“拍脑袋决定”当选澳大利亚2015年度热词 您所在的位置:网站首页 拍一拍翻译英文 “拍脑袋决定”当选澳大利亚2015年度热词


2024-07-14 16:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Captain's call - a phrase "plucked" from the cricket pitch and politicised by former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - has become the Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2015. “拍脑袋决定(原意:队长的决定)”一词源于板球运动,后因被用来戏谑澳大利亚前总理托尼·阿博特而变成政治术语。现在,该词已被麦夸里辞典列为“2015年度热词”。

Mr Abbott's controversial choice to award Prince Philip a knighthood was one of his many "captain's calls". 阿博特做过不少“拍脑袋的决定”,其中包括授予英国菲利普亲王骑士头衔,此事让他备受争议。

The noun is defined as "a decision made by a political or business leader without consultation with colleagues". 这个名词是指“一个由政治或商业领导人所做的决定,未经与其同僚商议过。”

The dictionary said the word "perfectly encapsulates" Australia in 2015. 该辞典称这个词“完美总结”了2015年的澳大利亚。

"There has been an interesting change in usage; an infrequent item of the jargon of cricket makes the leap into politics and is now being used generally with an ironic tinge to it that is very Australian," the Macquarie Dictionary said in a statement. “这个词在用法上发生了一个十分有趣的变化;一个并不常见的板球术语进入到了政治领域,并且,人们在使用该词时通常带有讽刺意味,这种情况极富澳大利亚色彩,”麦夸里辞典在声明中如是说。

Coming in second was the word "lumbersexual" - a portmanteau of lumberjack and metrosexual - referring to urban men who adopt the style of an outdoorsman as a fashion statement. 排名第二的年度热词是“伐木型男”。它是伐木工人和都市型男这两个词的合成词,指那种以户外运动为时尚的都市男性。

Other contenders for Australia's best word in 2015 澳大利亚2015年度热词候选

1. deso: Colloquially refers to a designated driver, who refrains from drinking alcohol in order to drive others safely home. Also, deso driver. 的搜:口语中通常指代驾司机,他们为了安全载送顾客回家而不能饮酒。也可称“的搜司机”。

2. open kimono: A business policy of sharing information freely with an outside party. 开放式和服:指开放信息共享的商业政策。

3. keyboard warrior: a person who adopts an excessively aggressive style in online discussions which they would not normally adopt in person-to-person communication, often in support of a cause, theory, world view, etc. 键盘侠:指那些在网上参与话题讨论时,对与自己立场、理论、世界观不同的人,采取恶语相向、攻击性态度的人,而这些人在现实生活中与人交流时却并不是这样。

4. ghost plate: a clear plastic numberplate cover which becomes opaque when viewed from certain angles, thereby obscuring the registration number; designed to circumvent identification by speed cameras. 鬼牌:一种透明塑料车牌膜,会使车牌从某些特定角度看来模糊不清;这是专为躲避超速相机抓拍车牌而设计的。

5. athleisure: clothing, shoes, etc., designed for both exercise and general casual wear. 运动休闲风:既适合运动又很悠闲的衣服、鞋子等。

6. tri-tip: a cut of beef, taken from the bottom of the sirloin. 三角肉:牛里脊最下面的那块肉。

7. digital disruption: Commerce the impact of digital technology in making various established industries and products obsolete. 数字化冲击:在商业领域中,受信息技术发展的冲击而淘汰的大量工厂和产品。

8. abandoned porn: a genre of photography which romanticises abandoned buildings and urban areas in a state of decay. Also, ruin porn. 废墟艺术照:一种摄影类型,通过摄影技术使被遗弃的建筑和衰退区呈现一种颓废的浪漫色彩。英文也可以称之为“ruin porn”。

9. wombat gate: a swing gate installed in a ditch going underneath a fence, so that wombats, who follow very predictable patterns at night, can come and go without destroying the fence. 袋熊门:一种旋转门,安装在篱笆下面的沟渠里。夜晚袋熊喜欢朝显眼的地方走,这个旋转门可以吸引袋熊的注意力从而防止它踩坏篱笆。

Vocabulary knighthood:骑士身份 encapsulate:概述 obsolete:废弃的;老式的

英文来源:BBC 译者:Jogible 审校&编辑:杜娟






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