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恐怖游轮 ~ 完整剧本

2024-04-01 17:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

你刚刚只是做了个恶梦 只是个恶梦 宝贝 You’re just having a bad dream. That’s all, baby. 只是个恶梦 That’s all it was. 恶梦让你觉得你看到了实际上不存在的东西 Bad dreams make you think you’ve seen things that you haven’t. 知道我做了恶梦之后会怎么做么? You know what I do when I have a bad dream? 我会闭上眼睛 想些美好的事情 I close my eyes and I think of something nice. 例如和你在一起 Like being here with you. 迷失叁角洲 快点 宝贝 我们要迟到了 Hurry up, sweetheart. We’re gonna be late. 可恶 Shit. 杰克? Jack? 看到有人按我的门铃么? Did you see someone ring my doorbell? 没有 No. 知道了 谢谢 Okay, thanks. 我都清理乾净了 宝贝 I cleaned everything away, sweetheart. 一切都跟以前一模一样 Everything is exactly the way it was before. 乾净又漂亮 看 看 看到了么? They’re clean and shiny. Look. Look. You see? 好了 好了 只要闭上眼睛 Okay, all right. Just close your eyes. 叁角号♥ 喔 你好啊 水手 Well, hello, sailor. 嗨! Hi! 能上来吗? Permission to come aboard? 宝贝 拿着这个 Honey, hold this. 抱歉昨天没能来 因为某人又工作到太晚 So sorry we couldn’t make it yesterday. Somebody was working late again. 最近怎样 莎? How’re you doing, Sal? 很好 你呢? I’m good. How are you? 我也很好 I’m all right. 看看你呀 Look at you. 喜欢吗? Do you like it? 看起来棒极了 You look great. 真的么? 我差点把它扔掉呢 Really? I just kinda threw it on. 她打扮了足有一个星期 She’s had outfits laid out for a week. 你真会胡扯 你知道我老公这人 You’re such a liar. You know my husband. 我不会听他说的 你知道的 I don’t listen to what he says. You know that. 我带了我的蜜友过来 希德 她可是个大好人 I brought my really good friend, Heather. She’s so nice. 答应我对她多用点心 Promise me you’ll be attentive. 最近怎样 老兄? How’re you doing, man? 她不该带人来的 She’s not to bring anyone. 你不喜欢她? 相信我 她是莎莉的朋友裡面最漂亮的 You don’t like her? Believe me, she’s the best looking of Sally’s friends. 而且也不嘮叨 Which it doesn’t say much. 可我让你别带人的 I asked you not to. 跟一个18岁男孩住同一条船却不让带女人…… You’re living on a boat with an 18-year old boy and you’re saying no girls. 格雷 这是希德 Greg, this is Heather. 她是我很好的朋友 我觉得你们应该见个面 She’s a very good friend of mine, and I just thought you guys should meet. 嗨! Hi. 抱歉 容我离开一下。 Can you just excuse me for a moment? 洁西 妳还好吗? Jess. You okay? 我可不这么想 I don’t think so. 嘿 出什么事了? Hey. What happened? 嘿 到底出什么事了? Hey. What’s the matter? 对不起 I’m sorry. 你道什么歉啊 You’ve got nothing to apologize for. 怎么了? 你还好吗? What is it? Are you okay? 我只是有点累 I’m just tired. 喔 听着 如果你不想的话 我们不一定非得今天出航 Well, listen, we don’t have to go today if you don’t want to. 不 我们走 我-我想 No, we do. I-I wanna go. 真的吗? You sure? 是的 Yeah. 是的 Yeah. 是的? 好 来吧 上来这儿 Yeah? Okay, come on. Come up here. 这是莎莉和她丈夫 唐尼 This is Sally and her husband, Downey. 这是希德 莎莉的朋友 你应该还记得维多 This is Heather, Sally’s friend. You remember Victor. 现在让我们起航吧! So let’s go sailing! 好 Okay. 嘿 Hey. 你怎么样? You okay? 格雷还好吗? Is Greg okay? 好啊 他在上面 He’s fine. He’s upstairs. 你睡了几个小时了 You’ve been asleep for a couple of hours. 我做了个恶梦 I had this terrible dream. 什么内容? What about? 不记得了 I don’t remember. 要是我就不烦那个 I wouldn’t worry. 因为恶梦能够释放现实中的压力 Apparently bad dreams cure you of real life stress. 这可是真正的香檳 要些吗? As indeed does champagne. You want some? 是的 Yeah. 唐尼 能不能帮个忙? Downey, wanna give me a hand, please? 维多 我可是船长的客人 不过 好吧 我会帮你的 Actually, Victor, I’m a guest of the Captain’s, but yes, I witt help you. 维多 在码头的时候是怎么回事? Victor, what was that back there at the harbor? 什么? What? 我问洁西是否还好的时候你说不 I asked Jess if she was all right and you said no. 你不是告诉我她会带小孩一起来的吗? You told me she was bringing the little boy along. 可是跟她在一起的时候 我问她孩子在哪儿? When I was walking with her in the harbor I asked where he was. 她却记不得了 She couldn’t remember. 她愣了差不多20秒 She stared into space for like 20 seconds 然后说在学校 and then she said he’s at school. 所以……? So? 呃 今天是星期六 学校放假 Well, it’s Saturday. Ain’t no school today. 也许她儿子是上一所每天都上课的特殊学校 Her son goes to a special needs school and it’s open every day. 对她好点 Be nice to her. 没问题 All right. 你们一起晒日光浴吗? 那就好 Do you boys sunbathe together? 有时 Sometimes. 香檳算不上极品但够冰 要些吗? The champagne is not great but it is cold. Want some? 不了 谢谢 No thanks. 好吧 那我自己多喝点 Okay, more for me. 嘿 感觉怎么样? Hey, how are you feeling? 真抱歉 我真不知道怎么会累成这样 I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how tired I was. 你又道歉 再这样的话我就把你扔出去 You apologize one more time, and I’m gonna throw you overboard. 来这儿 Here. 现在好些了吧? You all right? 是的 Yeah. 它以为我们是渔船 He thinks we’re a fishing hoat. 它饿了 He’s gonna go hungry. 想掌舵么? You want to steer? 不 Nah. 试试吧 Go on. 我应该往那个方向? Which way do I aim? 往那个方向 You’re gonna aim that way. 狠简单 对不对? It’s easy, right? 就是说 有时候她会做服务生 So, she’s a waitress at some diner. 他们狠谈得来 要变成朋友了 At least there they talk. They became friends. 哦 她还有个孤僻的儿子 Oh, and she has an autistic son. 所以他们只不过是朋友 So they’re just friends. 莎莉! Sally! 怎么 我应该说什么? 她有那么个儿子我狠难过? What do you want me to say? I’m sorry she has a retarded son? 是啊! Yeah! 喔 狠难过 你知道 但那是她的问题 不是格雷的 Well, I’m sorry. You know, that’s not Greg’s problem, that’s hers. 你为什么看不惯她 因为她的短裤? What is it, is it the shorts? 不! 希德 格雷是我的老朋友了 No! Heather, Greg’s been my friend for a really long time. 我不能坐视不管 眼睁睁看他背上麻烦 I can’t just sit back and watch him get shaken down. 她又没有这样 She isn’t doing that. 好吧 希望不会 因为格雷太容易相信人了 Well, I hope not because Greg is far too trusting. 我有点喜欢那小伙子了 I’m kinda linking the boy. 啊 不 你不要 你就不能上去跟格雷谈一谈? Uh, no, you’re not. Can you please go up there and talk to Greg? 我觉得你们两个真的很匹配 I really think the two of you will be perfect for each other. 而且我也实在看不惯他跟她在一起 And I really don’t like seeing him with her. 洁西 好了吗? Jess, are you ready? 好了 升上去吧 Yeah, let her go. 好的 Yeah. 哇哦! Woo! 嗯 你是怎么认识这些人的?






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