内外向兼具的“中间性格” 您所在的位置:网站首页 性格内向的内向怎么写 内外向兼具的“中间性格”


2024-07-13 06:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


For years, psychologists have divided people into two basic personality types: introverts and extroverts. But experts suggest there's middle ground on the personality spectrum, and people refer to as "ambiverts" fall somewhere in between.多年来心理学家一直把人的性格分成两种:内向型和外向型。不过有专家提出,在性格光谱中存在一种介于外向和内向之间的性格,人们称之为“中间性格”。

Ambiverts, as the name suggests, have both introverted and extroverted characteristics. But neither trait is dominant. As a result, ambiverts have more balanced personalities.中间性格,顾名思义就是包含内向和外向两种特征的性格类型,但两种特征都不占主导。因此,中间性格是一种更加平衡的性格。

You can tell if you're an ambivert by asking yourself how you'd behave in common situations. 想要判断自己是否是“中间性格”的人,可以问问自己在常见情形下会如何表现。

What do you crave after a long day at work when you need to refuel—a happy hour with friends, or your couch and the remote control? At a social event, at what point do you want to leave—as soon as you get there or after the last person has left? In a conversation, do you prefer to think through your answers before speaking, or throw out whatever idea comes to mind and bat it back and forth? 当你工作了冗长的一整天后,你渴望通过什么方式充电——是和好友相处的欢乐时光,还是独自一人窝在沙发上看电视?在社交活动中,在什么情况下你想要离开——是刚到那儿就想走,还是等到最后一个人离开?在交谈中,你更喜欢在开口前把回答想透彻,还是会随意说出任何闪现在你脑中的想法?

If you're an ambivert, your preference will often be somewhere in the middle—you choose to have a drink with a friend after work but then afterward go home and take a long walk with the dog.如果你是个中向性格者,你的偏好会落在两极之间的某个地方——你可能会选择下班后先和朋友喝上一杯,但之后回家长距离遛狗。

(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)






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