赛龙舟被列入中国国家体育比赛项目,并每年举行“屈原杯”龙舟赛。1991年6月 16日(农历五月初五),在屈原的第二故乡中国湖南岳阳市,举行首届国际龙舟节。在竞渡前,举行了既保存传统仪式又注入新的现代因素的“龙头祭”。 “龙头”被抬入屈子祠内,由运动员给龙头“上红”(披红带)后,主祭人宣读祭文,并为龙头“开光”(即点晴)。然后,参加祭龙的全体人员三鞠躬,龙头即被 抬去汨罗江,奔向龙舟赛场。此次参加比赛、交易会和联欢活动的多达60余万人,可谓盛况空前。尔后,湖南便定期举办国际龙舟节。赛龙舟将盛传于世。

In addition, the dragon boat racing has also spread to Japan, Vietnam and britain. In 1980, dragon boat race was included in the Chinese national sports events, and is held every year "Qu Yuan Cup" dragon boat race. (in May June 16, 1991 on the fifth day of the fifth lunar), in Qu Yuan's second home China Hunan Yueyang City, held the first International Dragon Boat festival. Before the races, held both preserve traditional ceremony into a new modern "leading offering". "Leading" was carried into the Quzi temple, by athletes to tap "red" (red belt), Zhuji people read elegiac, and as the leading "open" (i.e., a fine). Then, all the staff participate in the festival of dragon three bows, bibcock is carried away to the Miluo River, toward the Dragon stadium. Up to more than 60 people to participate in the competition, fair and celebration, is a grand occasion. Then, Hunan and held International Dragon Boat festival. The dragon boat race will be headed in the world.

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