英文作文学生过多使用手机的危害 您所在的位置:网站首页 手机的利弊英文100字 英文作文学生过多使用手机的危害


2023-07-21 14:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”学生过多使用手机的危害“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The harm of students' excessive use of mobile phones。以下是关于学生过多使用手机的危害的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The harm of students' excessive use of mobile phones

Overuse of mobile phones is harmful to people's health. It has a negative impact on people's eyes. And many people know that the radiation from mobile phones can cause brain tumors.

If you talk for a long time, you will have headache and ear problems. Some people who rely heavily on mobile phones will lose their interpersonal skills. They can chat with several people through mobile phones at the same time, but they do not perform well in face-to-face.

Some students abuse mobile phones and play games with mobile phones, which is bad for their eyes and waste time. Obviously, carrying mobile phones will interfere with classroom teaching, causing students to compare with each other. The attitude towards mobile phones should be to prohibit the use of mobile phones in schools.




Overuse of mobile phones is harmful to people's health. It has a negative impact on people's eyes. And many people know that the radiation from mobile phones can cause brain tumors.

If you talk for a long time, you will have headache and ear problems. Some people who rely heavily on mobile phones will lose their interpersonal skills. They can chat with several people through mobile phones at the same time, but they do not perform well in face-to-face.

Some students abuse mobile phones and play games with mobile phones, which is bad for their eyes and waste time. Obviously, carrying mobile phones will interfere with classroom teaching, causing students to compare with each other. The attitude towards mobile phones should be to prohibit the use of mobile phones in schools.




Nowadays, mobile phones are so popular that almost every student has one of the advantages of using mobile phones. On the other hand, the disadvantages are the first aspect. Using mobile phones facilitates the contact between parents and friends.

Mobile phones also add a lot of fun to our life. Students' use of mobile phones in class will interfere with the classroom. As a student who does not have a lot of money, calling and texting are the same This is a waste, so I suggest that if you have a mobile phone, please don't use it in class, and pay attention to your own expensive things.

Everyone knows that mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life, but in my opinion, it has many advantages and disadvantages. First of all, mobile phones enable people to keep in touch at all times, especially when they have important things. It reduces the cost of people not having to go far to understand things.

Second, we can send short messages on mobile phones for a small amount of money. Third, we can also play games, take pictures or listen to music on mobile phones. Recently, with the development of technology, we can send short messages on mobile phones for a small amount of money We have done a lot of things, but they also have many shortcomings.

We have to pay for the wrong numbers, which are not for us. Radioactive substances can be harmful to our health, and sometimes these halos can affect other people in public or in meetings.




本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/e816y32o.html







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