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2023-12-14 14:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

痒痒的英文:to itchto tickle

参考例句:She has heard tell of her mother's theatrical glories, which she longs to emulate她听人说,她母亲在台上演戏怎么出风头,便心里痒痒的,也想一试身手。However my hands just get itchy on weekends.可一到了周末手就痒痒。The rough blanket tickles me.这条粗毯子刺得我痒痒的。I feel a strong craving for a trial with this celebrated gun.我手痒痒的,就要拿这件赫赫有名的枪试验一番。 A beard doesn't scratch, it just tickles.下巴上的胡子不刮人,就是叫人痒痒。The tiny silkworm eggs were very scratchy against her flesh那“布子”上密密麻麻的蚕子儿贴着肉,怪痒痒的A whiff of perfume assailed the old fellow's nostrils, and it seemed to upset him.一股浓香直扑进吴老太爷的鼻子,痒痒地似乎怪难受。A whiff of perfume assailed the old fellow's nostrils, and it seemed to upset him一股浓香直扑进吴老太爷的鼻子,痒痒地似乎怪难受。The sun feels almost unbearably delicious on his loins太阳晒得他心里怪痒痒的,弄得他都快按捺不住了。itch是什么意思:n. 痒;渴望;热望v. 发痒;渴望;热望 Scratch where it itches.搔痒。 Kathy has an itch to travel.凯茜渴望出去旅行。 I was itching to get involved. 我渴望参与。 The general was itching for a fight. 将军盼着打一仗。 He is itching after fame.他热切地追求名誉。tickle是什么意思:n. 胳肢,搔痒;愉快的情绪v. 使高兴;(使)发痒Tickle their ribs as you slide in the knife.一边捅刀子,一边挠他们的胳肢窝 To stimulate by touching lightly;tickle.使…觉得痒用轻轻触摸的方式刺激;轻触使…觉得痒 It tickles me to see him riled.看见他生气我就觉得忍俊不禁。Wilson was feeling restless. There was a tickle in his throat. 威尔逊只觉得心神不定。嗓子眼里有些发痒。 This morning I got the old tickle in the throat. 今天早晨我感到喉咙里发痒。








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