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2024-07-11 19:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Little Prince Louis is already strutting around!路易小王子已经会走路了!

In adorable new photos shared on Sunday, the 12-month-old can be seen marching around his mother Kate Middleton‘s “Back to Nature” garden — a woodland-themed garden in partnership with designers, Andrée Davies, 55, and Adam White, 45, — that she has been working on with the intention of creating a fun place for families to experience a natural environment together and enjoy the relaxing benefits of nature.周日分享的新的萌照中能看到这个12个月大的小王子正走在妈妈凯特·米德尔顿的“回归自然”花园里,这是一个树林主题花园,是王妃和55岁的安德烈·戴维斯还有45岁的亚当·怀特两位设计师合作完成的,她建造这个花园的目的是要建一个好玩的地方,让家人能一起体验大自然的感觉并享受在大自然中放松的乐趣。

Also in the photos, Kate, along with Prince William and their three children, Prince George, 5, Princess Charlotte, 4 and Louis can be seen playing and exploring the garden together ahead of its big reveal.照片里也能看到凯特和威廉王子还有他们的三个孩子,5岁的乔治王子、4岁的夏洛特公主和路易斯正一起在花园里探索玩耍,当时花园还未对外公开。

Little Louis, who wore his brother’s striped hand-me-down shorts from Spanish brand Neck and Neck, can even be seen on the swing that Kate also playfully enjoyed just a few days ago when giving a sneak peek at her plans for the garden.照片中小路易斯穿着哥哥穿剩的西班牙品牌Neck and Neck的条纹短裤,甚至还荡上了秋千,凯特几天前提前来体验花园乐趣时也在那个秋千上玩得很开心。

Kate is known to regularly escape the bustle of London to enjoy the clean air and vibrant woods near her parents’ home in Bucklebury with her kids so that the royal children can enjoy the outdoors.众所周知凯特经常会逃离伦敦的喧嚣,带着孩子到位于巴克夏的父母家附近郁郁葱葱的树林里呼吸新鲜空气,让这些皇室的孩子也能享受户外生活。

“Spending quality time together is such an important aspect of family life and for me, as a mother, it is the simple family moments like playing outside together that I cherish,” Kate wrote in a heartwarming letter last year.凯特去年在一封暖心的信里写道:“有质量的陪伴对我而言是家庭生活中如此重要的一部分,我是一位母亲,我很珍惜和家人一起在户外玩这样简单的家庭时光。”

Last week, Kate revealed that her youngest was “keeping us on our toes,” making people wonder if he was walking already.上周凯特自曝她最小的孩子“一直让我们高度警觉”,大家猜想他是不是已经会走路了。

“I turned around the other day and he was at the top of the slide — I had no idea!” she said during an outing to a War II code-breaking center in London on Tuesday.她周二去伦敦二战密码破译中心时说:“前几天我转身一看他都已经到滑梯上面了,我真是没想到!”








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