如何表达我爱你?10个英语爱情俚语送给你 您所在的位置:网站首页 形容爱情的英语短句 如何表达我爱你?10个英语爱情俚语送给你


2024-06-30 19:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I thought I’d explore some English love idioms that you could use with the person you love. 本文将总结一些英语爱情习语以帮助你更好的表达爱情。

If your partner is a native-speaker of English, you will certainly impress them with these expressions. 如果你心爱的人是英语母语者,你肯定会用这些表述打动他们。

We might not have Cyrano de Bergerac in English Literature but I would staunchly defend the English Language’s right to be considered one of the Romantic Languages. 我们可能没有在英语著作中看到大鼻子情圣,但是我坚决捍卫英语是世界上最浪漫的语言之一。

After all, we had Lord Byron who left a trail of love-sick ladies behind him. 毕竟,我们有拜伦勋爵留下的一系列经典爱情诗歌。

Here are 10 romantic English love phrases you could use this Valentine’s Day: 这里分享10个爱情短语供你在情人节使用。

1.** A match made in heaven** – two people who are extremely compatible and will have a great life together A match made in heaven—表示两个人特别般配,在一起将来会有非常好的未来。 Ex: We are a match made in heaven. Let’s get married. 我们是天设缔造的一对,我们结婚吧。

2.To fall head over heels in love – to fall completely in love To fall head over heels in love— 坠入爱河 Ex. He has fallen head over heels in love with Jane. 他与简坠入了爱河。

3.To be smitten with someone – to be completely captivated by someone and feel immense joy-—表示完全招架不住某人的吸引力,完全被征服,感到很满足 Ex. Sally is smitten with this Gary chap she met the other day. She can’t stop talking about him. Sally完全被那天遇见的Gary迷住了,她不停地谈论他。

4.To be the apple of someone’s eye – to be loved and treasured by someone, normally a parent—“你是我的小苹果",喜爱某人并珍惜某人,通常是父母。 Ex. Yasmin can do no wrong. She is the apple of her father’s eye. Yasmin做什么都没错,因为她是父亲眼中的“小苹果”。

Blog_Images_Apple of my eyeBlog_Images_Apple of my eye

5.To be a soul mate – to be someone who understands and accepts the other person completely—灵魂伴侣 Ex. My husband is my best friend and my soul mate. 我丈夫是我最好的朋友,也是我的灵魂伴侣。

6.To take one’s breath away – when you are so in love with that person that you find it difficult to breathe——当你爱一个人并且感觉呼吸困难 Ex. You are so beautiful that you take my breath away (To be extra romantic you could play[“Take my Breath Away”] 你太漂亮了,让我感到呼吸困难,难以自拔。

7. To be someone’s one and only – to be unique to the other person——对于某人来说是独一无二的 Ex You will always be my one and only love 你将是我的唯一。

8. To have a crush on someone – an informal idiomatic expression that describes young romantic infatuation——描写年轻人的浪漫迷恋,非正式用语 Ex. Sally has had a crush on James since they were at university together. He doesn’t realise this. 自从上大学时,Sally就对James非常迷恋,但是他并没有意识到。

9. To fancy someone (British English) – to find someone very attractive——发现某人极具吸引力 Ex. My friend really fancies you. 我的朋友真的很喜欢你。

10. To love someone with all of one’s heart and soul – to love someone completely——爱某人的全部,喜爱某人的心和灵魂 Ex. John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul. John爱Leslie的全部。

These are just a few English love expressions. There are plenty more. Do you know any others? Have you ever used them? Which one will you be using this Valentine’s Day? If you liked this post, please share it 。







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