Colors of Life 色彩.人生 on LinkedIn: #colorsoflife #色彩人生 #dei #多元 您所在的位置:网站首页 平凡岗位的坚守与奉献议论文 Colors of Life 色彩.人生 on LinkedIn: #colorsoflife #色彩人生 #dei #多元

Colors of Life 色彩.人生 on LinkedIn: #colorsoflife #色彩人生 #dei #多元

#Colors of Life 色彩.人生 on LinkedIn: #colorsoflife #色彩人生 #dei #多元| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

情人節 有禮送 💕「藉着照片說愛你 📷 」IG 活動 今個星期就係中國情人節元宵節,再多兩個星期就係西方情人節。其實愛唔一定係指情人之間嘅愛,人與人之間互相包容,擁抱多元都係愛嘅表達。藉住情人節呢個大日子, 一於同你身邊嘅人一齊好好認識愛、分享愛! 唔知大家有冇聽過氣場照 aura photography?氣場解讀照片( Aura Reading )已有過百年歷史。透過特製儀器,彩光氣場照能顯示出所有當下嘅變化之中,生物能量和思想情感互動關係下嘅狀態。一個人嘅氣場主要分為:紅色、橙色、黃色、綠色、籃色、紫色同埋白色。而每個色彩都有唔同嘅詮釋。想同你愛嘅人一齊影一張氣場照,快啲參加「藉着照片說愛你 📷 」IG遊戲。點玩法? 1. Follow Colors of Life IG page; 2. Like 個post; 3. Post 一張有關愛意嘅相片 喺自己IG, 記得記得將account 設定為公開帳戶 +tag 一位朋友再加 hashtag #colorsoflife 就係咁簡單 👌 完成以上三個步驟就可以進入抽獎。香港時間2月13日晚上9:00截止,得獎者將於香港時間2月14日早上9:00收到個別DM通知領取INUF Breakfast Club HK氣場照voucher,voucher 九個月有效,得獎者須自行網上預約日期同埋時間到尖沙咀店使用。 今次活動只限寄送香港地址。 #色彩人生 Valentine's Day IG giveaway💕 Expressing love with aura photography📷 Chinese Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and the Western one will be in two weeks. In fact, love doesn’t have to be just about romantic love. Embrace tolerance and diversity could be an expression of love. On this occasion, let’s learn about what is love with your loved ones and spread the love around. Have you heard about aura photography? Rooted in the philosophy of aura reading with over a hundred years of history, aura photography captures the aura of a person in a beautiful array of colors via a camera. The colors representing someone’s aura include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white. Each carries its own meaning. If you want to take aura photography with your loved one, join our giveaway campaign now! How to participate: 1. Follow the page of the Colors of Life 2. Like this post 3. Post a photo about love and tag a friend with the hashtag #colorsoflife remember you need to set your account public As simple as that! Follow the three steps above to enter the lucky draw. The deadline is 9:00 pm on February 13th, Hong Kong time. Winners will receive DM at 9:00 am on February 14th, Hong Kong time to redeem the aura photo voucher at INUF Breakfast Club HK. The voucher is valid for nine months. The photography session (in Tsim Sha Tsui) is by appointment only. We only accept Hong Kong postal addresses for this event.






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