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2024-02-17 01:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“由一个小女孩在一部奇幻电影开头演唱的歌曲竟拥有了属于自己的生命历程,这是许多人都没有想到的。”哥伦比亚大学音乐系教授沃尔特·弗利施(Walter Frisch)谈到,他的新书《阿伦和哈伯格的飞越彩虹》追溯了这首歌曲的创作历史。弗利施教授提出,这首歌吸引人的原因之一便是人们童年时想要逃离现实的共通愿望。“这首歌融合了希望与焦虑,让人们联想到自己的困扰,”弗利施教授说。他表示,这首歌的歌词模糊了环境背景,人们并不知道(演唱时)歌手正和她的狗站在农场前。

"It might not seem obvious that a song performed by a young girl at the beginning of a fantasy movie would take on a life of its own," said Walter Frisch, a professor of music whose new book, Arlen and Harburg's Over the Rainbow, traces the work's history. One factor of the song's appeal that Frisch cites is the universality of a childhood desire to get away or escape. "The song's mix of hope and anxiety has allowed people to read into it their own concerns," he said, noting that the lyrics are general enough that one would not know the singer was standing in a farmyard with her dog.


Frisch defines "Over the Rainbow" as a classic "I want" song, delivered at the outset of a show or film to "express the desires that will motivate the protagonist's actions." Freed wanted a ballad that would rival a popular film song of the time, "Someday My Prince Will Come" from Walt Disney's 1937 animated hit Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

“当我告诉大家我正在研究哈罗德·阿伦的音乐时,他们大多都茫然地看着我,并不知道他是谁。”弗利施教授说到。“而当我提到《飞越彩虹》和 《暴风雪》这两首歌时,他们往往会反问‘他写了这些歌?’”弗利施教授认为,阿伦的名字应该为人熟知,正如同时代的作曲家乔治·格什温(George Gershwin)和欧文·伯林(Irving Berlin)一样。

"When I tell people that I’m working on Harold Arlen's music, they sort of stare at me blankly, not recognizing his name," Frisch said. "But when I mention 'Over the Rainbow' and 'Stormy Weather,' they say, 'He did those?'" Frisch believes that the composer's name should be as well-known as his contemporaries George Gershwin or Irving Berlin.


Arlen's music covers a wide range of styles, from jazz-inspired tunes to light-hearted patter. As they collaborated, Harburg would generally suggest an idea or title connected with the plot, Arlen would compose the music, and then Harburg would write the lyrics. Musical inspiration often struck at odd moments. On his way to Grauman's ChineseTheatre with his wife, Arlen asked her to stop the car as they passed Schwab's drugstore on Sunset Boulevard. In a burst of creativity, he jotted down the tune for "Over the Rainbow" on the music paper that he invariably carried with him.

阿伦的音乐特点是歌曲开始部分的八度跳跃,正如《飞越彩虹》歌曲中开头几个音节‘some’到‘where’的八度跨越。阿伦称,“Someday I’ll wish upon a star”这段本意是模仿孩子的钢琴练习。 据哈伯格回忆,这是阿伦吹口哨招呼狗时的旋律。当哈伯格和阿伦正在为歌曲结尾苦思冥想时,艾拉·格什温(美国抒情诗人,作曲家乔治·格什温的兄弟)加入并帮助了他们。当格什温被问到为什么建议以一个问句,“Why, oh, why can't I”,来结束这首歌曲时,他回忆,“再不决定天就黑了。”

An Arlen trademark is to begin a song with an octave leap, as in the opening syllables' "Some-WHERE." The section "Someday I'll wish upon a star" was meant to imitate a child's piano exercise, Arlen claimed. Harburg recalled that it was the way Arlen whistled to call his dog. When Harburg and Arlen were stuck on an ending for the song, Ira Gershwin stepped in to help. When asked why he suggested ending the song with the question, "Why, oh, why can't I," Gershwin later recalled, "Well, it was getting to be a long evening."


The song that Garland later called "sacred" became her anthem. When it was named song of the century, the headlines were usually along the lines of "Judy Garland's 'Over the Rainbow' is No. 1," with hardly a mention of the composer or lyricist. The song followed and sometimes burdened her throughout the decades. "It's like being a grandmother in pigtails," she once said.


Garland would interpret "Over the Rainbow" differently by changing its "tempo, timbre, rhythm, phrasing, dictionand choice of pitches," Frisch writes, noting that: "It grew with her and became the culminating moment of her concerts. At her Carnegie Hall concert in 1961, everyone knew that she was going to sing it, but the audience would have to clamor for it."

弗利施教授的主要研究领域本是19世纪20年代至20世纪30年代的德奥音乐。 “人们总是问我,‘你的研究对象是怎么从勃拉姆斯变成哈罗德·阿伦的?’”他说,“对我来说,勃拉姆斯和哈罗德·阿伦共有的特殊之处就是他们都非常具有表达力,但他们的音乐总是有一种情绪被克制的感觉,反而传达出了热切的渴望与憧憬。”

Frisch's main area of research has been Austro-German music from the 1820s to the 1930s. "People ask me, 'How do you get from Brahms to Harold Arlen?'" he said. "For me, what is special about both Brahms and Arlen is that they are deeply expressive, yet there is always a sense that the emotion is being controlled, which imparts yearning and longing."

对于《飞越彩虹》只有一个“原汁原味”版本的说法,弗利施教授表示怀疑。“不同的表演者和不同的情境会造就不同的版本,”他说道。正如今年,在英国的曼彻斯特,爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)将这首歌作为慈善音乐会的返场歌曲演唱,献给在她之前演唱会爆炸事件的受害者们。“在这里,这首歌传达了团结、安慰的讯息。”

He doubts that there is "one real authentic" version of "Over the Rainbow." "There are as many different versions as there are performers and contexts," he said. Just this year in Manchester, England, Ariana Grande sang it as an encore at a benefit concert for the victims of a bombing at one of her earlier concerts. "Here the song conveyed a message of solidarity and reassurance," Frisch said.


Scores of famous singers have recorded versions of the song over its long and rich life. Frisch ends his book by honoring its creators with an allusion to a scene near the conclusion of The Wizard of Oz: "We should give credit to the men behind the curtain. Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg are the real-life wizards."

Somewhere over the rainbow

Way up high

There is a land that l heard of once

In a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow

Skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream

Really do come true

Someday I will wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far

Behind me

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

Away above the chimney tops

That is where you will find me

Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then oh why can not I

If happy little bluebirds fly

Beyond the rainbow

Why oh why can't I

—— Over the Rainbow

The translation is for your reference only.










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