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2024-07-12 18:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265








官方的介绍:Interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout. 作用于CoordinatorLayout的子View的交互行为插件。一个Behavior 实现了用户的一个或者多个交互行为,它们可能包括拖拽、滑动、快滑或者其他一些手势。


/** * 表示是否给应用了Behavior 的View 指定一个依赖的布局,通常,当依赖的View 布局发生变化时 * 不管被被依赖View 的顺序怎样,被依赖的View也会重新布局 * @param parent * @param child 绑定behavior 的View * @param dependency 依赖的view * @return 如果child 是依赖的指定的View 返回true,否则返回false */ @Override public boolean layoutDependsOn(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) { return super.layoutDependsOn(parent, child, dependency); } /** * 当被依赖的View 状态(如:位置、大小)发生变化时,这个方法被调用 * @param parent * @param child * @param dependency * @return */ @Override public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) { return super.onDependentViewChanged(parent, child, dependency); } /** * 当coordinatorLayout 的子View试图开始嵌套滑动的时候被调用。当返回值为true的时候表明 * coordinatorLayout 充当nested scroll parent 处理这次滑动,需要注意的是只有当返回值为true * 的时候,Behavior 才能收到后面的一些nested scroll 事件回调(如:onNestedPreScroll、onNestedScroll等) * 这个方法有个重要的参数nestedScrollAxes,表明处理的滑动的方向。 * * @param coordinatorLayout 和Behavior 绑定的View的父CoordinatorLayout * @param child 和Behavior 绑定的View * @param directTargetChild * @param target * @param nestedScrollAxes 嵌套滑动 应用的滑动方向,看 {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL}, * {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL} * @return */ @Override public boolean onStartNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View directTargetChild, View target, int nestedScrollAxes) { return super.onStartNestedScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, directTargetChild, target, nestedScrollAxes); } /** * 嵌套滚动发生之前被调用 * 在nested scroll child 消费掉自己的滚动距离之前,嵌套滚动每次被nested scroll child * 更新都会调用onNestedPreScroll。注意有个重要的参数consumed,可以修改这个数组表示你消费 * 了多少距离。假设用户滑动了100px,child 做了90px 的位移,你需要把 consumed[1]的值改成90, * 这样coordinatorLayout就能知道只处理剩下的10px的滚动。 * @param coordinatorLayout * @param child * @param target * @param dx 用户水平方向的滚动距离 * @param dy 用户竖直方向的滚动距离 * @param consumed */ @Override public void onNestedPreScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed) { super.onNestedPreScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, target, dx, dy, consumed); } /** * 进行嵌套滚动时被调用 * @param coordinatorLayout * @param child * @param target * @param dxConsumed target 已经消费的x方向的距离 * @param dyConsumed target 已经消费的y方向的距离 * @param dxUnconsumed x 方向剩下的滚动距离 * @param dyUnconsumed y 方向剩下的滚动距离 */ @Override public void onNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed) { super.onNestedScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, target, dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed); } /** * 嵌套滚动结束时被调用,这是一个清除滚动状态等的好时机。 * @param coordinatorLayout * @param child * @param target */ @Override public void onStopNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View target) { super.onStopNestedScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, target); } /** * onStartNestedScroll返回true才会触发这个方法,接受滚动处理后回调,可以在这个 * 方法里做一些准备工作,如一些状态的重置等。 * @param coordinatorLayout * @param child * @param directTargetChild * @param target * @param nestedScrollAxes */ @Override public void onNestedScrollAccepted(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View directTargetChild, View target, int nestedScrollAxes) { super.onNestedScrollAccepted(coordinatorLayout, child, directTargetChild, target, nestedScrollAxes); } /** * 用户松开手指并且会发生惯性动作之前调用,参数提供了速度信息,可以根据这些速度信息 * 决定最终状态,比如滚动Header,是让Header处于展开状态还是折叠状态。返回true 表 * 示消费了fling. * * @param coordinatorLayout * @param child * @param target * @param velocityX x 方向的速度 * @param velocityY y 方向的速度 * @return */ @Override public boolean onNestedPreFling(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, View child, View target, float velocityX, float velocityY) { return super.onNestedPreFling(coordinatorLayout, child, target, velocityX, velocityY); } //可以重写这个方法对子View 进行重新布局 @Override public boolean onLayoutChild(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, int layoutDirection) { return super.onLayoutChild(parent, child, layoutDirection); }



private void scale(AppBarLayout abl, View target, int dy) { mTotalDy += -dy; mTotalDy = Math.min(mTotalDy, TARGET_HEIGHT); mLastScale = Math.max(1f, 1f + mTotalDy / TARGET_HEIGHT); ViewCompat.setScaleX(mTargetView, mLastScale); ViewCompat.setScaleY(mTargetView, mLastScale); mLastBottom = mParentHeight + (int) (mTargetViewHeight / 2 * (mLastScale - 1)); abl.setBottom(mLastBottom); target.setScrollY(0); middleLayout.setTop(mLastBottom - mMiddleHeight); middleLayout.setBottom(mLastBottom); mPersonalInfoLayout.setBottom(mLastBottom - mMiddleHeight); mPersonalInfoLayout.setTop(mLastBottom - mMiddleHeight - mPersonalInfoHeight); if (onProgressChangeListener != null) { //计算0~1的进度 float progress = Math.min((mLastScale - 1) / MAX_REFRESH_LIMIT, 1); onProgressChangeListener.onProgressChange(progress, false); } } private void recovery(final AppBarLayout abl) { if (isRecovering) { return; } if (mTotalDy > 0) { isRecovering = true; mTotalDy = 0; if (isAnimate) { ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(mLastScale, 1f).setDuration(200); anim.addUpdateListener( new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float value = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); ViewCompat.setScaleX(mTargetView, value); ViewCompat.setScaleY(mTargetView, value); abl.setBottom((int) (mLastBottom - (mLastBottom - mParentHeight) * animation.getAnimatedFraction())); middleLayout.setTop((int) (mLastBottom - (mLastBottom - mParentHeight) * animation.getAnimatedFraction() - mMiddleHeight)); mPersonalInfoLayout.setTop((int) (mLastBottom - (mLastBottom - mParentHeight) * animation.getAnimatedFraction() - mMiddleHeight) - mPersonalInfoHeight); if (onProgressChangeListener != null) { //计算0~1的进度 float progress = Math.min((value - 1) / MAX_REFRESH_LIMIT, 1); onProgressChangeListener.onProgressChange(progress, true); } } } ); anim.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { isRecovering = false; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) { } }); anim.start(); } else { ViewCompat.setScaleX(mTargetView, 1f); ViewCompat.setScaleY(mTargetView, 1f); abl.setBottom(mParentHeight); middleLayout.setTop(mParentHeight - mMiddleHeight); mPersonalInfoLayout.setTop(mParentHeight - mMiddleHeight - mPersonalInfoHeight); isRecovering = false; if (onProgressChangeListener != null) { onProgressChangeListener.onProgressChange(0, true); } } } }



2、需要被缩放的布局需要加上 android:clipChildren="false"    android:clipToPadding="false" 属性。



private void snapToChildIfNeeded(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout abl) { final int offset = getTopBottomOffsetForScrollingSibling(); final int offsetChildIndex = getChildIndexOnOffset(abl, offset); if (offsetChildIndex >= 0) { final View offsetChild = abl.getChildAt(offsetChildIndex); final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) offsetChild.getLayoutParams(); final int flags = lp.getScrollFlags(); if ((flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_SNAP) == LayoutParams.FLAG_SNAP) { // We're set the snap, so animate the offset to the nearest edge int snapTop = -offsetChild.getTop(); int snapBottom = -offsetChild.getBottom(); if (offsetChildIndex == abl.getChildCount() - 1) { // If this is the last child, we need to take the top inset into account snapBottom += abl.getTopInset(); } if (checkFlag(flags, LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_EXIT_UNTIL_COLLAPSED)) { // If the view is set only exit until it is collapsed, we'll abide by that snapBottom += ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(offsetChild); } else if (checkFlag(flags, LayoutParams.FLAG_QUICK_RETURN | LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS)) { // If it's set to always enter collapsed, it actually has two states. We // select the state and then snap within the state final int seam = snapBottom + ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(offsetChild); if (offset < seam) { snapTop = seam; } else { snapBottom = seam; } } final int newOffset = offset < (snapBottom + snapTop) / 2 ? snapBottom : snapTop; animateOffsetTo(coordinatorLayout, abl, MathUtils.constrain(newOffset, -abl.getTotalScrollRange(), 0), 0); } } }

可以看到newOffset=offset < (snapBottom + snapTop) / 2 ? snapBottom : snapTop,当offset小于snapBottom+snapTop的一半是就赋值为snapBottom,反之,赋值为snapTop。offset就是AppBarLayout滑动的距离,snapBottom和snapTop可以理解为AppBarLayout的底和高。


/** * 上一次的状态是否为滑动到顶部 */ private boolean laseStateIsSnaptop = true; /** * 开始snap的距离,默认30dip */ private int snapDistance = 30; private void snapToChildIfNeeded(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout abl) { final int offset = getTopBottomOffsetForScrollingSibling(); final int offsetChildIndex = getChildIndexOnOffset(abl, offset); if (offsetChildIndex >= 0) { final View offsetChild = abl.getChildAt(offsetChildIndex); final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) offsetChild.getLayoutParams(); final int flags = lp.getScrollFlags(); if ((flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_SNAP) == LayoutParams.FLAG_SNAP) { // We're set the snap, so animate the offset to the nearest edge int snapTop = -offsetChild.getTop(); int snapBottom = -offsetChild.getBottom(); if (offsetChildIndex == abl.getChildCount() - 1) { // If this is the last child, we need to take the top inset into account snapBottom += abl.getTopInset(); } if (checkFlag(flags, LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_EXIT_UNTIL_COLLAPSED)) { // If the view is set only exit until it is collapsed, we'll abide by that snapBottom += ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(offsetChild); } else if (checkFlag(flags, LayoutParams.FLAG_QUICK_RETURN | LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS)) { // If it's set to always enter collapsed, it actually has two states. We // select the state and then snap within the state final int seam = snapBottom + ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(offsetChild); if (offset < seam) { snapTop = seam; } else { snapBottom = seam; } } int newOffset; //snapBottom:-1198 //snapTop:0 //offset:0~-1198 bottom时0 top时-1198 if (laseStateIsSnaptop) { //上一次的状态是滑动到的顶部 if (Math.abs(offset) > getSnapDistance(abl.getContext())) { //需要滑动到底部 laseStateIsSnaptop = false; newOffset = snapBottom; } else { //需要滑动到顶部 laseStateIsSnaptop = true; newOffset = snapTop; } } else { //上一次的状态是滑动到的底部 if (Math.abs(abl.getTotalScrollRange()) - Math.abs(offset) > getSnapDistance(abl.getContext())) { laseStateIsSnaptop = true; //需要滑动到顶部 newOffset = snapTop; } else { //需要滑动到底部 laseStateIsSnaptop = false; newOffset = snapBottom; } } animateOffsetTo(coordinatorLayout, abl, MathUtils.constrain(newOffset, -abl.getTotalScrollRange(), 0), 0); } } } private int getSnapDistance(Context context) { return UIUtil.dip2px(context, snapDistance); }








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