mameplus0.160最新中文街机模拟器 您所在的位置:网站首页 手机mame模拟器麻将 mameplus0.160最新中文街机模拟器


2024-06-26 22:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

mameplus0.160中文街机模拟器 文件格式为7z压缩格式,如无法解压请下载较新版本的压缩软件

使用GCC 4.9.1 mingw-mame-20140905 编译

r5226 * [WIP] Sync to r36654.

新模拟的街机游戏 --------------------------------------------------- Player's Edge Plus (X002111P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (with Seq  Royal Flush) [BrianT] Crazy Bonus 2002 [Amanda King, Vas Crabb] 德拉库拉城堡 Castle Of Dracula [Caius, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia] New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 1) [Vas Crabb]  蜘蛛划线 Spider [system11, The Dumping Union, David Haywood] Brick Zone (v1.1, Spinner) [Luca Elia] 新模拟克隆版的街机游戏 ---------------- Nitro Ball (World, set 2) [Bill D. / The Dumping Union] 砖块区域战6.0版本 Brick Zone (v6.0, Joystick) [system11, The Dumping Union] New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 2) [Vas Crabb] Super Cherry Gold (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) [Vas Crabb] Grand Cherry Master (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) [Vas Crabb] Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05) [ShinobiZ & COY] Boot Camp (set 2) [chaneman] Frogger (videotron bootleg) [system11, The Dumping Union] Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 5) [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (PP0190) Deuces Wild Poker (set 1) [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (PP0203) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 4) [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (PP0515) Double Bonus Poker (set 3) [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (BE0014) Blackjack (International English/Spanish)   [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X000006P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X000042P+XP000038) 10's or Better [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X000764P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker   [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002010P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002016P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002017P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002037P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002039P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002247P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT] Player's Edge Plus (X002386P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker   [BrianT] Puzznic (bootleg) [cmonkey] 电磁基盘 Mahjong Electromagnetic Base [Dyq, XingXing, Luca Elia] Battle K-Road (Korean PCB) [Manuel Assoni] Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 91634B-2) [Bonky] Willow (World) [Jets (from Emu-france) and Layer (from Neo-arcadia)] The Combatribes (US, older) [Jets, Layer] Raiden II (France) [Jets, Layer] Golden Axe II (Mega Play) (original rev) [Jets, Layer]  Daioh (location test version) [CoolMod, trap15] Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) [caius] 新添加但不能运行的街机游戏 ------------------------------------ Mahjong Ougon No Pai [Dyq, XingXing]






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