我学弹钢琴英语作文(通用6篇) 您所在的位置:网站首页 弹钢琴的英语咋写单词 我学弹钢琴英语作文(通用6篇)


2024-06-29 21:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






  When I was a child, I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen. At that time I had a dream that I could own a piano and play it every day.

  My dream came true. My father bought me a beautiful piano as my present on my fifth birthday. It cost them all the money they had saved for a long time. My father found a piano teacher for me and every day I would practise it again and again as my father demanded. Before long, my interest in piano was transferred to other things. I began to escape the practice as much as I could. It was my father that encouraged me and accompanied me at that time. With his help, I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano at last.

  At present in my spare time when I finish my work or when I have a break in my work, I always play the piano and enjoy the beautiful melody.


  When I was a child, I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen. At that time, I dreamed of being a pianist and having my own piano.

  At the age of five, my father bought me a beautiful piano as my birthday present with the money they had saved for a long time. At the same time, my father found a piano teacher for me and every day I would practise it again and again as my father demanded. Before long, my interest in piano was transferred to other things. I began to escape the practice as much as I could. My father found out my impatience. He encouraged me and was stricter with me than ever before. With his help, I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano.

  Now, in my spare time after a long time of study and hard work, I always play the piano and enjoy the beautiful music.


  Every parent wants their daughters to learn ballet and piano. My mother finds me having no talent in ballet, so she chooses to send me to learn piano. At first, I am not very interested in it, but soon I find practising it every day makes me feel bored. I want to give up, but the girls around me keep coming to the class, so I decide to hold on.


  When I was three years old, my mother hired a tutor to teach me piano. It is such a classic story that every parent wants their daughter to be an elegant lady. So playing piano is the best way to show elegance. But maybe I was not talented in playing piano, I showed less interest and finally, my mother had given up her piano dream. Now I am very interested in painting, I will paint many pictures when I am free. My teacher spoke highly of me when she took a look at my works. My mother has realized that I found my talent and she felt happy for me.


  I am ten years old. I like playing piano. And I have a good teacher. She is beautiful, just like the fairy from the heaven. She likes wearing white dress. Her hair is long and straight. And her fingers are the most beautiful I have ever seen. They are long and thin. She can use them to play wonderful songs. I feel pleasant when I hear her songs. I want to be as excellent as her in the future.


  Have you ever heard a piano piece called moonlight? When I first heard it, I fell in love with it. This piano piece is rich in emotion. This piano piece was composed by Beethoven. Beethoven was a world-famous musician and composer. He was a German. I heard his name when I was very young, which shows how famous he is. Because I do not know the source of this piece of music, so the Internet to find out, the original piano piece is Beethoven for his lover to create, this is really very enviable! But later, Beethoven because of this relationship has paid a lot of price, which is very unfortunate.

















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