抖音爱心特效代码 您所在的位置:网站首页 抖s语言 抖音爱心特效代码


2023-08-27 19:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


在这里插入图片描述 这代码文件的百度网盘链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uZmPcoesCifI5GqsT8NeOQ 提取码:1234


在这里插入图片描述 打开文本文件把最下面代码复制到txt文件里面,把第4行和32行张小名改为你喜欢人的名字就好。 如下是设置爱心中间的文字属性的注释,在最下面代码的21到27行:

.child{ position: relative; top:45%; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color:#EA80B0; } 再把文件名后缀改为html格式回车




完整代码如下 张小名爱你(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; background: #000; } canvas { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .child{ position: relative; top:45%; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color:#EA80B0; } 张小名我LOVE你(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ /* * Settings */ var settings = { particles: { length: 500, // maximum amount of particles duration: 2, // particle duration in sec velocity: 100, // particle velocity in pixels/sec effect: -0.75, // play with this for a nice effect size: 30, // particle size in pixels }, }; /* * RequestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller */ (function(){var b=0;var c=["ms","moz","webkit","o"];for(var a=0;awindow.requestAnimationFrame=function(h,e){var d=new Date().getTime();var f=Math.max(0,16-(d-b));var g=window.setTimeout(function(){h(d+f)},f);b=d+f;return g}}if(!window.cancelAnimationFrame){window.cancelAnimationFrame=function(d){clearTimeout(d)}}}()); /* * Point class */ var Point = (function() { function Point(x, y) { this.x = (typeof x !== 'undefined') ? x : 0; this.y = (typeof y !== 'undefined') ? y : 0; } Point.prototype.clone = function() { return new Point(this.x, this.y); }; Point.prototype.length = function(length) { if (typeof length == 'undefined') return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); this.normalize(); this.x *= length; this.y *= length; return this; }; Point.prototype.normalize = function() { var length = this.length(); this.x /= length; this.y /= length; return this; }; return Point; })(); /* * Particle class */ var Particle = (function() { function Particle() { this.position = new Point(); this.velocity = new Point(); this.acceleration = new Point(); this.age = 0; } Particle.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, dx, dy) { this.position.x = x; this.position.y = y; this.velocity.x = dx; this.velocity.y = dy; this.acceleration.x = dx * settings.particles.effect; this.acceleration.y = dy * settings.particles.effect; this.age = 0; }; Particle.prototype.update = function(deltaTime) { this.position.x += this.velocity.x * deltaTime; this.position.y += this.velocity.y * deltaTime; this.velocity.x += this.acceleration.x * deltaTime; this.velocity.y += this.acceleration.y * deltaTime; this.age += deltaTime; }; Particle.prototype.draw = function(context, image) { function ease(t) { return (--t) * t * t + 1; } var size = image.width * ease(this.age / settings.particles.duration); context.globalAlpha = 1 - this.age / settings.particles.duration; context.drawImage(image, this.position.x - size / 2, this.position.y - size / 2, size, size); }; return Particle; })(); /* * ParticlePool class */ var ParticlePool = (function() { var particles, firstActive = 0, firstFree = 0, duration = settings.particles.duration; function ParticlePool(length) { // create and populate particle pool particles = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i var i; // update active particles if (firstActive for (i = firstActive; i // draw active particles if (firstActive for (i = firstActive; i return new Point( 160 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3), 130 * Math.cos(t) - 50 * Math.cos(2 * t) - 20 * Math.cos(3 * t) - 10 * Math.cos(4 * t) + 25 ); } // creating the particle image using a dummy canvas var image = (function() { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = settings.particles.size; canvas.height = settings.particles.size; // helper function to create the path function to(t) { var point = pointOnHeart(t); point.x = settings.particles.size / 2 + point.x * settings.particles.size / 350; point.y = settings.particles.size / 2 - point.y * settings.particles.size / 350; return point; } // create the path context.beginPath(); var t = -Math.PI; var point = to(t); context.moveTo(point.x, point.y); while (t // next animation frame requestAnimationFrame(render); // update time var newTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000, deltaTime = newTime - (time || newTime); time = newTime; // clear canvas context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // create new particles var amount = particleRate * deltaTime; for (var i = 0; i canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight; } window.onresize = onResize; // delay rendering bootstrap setTimeout(function() { onResize(); render(); }, 10); })(document.getElementById('pinkboard'));






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