常见海洋动物的英语单词20个带例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 常见动物的单词大全 常见海洋动物的英语单词20个带例句


2024-07-15 16:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

例句:Whales are mammals that breathe through a hole on the top of their heads called a spout. 鲸是哺乳动物,通过头顶上的一个叫做喷孔的洞来呼吸空气。

7、jellyfish 水母,是一种透明的海洋生物,由柔软的凝胶状物质构成。

例句:Jellyfish float gracefully in the water, propelled by the current and their own delicate tentacles. 水母在水中优雅地漂浮,由水流和它们自己纤细的触手推动。

8、ray 鳐鱼,是一种扁平的海洋生物,有宽大的胸鳍和尖锐的牙齿。

例句:Rays have flat bodies and wide pectoral fins that help them swim and hunt for prey. 鳐鱼有扁平的身体和宽大的胸鳍,有助于它们游泳和捕食猎物。

9、crab 螃蟹,是一种有硬壳和强壮钳子的海洋生物。

例句:Crabs walk sideways, using their many legs to navigate through the sand and rocks. 螃蟹横向行走,用它们众多的腿在沙石中穿行。

10、starfish 海星,是一种有五只或更多只“手臂”的海洋生物。

例句:Starfish have the ability to regenerate lost arms, making them highly resilient creatures. 海星有再生失去手臂的能力,使它们成为极具恢复力的生物。

11、lobster 龙虾,是一种大型的甲壳类海洋生物,以其美味的肉质而闻名。

例句:Lobsters are a popular seafood delicacy, prized for their sweet and tender meat. 龙虾是一种受欢迎的海鲜美食,以其甜美和嫩滑的肉质而受到珍视。

12、cuttlefish 乌贼,是一种能够迅速改变颜色和纹理的海洋生物,以躲避捕食者。

例句:Cuttlefish are known for their amazing camouflage abilities, able to blend in with their surroundings in an instant. 乌贼以其惊人的伪装能力而闻名,能够瞬间融入周围环境。

13、manta ray 曼塔鳐,是一种拥有宽大胸鳍的大型海洋生物,以其与潜水者互动而受欢迎。

例句:Manta rays often swim close to divers, allowing them to get a close-up view of their distinctive chest fins. 曼塔鳐经常靠近潜水者游泳,让它们能够近距离观察到它们独特的胸鳍。

14、sea lion 海狮,是一种有强壮身体和灵活鳍脚的海洋哺乳动物。

例句:Sea lions are excellent swimmers and hunters, able to catch fish with their sharp teeth. 海狮是出色的游泳者和猎手,能够用它们锋利的牙齿捕捉鱼类。

15、sea turtle 海龟,是一种在海洋中生活的爬行动物,以其长寿和迁徙习性而著名。

例句:Sea turtles migrate thousands of miles to lay their eggs on specific beaches, returning to the same location year after year. 海龟会迁徙数千英里到特定的海滩产卵,年复一年地回到同一地点。

16、sea snake 海蛇,是一种生活在海洋中的毒蛇,通常拥有鲜艳的颜色和图案。

例句:Sea snakes are venomous but generally harmless to humans, preferring to flee rather than attack. 海蛇虽然有毒,但通常对人类无害,它们更倾向于逃跑而不是攻击。

17、marine snail 海蜗牛,是一种微小的海洋生物,以其独特的壳而著称。

例句:Marine snails create their shells by secreting a hard substance called shellfish, which provides them protection from predators. 海蜗牛通过分泌一种叫做贝壳的硬质物质来制造它们的壳,为它们提供对捕食者的保护。

18、nautilus 鹦鹉螺,是一种海洋腹足类动物,以其螺旋状的壳而著称。

例句:The nautilus shell is highly prized by collectors for its intricate and beautiful spiral pattern. 鹦鹉螺的壳因其复杂而美丽的螺旋图案而受到收藏家的珍视。

19、sea urchin 海胆,是一种有尖刺外壳的海洋生物,内部含有可食用的黄色卵黄。

例句:Sea urchins are covered in sharp spines that protect them from predators, but their roe is a delicacy in many cultures. 海胆被尖锐的刺覆盖,保护它们免受捕食者的伤害,但它们的卵黄在许多文化中都是美味佳肴。

20、triggerfish 扳机鱼,一种以其强壮的咀嚼能力和独特的头部结构而闻名的海洋鱼类。

例句:Triggerfish have a unique mechanism in their jaws that allows them to clamp down on prey with incredible force. 扳机鱼的颚部有一个独特的机制,使它们能够以惊人的力量夹住猎物。












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