短视频去除logo(抖音) 您所在的位置:网站首页 抖音logo怎么去掉 短视频去除logo(抖音)


2023-04-01 13:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Video-removal -logo

​ 本代码仓库使用opencv中的图像修复技术来对视频中的每一帧进行修复,从而得到干净去除掉水印的视频,同时保留了视频的音频部分。

Dependent environment pip install opencv-python pip install moviepy pip install pydub How to remove







image display


Code usage


python remove_logo.py


python Combine-audio-video.py The video address after removing the logo

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jB_-ES_JyIq-Bfu4H82Phg 提取码:hnr9

remove_logo.py如下: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import os import sys import numpy as np import math import time # 捕获音频 from moviepy.editor import * from pydub import AudioSegment from get_crop_time import get_time ''' 1.读取视频 2.读取视频的音频 3.找到视频的切分点 4.对视频进行切分 5.对音频进行切分 6.对视频调用去水印函数 7.去完水印的视频和音频合成 ''' def get_img_mask(im,file): shape = im.shape w = shape[1] h = shape[0] # print('shape[0]',shape[0]) # print('shape[1]',shape[1]) if int(h) > int(w): rect = (math.ceil(0.086 * h), math.ceil(0.41 * w)) # (H, W) 水印框大。 图像高宽为720,1280时为(110,300) # 左上角的位置 (15,15) pos1 = (math.ceil(0.02 * w), math.ceil(0.011 * h)) # 右下角的位置 (405,1150) pos2 = (math.ceil(0.5625 * w), math.ceil(0.9 * h)) nim = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) st_lt = 0 # x先遍历高,y遍历宽 for x in range(pos1[1], pos1[1] + rect[0]): for y in range(pos1[0], pos1[0] + rect[1]): px = im[x, y] # im[0,1] 0代表图像的高,1代表图像的宽 if sum(px) > 640: nim[x, y] = 255 st_lt = st_lt + 1 # 像素超过一定数量就判定为右下角, 否则水印在左上角 # st_lt = st_lt + 1 # 像素超过一定数量就判定为右下角, 否则水印在左上角 #print('st_lt', st_lt) # 左上角logo的像素点为三千多,当低于1000个像素的时候,就认为logo移动到右下角了 if st_lt 700: nim[y, x] = 255 # for x in range(400, 720): else: nim = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) st_lt = 0 ''' 对于1280*720的图片,左上角坐标为(10,10)(350,125) 右下角的坐标为(940,580)(1270,710) ''' # x先遍历高,y遍历宽 for x in range(math.ceil(0.0078125 * h), math.ceil(0.0977 * h)): for y in range(math.ceil(0.0139 * w), math.ceil(0.486 * w)): px = im[x, y] # im[0,1] 0代表图像的高,1代表图像的宽 if sum(px) > 640: nim[x, y] = 255 st_lt = st_lt + 1 # 像素超过一定数量就判定为右下角, 否则水印在左上角 #print('st_lt', st_lt) # 左上角logo的像素点为三千多,当低于1000个像素的时候,就认为logo移动到右下角了 if st_lt 700: nim[y, x] = 255 # 这里提取的水印的灰度图 # if not os.path.exists("filter"): # os.makedirs("filter") # cv2.imwrite("filter/" + file, nim) return nim # 传进来一张 def remove_logo(image,file): mask = get_img_mask(image,file) kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) dilate = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=3) kernel_2 = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) dilate = cv2.dilate(dilate, kernel_2, iterations=1) # cv2.imwrite("delate/" + file, dilate) sp = cv2.inpaint(image, dilate, 7, flags=cv2.INPAINT_TELEA) #滤波操作 sp = cv2.bilateralFilter(sp, 5, 280, 50) return sp if __name__ == '__main__': input_pa = r'D:\person_work\github\video-qushuiyin\watermark-master\1\input_path' print('input_pa',input_pa) filenames = os.listdir(input_pa) # 遍历每个文件 for fn in filenames: t0 =time.time() # 每个文件的完整路径 input_path = os.path.join(input_pa, fn) print('input_path',input_path) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path) # # 读视频文件 videoclip_1 = VideoFileClip(input_path) vidio_id = os.path.basename(input_path).split('.')[0] vidio_id_audio = vidio_id + '.wav' # c=os.path.splitext(input_path)[0] # 保存去除logo的视频文件 vidio_id_save = vidio_id + '.mp4' if not os.path.exists("out_path"): os.makedirs("out_path") outpath = os.path.join("out_path", vidio_id_save) tm = get_time(input_path) print('tm',tm) # 对视频画面进行截取 # 获取视频分辨率 size = (int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) #图片名称 frame_png = vidio_id+'.png' # 输出文件编码,Linux下可选X264 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') # 视频帧率 fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print('fps', fps) success, image = cap.read() count = 0 success = True # 输出 out = cv2.VideoWriter(outpath, fourcc, fps, size) while (count 1: sta += 1 return sta # 获取截取视频的时间点 def get_time(videopath): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(videopath)) success, frame = cap.read() end_frame = 0 # print('keyframe_id_set',keyframe_id_set) while (success): # 如果当前帧的图像是全灰度图,则中断程序,跳出循环 t = is_gray(frame) if t






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