惠普 HPE ProLiant Gen10 系列服务器开机自检错误信息2xx系列代码说明(上) – 学海无涯 走一路学一路 您所在的位置:网站首页 惠普内存模块错误 惠普 HPE ProLiant Gen10 系列服务器开机自检错误信息2xx系列代码说明(上) – 学海无涯 走一路学一路

惠普 HPE ProLiant Gen10 系列服务器开机自检错误信息2xx系列代码说明(上) – 学海无涯 走一路学一路

2023-05-13 17:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

209-Unsupported DIMM configuration detected提示信息209-Unsupported DIMM configuration detected – Installed DIMM configuration does NOT supportconfigured AMP Mode. System will operate in Advanced ECC Mode故障原因DIMM 配置与配置的 AMP 模式不匹配解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

210-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息210-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Installed DIMMs could not support the currentlyconfigured interleave mode. (Major code: A, Minor code: B)故障原因系统 BIOS 检测到安装的 NVDIMM 具有冲突的交错设置。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

211-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息211-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y. The DIMM does not supportECC. (Major Code:A, Minor Code:B).故障原因安装的 DIMM 不支持 ECC。系统要求所有安装的 DIMM 均支持 ECC。解决方法将指定的 DIMM 更换为支持 ECC 的 DIMM。

212-Processor UPI Initialization Error提示信息212-Processor UPI Initialization Error. A processor UPI initialization error was detected. (Major Code:X,Minor Code:Y)故障原因未完全固定处理器。解决方法卸下处理器,然后重新安装。

213-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息213-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y. The DIMM has more ranks thanis supported by this system. (Major Code:A, Minor Code:B)故障原因已超过内存通道中支持的总 DIMM 列数。解决方法从通道中卸下 DIMM,或更换为具有较少列的 DIMM。

214-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息214-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y. The DIMM requires a frequencynot supported by the system. (Major Code:A, Minor Code:B).故障原因服务器中安装的一个或多个 DIMM 与支持的内存频率不兼容。解决方法将指定的 DIMM 更换为支持的 DIMM。

215-DIMM Initialization Error提示信息215-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X DIMM Y. The identified processor and memory failed toinitialize properly. (Major Code:A, Minor Code:B)故障原因DIMM 发生故障或不可用。解决方法1、验证系统是否具有可用的最新 BIOS 版本。2、卸下指定的 DIMM 和处理器,然后重新安装。

216-DIMM Initialization Error提示信息216-DIMM Initialization Error. A fatal error was detected while initializing memory. (Major Code:X, MinorCode:Y)故障原因处理器或 DIMM 未正确固定。解决方法卸下指定的 DIMM 和处理器,然后重新安装。

217-DIMM Initialization Error提示信息217-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X DIMM Y. The identified processor and memory are operatingat an incorrect voltage. (Major Code:A, Minor Code:B)故障原因处理器或 DIMM 未正确固定。解决方法卸下指定的 DIMM 和处理器,然后重新安装。

218-DIMM Initialization Error提示信息218-DIMM Initialization Error – All DIMMs are mapped out due to memory errors except for one to allowthe system to boot. Additional errors may be present on the remaining DIMM. System is booting in adegraded state.故障原因由于以下原因之一,系统中的所有 DIMM 超出可接受的无法纠正错误数阈值:DIMM 模块发生故障一个或多个主板组件出现问题解决方法1、卸下 DIMM 和处理器,然后重新安装。2、如果问题仍然存在,请更换 DIMM。

219-Memory Configuration Error提示信息219-Memory Configuration Error. One or more of the installed processors has a total amount of memoryinstalled which exceeds the amount supported by that processor. (Major Code:X, Minor Code:Y)故障原因处理器插槽上安装的总内存量超过处理器支持的最大内存量。未正确安装 DIMM解决方法卸下 DIMM 以将处理器上安装的内存量减少到支持的数量。

220-UPI Initialization Error – A fatal UPI initialization error has been detected提示信息220-UPI Initialization Error – A fatal UPI initialization error has been detected故障原因处理器互连模块链路未正确初始化或训练。多处理器通信可能受限。未正确安装 DIMM解决方法将系统固件更新为最新修订版本。

221-Unknown Initialization Error提示信息221-Unknown Initialization Error. The system has experienced a fatal initialization error. (Major Code: X,Minor Code: Y).故障原因系统在内存和芯片组初始化早期遇到未知的严重系统错误。解决方法1、检查所有安装的处理器和内存模块以验证它们是否正确固定。2、检查处理器和 DIMM 插槽是否损坏或具有弯曲的插针。

223-DIMM Initialization Error提示信息223-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X Channel Y. The identified memory channel could not beproperly trained and has been mapped out. The indicated DIMMs will not be available. (Major Code: A,Minor Code: B)故障原因一个或多个内存模块无法正确初始化,已被禁用。解决方法1、在指定通道中重新固定 DIMM。2、更新系统 ROM。

224-Power fault detected – FlexLOM X提示信息224-Power fault detected – FlexLOM故障原因未在接口上完全固定 FlexibleLOM。解决方法1、关闭服务器电源。2、执行以下操作:对于非刀片或非 SL 系列服务器,拔出服务器。对于刀片、计算模块或 SL 系列服务器,从机箱中卸下服务器。3、找到并重新安装指示的 FlexibleLOM。

225-Power fault detected – Mezzanine X提示信息225-Power fault detected – Mezzanine X故障原因未在接口上完全固定中间卡选件。解决方法找到并重新固定指示的中间卡选件。

226-Power fault detected – Embedded storage controller提示信息226-Power fault detected – Embedded storage controller故障原因未完全固定存储控制器。解决方法找到并重新固定存储控制器。

226-Power fault detected – Embedded storage controller提示信息226-Power fault detected – Embedded storage controller故障原因未完全固定存储控制器。解决方法找到并重新固定存储控制器。

227-Power fault detected – M.2 riser提示信息227-Power fault detected – M.2 riser.故障原因M.2 转接卡未完全固定。解决方法找到并重新固定M.2 转接卡。

228-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X, Channel Y提示信息228-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X, Channel Y. DIMM population ruleviolation. The Memory channel has been mapped out. The indicated DIMMs will not be available. (MajorCode: A, Minor Code: B).故障原因DIMM 安装在不支持的配置中。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

229-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X, DIMM Y提示信息229-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y. The identified DIMM is notsupported in the system. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因检测到不受支持的 DIMM。解决方法仅将支持的 DIMM 安装到服务器中。

230-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X, Channel Y提示信息230-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X, Channel Y. The number of installedDIMM ranks exceeds the number supported by the channel. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因安装的 DIMM 列数超过通道支持的数量。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

231-Memory Configuration Error – No memory is available提示信息231-Memory Configuration Error – No memory is available. If DIMMs are installed, verify that thecorresponding processor is installed. (Major Code: X, Minor Code:Y)故障原因1、服务器无法配置安装的内存。2、无法使用安装的内存。3、已安装 DIMM,但未安装相应的处理器。解决方法1、在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。2、在支持的配置中安装 DIMM 和处理器

232-DIMM Initialization Error – A memory initialization error was detected提示信息232-DIMM Initialization Error – A memory initialization error was detected. (Major Code: A, Minor Code:B)故障原因安装的 DIMM 未通过内存测试。解决方法1、卸下 DIMM,然后重新安装。2、如果问题仍然存在,请更新系统 ROM。

233-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X Channel Y提示信息233-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X Channel Y. The identified memory channel could not beproperly trained and has been mapped out. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因一个或多个 DIMM 无法正确初始化,已由内存初始化代码禁用。解决方法1、卸下指定通道中的 DIMM,然后重新安装。2、检查 DIMM 插槽和主板的插针是否弯曲,跟踪是否损坏。3、如果问题仍然存在,请更新系统 ROM。

234-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X DIMM Y提示信息234-DIMM Initialization Error – Processor X DIMM Y. The identified DIMM could not be properly trainedand has been mapped out. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因1、未正确固定 DIMM。2、未正确固定处理器解决方法1、卸下指定的 DIMM,然后重新安装。2、如果问题仍然存在,请重新固定处理器。3、如果问题仍然存在,请更新系统 ROM。

235-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Mixed DIMM configurations are notsupported on this system提示信息235-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Mixed DIMM configurations are not supported on thissystem. (Major Code: X, Minor Code: Y)故障原因DIMM 安装在不支持的配置中。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

236-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y提示信息236-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Processor X DIMM Y. The DIMM does not support therequired voltage. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因安装的 DIMM 不支持所需的电压。解决方法从服务器中卸下指定的 DIMM,然后安装支持的 DIMM。

237-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息237-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Octal and Quad Rank DIMMs are not supported onthe same memory channel. (Major Code: X, Minor Code: Y)故障原因DIMM 安装在不支持的配置中。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

238-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息238-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Mixing 3DS LRDIMMs with non-3DS LRDIMMs is notsupported. (Major Code: X, Minor Code: Y)故障原因DIMM 安装在不支持的配置中。解决方法在支持的配置中安装 DIMM。

239-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected提示信息239-Unsupported DIMM Configuration Detected – Mixed DIMM configurations are not supported on thissystem. The system can only have one DIMM type (such as RDIMM or LRDIMM) installed at a time.(Major Code: X, Minor Code: Y)故障原因在服务器中安装了混合 DIMM 类型。已禁用插槽上的所有内存。解决方法仅在服务器中安装单个 DIMM 类型。

240-DIMM Initialization Warning – A memory error occurred提示信息240-DIMM Initialization Warning – Processor X DIMM Y. A correctable memory initialization error wasdetected. (Major Code: A, Minor Code: B)故障原因指定的 DIMM 在内存训练过程中遇到错误。已自动纠正该错误,并成功初始化该 DIMM。解决方法1、无需执行任何操作。2、如果问题仍然存在,请卸下指定的 DIMM,然后重新安装。3、更新系统 ROM

242-Unsupported Processor Configuration Detected提示信息242-Unsupported Processor Configuration Detected – System does not support booting with threeprocessors installed故障原因在具有三个处理器时,服务器不支持引导。解决方法1、安装额外的处理器。2、卸下其中的一个处理器。

243-Unsupported processor configuration detected提示信息243-Unsupported Processor Configuration Detected – The installed processors are not 4-socket capableand this server only supports 4-socket capable processors故障原因安装了不支持的处理器。解决方法卸下不支持的处理器并将其更换为支持的处理器。

244-The device in PCIe Slot X is installed in a slot that does NOT support SRIOV提示信息244-The device in PCIe Slot X is SRIOV capable but is installed in a slot that does NOT support SRIOV故障原因PCIe 插槽或安装的处理器不具备支持 SRIOV 的 ARI(备用路由 ID 解释)功能。解决方法要使用 SRIOV 功能,请将扩展卡移到支持 SRIOV 的可用插槽。

251-Switches SW1 and SW3 are ON提示信息251-Switches SW1 and SW3 are ON. This is only used to recover iLO functionality.故障原因位于打开位置的 SW1 禁用了 iLO 安全功能。解决方法1、关闭服务器电源。2、将开关 SW1 和 SW3 设置到关闭位置。

253-One or more embedded PCIe Devices are attached to a noninstalled processor提示信息253-One or more embedded PCIe Devices are attached to a noninstalled processor and will not function故障原因未按预期方式安装处理器。解决方法安装指定的处理器。

254-The PCIe Device installed in Slot X has no corresponding processor installed提示信息254-The PCIe Device installed in Slot X has no corresponding processor installed and will not function故障原因某个插槽中安装的 PCI 装置未安装相应的处理器。解决方法1、将 PCIe 装置移至另一个插槽2、安装指定的处理器。

255-The NVMe Device installed in Slot X has no corresponding processor installed提示信息255-The NVMe Device installed in Slot X has no corresponding processor installed and will not function.故障原因NVMe 装置安装在没有安装相应处理器的插槽中。解决方法1、将 NVMe 装置移到另一个插槽中。2、安装指定的处理器。

259-Unsupported Processor Configuration Detected提示信息259-Unsupported Processor Configuration Detected. All installed processors do not have the same modelnumber.故障原因安装了具有不同型号的处理器。解决方法更换具有不同型号的任何处理器。






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