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2024-06-15 18:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265















Too Young for Young Love?


That morning, I couldn't swallow my breakfast. As soon as I arrived at school, my heart began to pound loudly. When I saw him in the halls, all the courage I'd mustered yesterday melted like ice. I took a deep breath and told myself, the first step is the hardest, but a good beginning is the halfway marker to a successful ending.

Legs like jelly, I walked up to him and said, "Hey Steve, would you be willing to go on a date with me?"

Steve seemed surprised, but he accepted. I exhaled. Good thing he knew the reason behind my sudden invitation to go on a date.

"The Dating Project" is a philosophy class assignment given to all eleventh grade students at my school. Everyone, regardless of whether he or she has been asked, must ask another student on a date. The date must be between 45 and 90 minutes, and the two people must converse and get to know each other. Each person must write a personal reflection on the experience. After school, Steve and I took a walk on the beach and found quite a lot to talk about; it wasn't nearly as awkward as I'd imagined.

As a matter of fact, many American students start dating in high school. Scan the cafeteria at lunchtime and you'll see several students sharing a chair with a boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoying a two-person world amidst the chaos of their surroundings. In class (since our textbooks are all in our iPads), there's always somebody simpering at his or her screen and sending secret love notes. Many of such relationships aren't really serious. Some of my classmates change boy/girlfriends every few months. Some will maintain one relationship throughout high school but embark on completely separate paths after graduation. My friend Grace began dating a guy during her first year of high school, and she told me, "Dating someone is like having a best friend you can kiss."

Although U.S. high schools don't ban dating, and dating is really quite prevalent, students aren't pressured to enter relationships. They hold a strange respect, sometimes even a sense of worship, toward their dating peers, but tease them all the same. "Love" is mysterious and a little dangerous, and not something spoken about with ease.

For this very reason, my school told all eleventh graders to go on dates. This sort of date is known as a "level one date," and serves to pave the way for mutual understanding and trust. It's really not a big deal. Through this type of date, we get the opportunity to face our own emotions and the chance to more casually discuss the topic of romance. We took a chunk of time from philosophy class to learn how to face complex emotions and sort through our own feelings.

We all wish to grow intimate with others, whether they be friends, family, or lovers. The intimacy I speak of is emotional intimacy that superficial commonalities and purely incarnate interactions cannot replace. Then, why is it so hard to find someone with whom we can become emotionally intimate? I think it is because, in order to nurture mutual trust, each person must reveal his or her own most vulnerable self. This requires immense courage, and wisdom. And to understand our own emotions is the foundation of it all.

"Young love" is a way of exploring our emotions. It is not an evil. We cannot deny that dating in high school interferes with our focus on studying, but we cannot underestimate, either, a high school student's maturity in making judgments. My friend Grace, for example, has the highest grades in her entire school. I'm not encouraging high school students to date; all I'm saying is, we need not hide our emotions, from others and ourselves, due to fear. Emotions remain an essential part of our lives. Only through accepting our feelings can we truly accept ourselves and our intangible needs.

After my date, I discovered that I really don't want to be in a relationship. Although Steve and I have much in common, I knew I didn't "like" him. Nor did I have the time or the trust to maintain a close relationship.

"Love" in my eyes, is a distant thing, but I know that when it dawns upon me, I won't deny its existence.

Everyone is different. Whether or not young love is too young is unique to the individual.







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