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#徐天河| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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2016/07-至今, 山东大学空间科学研究院,研究员,卫星导航与遥感CO-PI,威海市卫星导航与遥感重点实验室主任,地理信息工程国家重点实验室客座研究员、学术委员会委员







2004/01-2005/12 西安测绘研究所,大地测量与导航室,工程师



[1] 2001年,研究课题“军事大地测量质量控制理论及应用”获军队科技进步一等奖,排名第7;

[2] 2001年,论文“坐标转换模型尺度参数的假设检验”获陕西省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第1。

[3] 2003年,论文“双因子等价权抗差估计”获陕西省第八届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,排名第2。

[4] 论文“利用CHAMP卫星星历及加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型”获2005年陕西省第九届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。

[5] 2005年,研究课题“自适应动态导航理论、系统及在军事导航中的应用”获军队科技进步一等奖,排名第4;

[6] 2005年,博士论文“利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型”获全军优秀博士学位论文;

[7] 2007年,博士论文“利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型”获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文;

[8] 2008年,论文“利用CHAMP卫星几何法轨道恢复地球重力场模型”获陕西省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第1。

[9] 2008年,研究课题“卫星重力数据处理及应用”获省部级军队科技进步二等奖,排名第7;

[10] 2008年,获陕西省青年科技奖;

[11] 2009年,研究课题“天基综合信息网自主运行导航技术”获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第6;

[12] 2009年,研究课题“大地测量成果的质量评价模型”获军队科技进步三等奖,排名第五;

[13] 2012年,研究课题“动态大地测量数据融合理论与算法研究”获军队科技进步一等奖,排名第9;

[14] 2012年,研究课题“地球同步卫星精密轨道确定”获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第7;

[15] 2013年,研究课题“基于转发式测距体制的GEO卫星测定轨技术及应用,获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第6;

[16] 2013年,研究课题“编队卫星的相对状态确定研究”,获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第2;

[17] 2014年,研究课题“BD2/GPS联合动态差分定位研究”获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第1。

[18] 2015年,研究课题“利用VLBI技术进行深空探测器定轨研究”获军队科技进步二等奖,排名第5。

[19] 2016年,研究课题“全天时高重复频率卫星激光测距系统关键技术及应用”获测绘科技进步特等奖,排名第4。

[20] 2017年,研究课题“全球地心坐标参考框架建立与动态维持关键技术”获2017年测绘科技进步特等奖,排名第8。

[21] 2019年,研究课题“高精度地球定向参数测定及预报关键技术”,获卫星导航定位科学技术将一等奖,徐天河,排名第2。

[22] 2020年,获第十九届夏坚白测绘事业创业与科技创新奖,夏坚白测绘事业创业与科技创新奖管理委员会,徐天河,排名第1。


[1] 国家重点研发计划:国家PNT体系弹性化架构设计与关键技术示范验证(2020.12-2023.11),项目编号:2020YFB0505800,项目负责人,经费1358万。

[2] 国家自然科学基金:利用GOCE卫星HL-SST和SGG数据恢复地球重力场模型(2007-2009),项目编号:40604003,课题负责人,经费25万。

[3] 国家自然科学基金:多源海量重力数据自适应融合算法与软件实现(2012-2015),项目编号:41174018,课题负责人,经费70万。

[4] 国家自然科学基金:联合地面站和低轨卫星GNSS/SLR数据精化地心坐标参考框架理论与方法研究(2016-2019),项目编号:41574013,课题负责人,经费84万。

[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,融合多类低轨卫星数据探测全球重力场变化的理论和方法(2018-2022),项目编号:41731069,子课题负责人,经费78万。

[6] 国家自然科学基金:融合机器学习和非线性自适应滤波的地球自转参数预报方法研究(2019-2022),项目编号:41874032,课题负责人,经费76.5万。

[7] 威海市科技发展计划项目:威海市卫星导航与遥感重点实验室(2017-2019),课题负责人,经费30万。

[8] 国家北斗导航重大专项课题:iGMAS产品综合和评估软件(2016-2017),子课题负责人,经费18万。

[9] 国家重点研发计划,海洋大地基准建立理论与方法(2016-2020), 项目编号:2016YFB0501701,子课题负责人,经费110万。

[10] 国家北斗导航重大专项课题:地球自转参数确定与预报技术(2011-2014),课题负责人,经费120万。

[11] 国家北斗导航重大专项课题:iGMAS产品综合与服务(2014-2016),课题负责人,经费40万。

[12] 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金:利用环月卫星跟踪数据求定月球重力场(2008-2012),项目编号:2007B51,课题负责人,经费62万。

[13] 省部级重点科研课题:基于星间链路的导航卫星自主定轨技术(2007-2011),课题负责人,经费40万。

[14] 省部级重点科研课题:多源GNSS产品综合理论与软件实现(2013-2015),课题负责人,经费50万。

[15] 中国博士后科学基金第二批特别资助:基于卫-卫跟踪技术恢复月球重力场(2009-2010),项目编号:200902444,课题负责人,经费10万。

[16] 中国博士后科学基金第43批:利用环月卫星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场(2008-2010),一等资助,项目编号:20080430148,课题负责人,经费5万。

[17] 大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室:多源卫星重力数据融合理论与算法研究(2013-2014),项目编号:SKLGED2013-4-2-EZ,课题负责人,经费5万。

[18] 宇航动力学国家重点实验室:基于GNSS技术的地球自转参数确定及其高精度预报,项目编号:2014ADL-DW0101,课题负责人,经费5万。


[1] 地理信息工程国家重点实验室学术委员会委员,任期:2018年1月-2022年12月。

[2] 导航定位高精度软硬件综合解决方案及软件与算法联合实验室测评委员会委员,任期:2018年1月-2022年12月。

[3] 威海市卫星导航与遥感重点实验室主任,任期:2017年1月-至今。

[4] 中国测绘地理信息学会大地测量与导航专业委员会委员,任期:2018年1月-2021年12月。

[5] 中国卫星导航协会教育与发展专业委员会委员,任期:2017年1月-2021年12月。

[6] 青岛市地质勘探导航重点实验室学术委员会委员,任期:2017年1月-2020年12月。

[7] 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)空间科学与应用技术研究院共建成员,任期:2017年6月-2022年6月。

[8] 地理信息工程国家重点实验室客座研究员,任期:2017年1月-2021年12月。

[9] 中国卫星导航定位协会北斗海洋应用专业委员会副主任委员,任期:2018年1月-2022年12月。

[10] 中国卫星导航定位协会青年工作委员会副主任委员,任期:2017年1月-2021年12月。

[11] 自然资源部海洋环境探测技术与应用重点实验室学术委员会委员,任期:2020年9月-2023年9月。


[1] Yang Y#*, Song L andXu T. Robust Estimator for Correlated Observations Based on Bifactor Equivalent Weights,Journal of Geodesy,2002,76:353-358. (SCI,IF=2.9)

[2] Yang Y#* andXu T. An adaptive Kalman filter based on Sage windowing weights and variance components, The Journal of Navigation,2003,56(2):231-240. (SCI,IF=1.3)

[3] Yang Yuanxi#*,Xu Tianhe and Song Lijie. Robust Estimation of Variance Components with Application in Global Positioning System Network Adjustment. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2005, Vol.131, No.4, pp: 107-112(SCI,IF=1.6)

[4] Xu Tianhe#*, Yang Yuanxi. CHAMP Gravity Field Recovery using Kinematic Orbits. Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2005,Vol.48,No.2,pp: 319-325(SCI,IF=0.662)

[5] Xu G#*,Xu TH, Yeh TK, Chen W. Analytic Solution of Satellite Orbit Perturbed by Lunar and Solar Gravitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, 410(1): 645-653 (SCI, IF=4.900)

[6] Xu G#*,Xu TH, Chen W, Yeh TK. Analytic Solution of Satellite Orbit Perturbed by atmospheric drag, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, 410(1): 654-662 (SCI, IF=4.900)

[7] Wang Qianxin#*,Xu Tianhe*. Combining GPS carrier phase and Doppler observations for precise velocity determination. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2011, 54(6): 1022-1028 (SCI, IF=0.779)

[8] Q. Wang, G. Xu, S. Petrovic, U. Schaefer, U. Meyer,T. Xu, A regional tropospheric model for airborne GPS-applications, Advances Space Research, 2011, 48(2): 362-369 (SCI,IF=1.178)

[9] Chen, Yuepeng,Xu, Tianhe, Zeng Chunnian, Zhang Qingling. Simultaneous Stabilization for Uncertain Descriptor Systems with Input Saturation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2012, 22: 1938-1951. (SCI,IF=1.900)

[10] Xu Tianhe#*, He Kaifei, Xu Guochang. Orbit determination and thrust force modeling for a maneuvered GEO satellite using two-way adaptive Kalman filter. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2012, 55(4): 738-743. (SCI,IF=1.169)

[11] Xu Tianhe#*, Jiang Nan, Sun Zhangzhen. An Improved Adaptive Sage Filter with Applications in GEO determination and GPS Kinematic Positioning, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2012, 55(5):892-898 (SCI,IF=1.169)

[12] Xu Tianhe#*,Sun Zhangzhen,Jiang Nan,Chen Kangkang,Li Min. GOCE kinematic orbit adjustment for EGM validation and accelerometer calibration, J. Cent. South Univ. 2014, 21(6):2397-2403 (SCI,IF=0.464)

[13] Li Haojun#*, Li Bofeng, Xiao Guolei, Wang Jiexian,Xu Tianhe. Improved method for estimating the inter-frequency satellite clock bias of triple-frequency GPS. GPS Solutions,2016,20: 751–760.DOI: 10.1007/s10291-015-0486-9(SCI,IF=2.991)

[14] Li Haojun#,Xu Tianhe*,Li Bofeng*,Shanqi Huang,Jiexian Wang.A new differential code bias (C1–P1) estimation method and its performance evaluation, GPS Solutions, 2016,20:321–329.(SCI,IF=2.991)

[15] He Kaifei#,Xu Guochang,Xu Tianhe*,Flechtner Frank. GNSS Navigation and Positioning for the GEOHALO Experiment in Italy, GPS Solutions, 2016,20:215–224(SCI,IF=2.991)

[16] Kaifei He#,Tianhe Xu *, Christoph Förste, Svetozar Petrovic,Franz Barthelmes,Nan Jiang and Frank Flechtner.GNSS Precise Kinematic Positioning for Multiple Kinematic Stations Based on A Priori Distance Constraints. Sensors, 2016, 16, 470:1-11; doi:10.3390/s16040470. (SCI, IF=2.677)

[17] Houzeng Han#,Tianhe Xu *, JianWang.Tightly Coupled Integration of GPS Ambiguity Fixed Precise Point Positioning and MEMS-INS through a Troposphere-Constrained Adaptive Kalman Filter. Sensors, 2016, 16, 1057:1-17; doi:10.3390/s16071057. (SCI,IF=2.677)

[18] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang. Baseline configuration for GNSS attitude determination with an analytical least-squares solution.Measurement Science and Technology, 2016(27):1-6, DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/27/12/125105 (SCI, IF=1.585)

[19] Tianhe Xu#, Guobin Chang*, Qianxin Wang, Chao Hu. Analytical 3D rotation estimation using vector measurements with full variance-covariance matrix. Measurement, 2017, 98: 131–138, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.11.037 (SCI, IF=2.359)

[20] Nan Jiang#,Yan Xu,Tianhe Xu* ,Guochang Xu,Zhangzhen Sun, Harald Schuh. GPS/BDS short-term ISB modelling and prediction. GPS Solutions, 2017,21:163-175,DOI 10.1007/s10291-015-0513-x.(SCI, IF=4.061)

[21] Song Jia#,Tian-he Xu*, Zhang-zhen Sun, Jia-jing Li,Middle and long-term prediction of UT1-UTC based on combination of Gray Model and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59: 888-894, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.05.044.(SCI, IF=1.401)

[22] Nie Wenfeng#,Xu Tianhe*, Du Yujun, Gao Fan, Xu Guochang. Numerical Algebra Solution: A New Algorithm for the State Transition Matrix.Advances in Space Research(2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.02.041 (SCI, IF=1.401).

[23] Kangkang Chen#,Tianhe Xu*, Yuanxi Yang. Robust combination of IGS analysis center GLONASS clocks, GPS Solutions, 2017, 21:1251–1263, DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0610-0(SCI, IF=4.061)

[24] Guobin Chang#*,Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang.Error analysis of Davenport’s q method. Automatica, 2017, 75: 217–220. DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2016.09.018 (SCI, IF=3.6)

[25] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang. An alternative framework for the iterated unscented Kalman filter. IET Signal Processing. 2017, 11(3):258-264 DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2016.0214 (SCI, IF=1.298)

[26] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang.Error analysis of the 3D similarity coordinate transformation. GPS Solutions, 2017, 21:963–971, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-016-0585-2 (SCI,IF=4.061)

[27] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang,A generalization of the analytical least-squares solution to the 3D symmetric Helmert coordinate transformation problem with an approximate error analysis. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59: 2600-2610, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.02.034.(SCI, IF=1.401)

[28] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang, Ming Liu. Analytical solution to and error analysis of the quaternion based similarity transformation considering measurement errors in both frames. Measurement, 2017,110: 1–7, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2017.06.013 (SCI,IF=2.359).

[29] Guobin Chang#, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang, Kailiang Deng. GNSS attitude determination method through vectorization approach.IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2017, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2017.0160(SCI,IF=1.509)

[30] Xia Ren#*, Yuanxi Yang, Jun Zhu,Tianhe Xu. Orbit determination of the Next-Generation Beidou satellites with Intersatellite link measurements and a priori orbit constraints,Advances in Space Research,2017, 60: 2155-2165 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.08.024. (SCI, IF=1.401)

[31] Qianxin Wang#, Chao Hu*,Tianhe Xu, Guobin Chang, Alberto Hernandez Moraleda. Impacts of Earth rotation parameters on GNSS ultra-rapid orbit prediction: Derivation and real-time correction, Advances in Space Research,2017,DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.09.022. (SCI, IF=1.401)

[32] Wenlin Yan#*, Luisa Bastos, Jose Goncalves, Americo magalhaes,Tianhe Xu. Image-aided platform orientation determination with a GNSS/low-cost IMU system using robust-adaptive Kalman filter. GPS Solutions, 2018, 22:12, DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0676-8.(SCI, IF=4.061)

[33] Fan Gao#,Tianhe Xu*, Nazi Wang, Chunhua Jiang, Yujun Du, Wenfeng Nie and Guochang Xu. Spatiotemporal Evaluation of GNSS-R Based on Future Fully Operational Global Multi-GNSS and Eight-LEO Constellations, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10: 67; doi:10.3390/rs10010067. (SCI,IF=3.244)

[34] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu*, Qianxin Wang. M-estimator for the 3D symmetric Helmert coordinate transformation. Journal of Geodesy, 2018, 92(1):47-58.DOI 10.1007/s00190-017-1043-9(SCI,IF=4.633)

[35] Qianxin Wang#,Guobin Chang*, Tianhe Xu. Representation of the rotation parameter estimation errors in the Helmert transformation model.Survey Review, 2018, 50(358): 69-81. DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2016.1234806 (SCI, IF=0.929)

[36] Guobin Chang#, Tianhe Xu*, Yifei Yao,Qianxin Wang.Adaptive Kalman filter based on variance component estimation for the prediction of ionospheric delay in aiding the cycle slip repair of GNSS triple-frequency signals.Journal of Geodesy, 2018,92(11): 1241-1253.DOI:10.1007/s00190-018-1116-4 (SCI, IF=4.633).

[37] Wenfeng Nie#,Tianhe Xu*, Adrià Rovira-Garcia, José Miguel Juan Zornoza, Jaume Sanz Subirana, Guillermo González-Casado, Wu Chen, Guochang Xu. The Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(2): 169; DOI:10.3390/rs10020169. (SCI, IF=3.244).

[38] Nazi Wang #,Tianhe Xu*, Fan Gao, and Guochang Xu. Sea Level Estimation Based on GNSS Dual-Frequency Carrier Phase Linear Combinations and SNR, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(3): 470; DOI:10.3390/rs10030470. (SCI, IF=3.244).

[39] Min Li#, Kaifei He,TianheXu*, Biao Lu. Robust adaptive filter for shipborne kinematic positioning and velocity determination during the Baltic Sea experiment, GPS Solutions, 2018, 22:81, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-018-0747-5.(SCI, IF=4.061)

[40] Wenfeng Nie#,Tianhe Xu*, Adrià Rovira-Garcia*, José Miguel Juan Zornoza, Jaume Sanz Subirana, Guillermo González-Casado, Wu Chen, Guochang Xu. Revisit the calibration errors on experimental slant total electron content (TEC) determined with GPS, GPS Solutions, 2018, 22:85,DOI: 10.1007/s10291-018-0753-7. (SCI, IF=4.061)

[41] Min Li#*, Karl-Hans Neumayer, Frank Flechtner, Biao Liu, Christoph Förste, Kaifei He,Tianhe Xu. Performance Assessment of Multi-GNSS Precise Velocity and Acceleration Determination over Antarctica. The Journal of Navigation, 2019, 72, 1-18, DOI: 10.1017/S0373463318000656.(SCI, IF=1.580)

[42] Guobin Chang#*, Chao Chen, Yuanxi Yang ,Tianhe Xu.Tikhonov regularization based modeling and sidereal filtering mitigation of GNSS multipath errors.Remote Sensing, 2018,10, 1801, DOI:10.3390/rs10111801. (SCI, IF=3.406)

[43] Xia Ren#*, Yuanxi Yang, Jun Zhu,Tianhe Xu. Comparing satellite orbit determination by batch processing and extended Kalman filtering using inter-satellite link measurements of the next-generation BeiDou satellites. GPS Solutions, 2019, 23:25, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-018-0816-9.(SCI, IF=4.727)

[44] Chen Chao#, Guobin Chang*, Nanshan Zheng,Tianhe Xu. GNSS multipath error modeling and mitigation by using sparsity-promoting regularization. IEEE Access, 2019, Vol.7, 24096-24108, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2899622.(SCI, IF=3.557)

[45] Zhangzhen Sun#,Tianhe Xu*, Fan Gao, et al. The Quality Assessment of Non-integer-hour Data in GPS Broadcast Ephemerides and Its Impact on the Accuracy of Real-time Kinematic Positioning Over the South China Sea.Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2019, 119 (2): 263-280. DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2019.04425. (SCI, IF=0.581)

[46] Ke Qi#, Guoqing Qu*, Shuqiang Xue,Tianhe Xu, Xiaoqing Su, Yixu Liu, Jun Wan. Analytical optimization on GNSS buoy array for underwater positioning. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(7): 137–143, doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1465-1. (SCI, IF=0.850)

[47] Dapeng Mu#,Tianhe Xu*,Guochang Xu. Detecting coastal ocean mass variations with GRACE mascons. Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 217(3): 2071–2080,https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz138. (SCI, IF=2.528)

[48] Min Li#,Tianhe Xu*, Biao Lu, Kaifei He. Multi-GNSS Precise Orbit Positioning for airborne gravimetry over Antarctica, GPS Solutions, 2019, 23:53, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-019-0848-9. (SCI, IF=4.727)

[49] Guobin Chang#*,Tianhe Xu, Chao Chen, Bing Ji, Shengquan Li. Switching position and range-domain carrier-smoothing-code filtering for GNSS positioning in harsh environments with intermittent satellite deficiencies.Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356: 4928-4947.DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2019.04.005.(SCI, IF=3.576)

[50] Min Li#,Tianhe Xu*,Frank Flechtner,Christoph Förste,Biao Lu andKaifei He.Improving the Performance of Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Ambiguity Fixing for Airborne Kinematic Positioning over Antarctica. Remote Sensing. 2019,11(8), 992;DOI: 10.3390/rs11080992. (SCI, IF=3.406)

[51] Nan Jiang#,Tianhe Xu,Yan Xu*,Guochang Xu andHarald Schuh. Assessment of Different Stochastic Models for Inter-System Bias between GPS and BDS.Remote Sensing. 2019,11(8), 989;DOI: 10.3390/rs11080989. (SCI, IF=3.406)

[52] Honglei Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Fan Gao, Meiqian Guan. SLR Validation and Evaluation on BDS Precise Orbits from 2013 to 2018. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 64: 475-490. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.04.030.(SCI, IF=1.97)

[53] Guobin Chang#*,Tianhe Xu, Yifei Yao, Haitao Wang, Huaien Zeng. Ionospheric delay prediction based on online polynomial modeling for real-time cycle slip repair of undifferenced triple-frequency GNSS signals. Measurement, 2019, 146: 289-297. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.06.036.(SCI, IF=2.359)

[54] Shuaimin Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Jian Wang, Guochang Xu. Establishment of atmospheric weighted mean temperature model in the polar regions, Advances in Space Research, 2020, 65: 518-528, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.10.001(SCI, IF=1.97)

[55] Zhangzhen Sun#,Tianhe Xu*, Chunhua Jiang, Yuguo Yang, Nan Jiang. An improved prediction algorithm for Earth’s polar motion with considering the retrograde annual and semi-annual wobbles based on least squares and autoregressive model, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2019, 54, 499-511, DOI: 10.1007/s40328-019-00274-4.(SCI, IF=0.942)

[56] Honglei Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Fan Gao andMeiqian Guan. Precise Orbit Determination of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Using SLR.Remote Sensing. 2019, 11(23), 2735; DOI:10.3390/rs11232735.(SCI, IF=4.118)

[57] Guobin Chang#*, Tianhe Xu, Haitao Wang.M-estimator based robust unscented Kalman filter through statistical linearization. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and control, 2019, 41(7): 2016-2025, DOI: 10.1177/0142331218793925. (SCI, IF=1.579)

[58] Junting Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Zhengjie Wang. Adaptive Robust Unscented Kalman Filter for AUV Acoustic Navigation. Sensors. 2020, 2020, 20(1), 60; doi:10.3390/s20010060.(SCI, IF=3.031)

[59] Dapeng Mu#,Tianhe Xu*,Guochang Xu. Improved Arctic ocean mass variability inferred from time-variable gravity with constraints and dual leakage correction. Marine Geodesy, 2020, 43(3): 269-284.DOI: 10.1080/01490419.2020.1711832. (SCI, IF=1.820)

[60] Zhangzhen Sun#,Tianhe Xu*, Chunhua Jiang, Yuguo Yang, Nan Jiang. Analysis on the differences between EOP 08C04 and EOP 14C04 related to the Earth rotation characteristics, Journal of Spatial Science. 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2020.1715273. (SCI, IF=1.078)

[61] Mowen Li#, Wenfeng Nie,Tianhe Xu*,Adria Rovira-Garcia*, Zhenlong Fang, Guochang Xu. Helmert Variance Component Estimation for Multi-GNSS Relative Positioning, Sensors, 2020, 20, 669,doi: 10.3390/s20030669. (SCI, IF=3.031)

[62] Qinsong Ai#, Yunbin Yuan,Tianhe Xu*, Baocheng Zhang*. Time and Frequency Characterization of GLONASS and Galileo on-board Clocks, Measurement Science and Technology. 2020, 31, 065003: 1-12, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab69d3. (SCI, IF=1.861)

[63] Chunhua Jiang#,Tianhe Xu*, Shuaimin Wang, Wenfeng Nie and Zhangzhen Sun.Evaluation of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Derived from ERA5 Data over China Using GNSS Observations,Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 663, DOI:10.3390/rs12040663.(SCI, IF=4.118)

[64] Nan Jiang#,Tianhe Xu, Yan Xu*,Guochang Xu andHarald Schuh. Detecting and Repairing Inter-system Bias Jumps with Satellite Clock Preprocessing, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 850, DOI: 10.3390/rs12050850.(SCI, IF=4.118)

[65] Rui Sun#*, Guanyu Wang, Zengqiang Fan,Tianhe Xu and Washington Yotto Ochieng. An Integrated Urban Positioning Algorithm Using Matching, Particle Swam Optimized Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and a Spatial City Model, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(5): 4842-4854, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2983220 (SCI, IF=6.29)

[66] Yuanxi YANG#*, Yanxiong LIU, Dajun SUN,Tianhe XU, Shuqiang XUE, Yuanfeng HAN , Anmin ZENG. Seafloor Geodetic Network Establishment and Key Technologies,SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,2020, 63, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-019-9602-3. (SCI, IF=2.420)

[67] Shuaimin Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie,Chunhua Jiang,Yuguo Yang, Zhenlong Fang, Mowen Li, Zhen Zhang. Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor from Five Reanalysis Products with Ground-Based GNSS Observations. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1817; doi:10.3390/rs12111817.(SCI, IF=4.118)

[68] Qingsong Ai#, Yunbin Yuan*, Baocheng Zhang,Tianhe Xu , Yongchang Chen. Refining GPS/GLONASS Satellite Clock Offset Estimation in the Presence of Pseudo-Range Inter-Channel Biases.Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1821; doi:10.3390/rs12111821.(SCI, IF=4.118)

[69] Meiqian Guan#,Tianhe Xu*, Fan Gao, Wenfeng Nie,Honglei Yang. Optimal Walker Constellation Design of LEO-based Global Navigation and Augmentation System. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1845; doi:10.3390/rs12111845. (SCI, IF=4.118)

[70] Dapeng Mu#,Tianhe Xu*, Guochang Xu. An investigation of mass changes in the Bohai Sea observed by GRACE. Journal of Geodesy, 2020, 94: 79, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01408-1. (SCI, IF=4.806)

[71] Fan Gao#,Tianhe Xu*, Nazi Wang, Yunqiao He, Xiaowen Luo. A shipborne experiment using a dual-antenna reflectometry system for GPS/BDS code delay measurements, Journal of Geodesy, 2020, 94: 88, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01421-4. (SCI, IF=4.806)

[72] Jian Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Guochang Xu. A new algorithm for multi-baseline solution based on equivalence principle. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32: 015015(15pp).DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/abac27(SCI, IF=2.046)

[73] Junting Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Xiaokang Yu. The Construction of Sound Speed Field based on Back Propagation Neural Network in the Global Ocean. Marine Geodesy, 2020, 43(6): 621-642.DOI: 10.1080/01490419.2020.1815912. (SCI, IF=1.820)

[74] Junting Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Bingsheng Zhang, Wenfeng Nie. Underwater acoustic positioning based on the robust zero-difference Kalman filter.Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00773-020-00766-x.(SCI, IF=1.800)

[75] Jian Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Guochang Xu. GPS/BDS RTK Positioning Based on Equivalence Principle Using Multiple Reference Stations. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(19), 3178; doi:10.3390/rs121193178. (SCI, IF=4.509)

[76] Tong Liu#,Tianhe Xu, Wenfeng Nie, Mowen Li, Zhenlong Fang, Yujun Du, Yiping Jiang, Guochang Xu*. Optimal Independent Baseline Searching for Global GNSS Networks. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021, 147(1),05020010. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000336. (SCI, IF=1.986)

[77] Honglei Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Zhenlong Fang, Min Li, Meiqian Guan. GLONASS precise orbit determination based on L-band and SLR data. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020,DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/abd1fe(SCI, IF=2.046)

[78] Song Li#,Tianhe Xu*, Nan Jiang, Honglei Yang, Shuaimin Wang, Zhen Zhang. Regional Zenith Tropospheric Delay Modeling Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine Using GNSS and ERA5 Data. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(5): 1004. DOI: 10.3390/rs13051004(SCI, IF=4.848)

[79] Fan Gao#,Tianhe Xu*, Xinyue Meng, Nazi Wang, Yunqiao He, Baojiao Ning. A Coastal Experiment for GNSS-R Code-Level Altimetry Using BDS-3 New Civil Signals. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(7): 1378. DOI: 10.3390/rs13071378(SCI, IF=4.848)

[80] Yunqiao He#,Fan Gao*,Tianhe Xu, Xinyue Meng, Nazi Wang.Coastal Altimetry Using Interferometric Phase From GEO Satellite in Quasi-Zenith Satellite System. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2021, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2021.3068376. (SCI, IF=3.833)

[81] Jian Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Guochang Xu. A Simplified Processing Algorithm for Multi-baseline RTK Positioning in Urban Environments, Measurement. 2021,179, 109446. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109446.(SCI, IF=3.927)

[82] Huijie Xue#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Yuguo Yang, Qingsong Ai. An Enhanced Prediction Model for BDS Ultra-Rapid Clock Offset by Combining Singular Spectrum Analysis, Robust Estimation and Gray Model. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32, 105002(11pp).DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/abfcec(SCI, IF=2.046)

[83] Junting Wang#,Tianhe Xu*, Yangfan Liu, Dapeng Mu. Kalman Filter Based Acoustic Positioning of Deep Seafloor Datum Point with Two-step Systematic Error Estimation. Applied Ocean Research, 2021 (114): 102817. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2021.102817(SCI, IF=2.979)

[84] Yujun Du#, Fangzhao Zhang,Tianhe Xu*, Fan Gao, Guochang Xu. Correction of Precession-Nutation and Polar Motion in Analytical solutions of Satellite Equations of Motion. Advances in Space Research, 2021, DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.07.041(SCI, IF=2.152)

[85] Min Li#,Tianhe Xu*, Haibo Ge, Meiqian Guan, Honglei Yang, Zhenlong Fang, Fan Gao.LEO-Constellation-Augmented BDS Precise Orbit Determination Considering Spaceborne Observational Errors. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(16), 3189.DOI: 10.3390/rs13163189(SCI, IF=4.848)

[86] Chao Chen#, Guorui Xiao, Guobin Chang*,Tianhe Xu, Liu Yang.Assessment of GPS/Galileo/BDS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Using Products from Different Analysis Centers. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(16), 3266. DOI: 10.3390/rs13163266(SCI, IF=4.848)

[87] Yangfan Liu#,Tianhe Xu*, Junting Wang, Dapeng Mu. Multibeam seafloor topography distortion correction based on SVP inversion. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s00773-021-00845-7(SCI, IF=1.800)

[88] Chunhua Jiang#,Tianhe Xu*, Yujun Du, Zhangzhen Sun andGuochang Xu. A parallel equivalence algorithm based on MPI for GNSS Data Processing. Journal of Spatial Science. 2021, 66(3): 513-532. DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2019.1696718.(SCI, IF=1.981)

[89] Chunhua Jiang#,Tianhe Xu*, Wenfeng Nie, Zhenlong Fang, Shuaimin Wang, Aigong Xu. A Parallel Approach for Multi-GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(17), 3464. DOI: 10.3390/rs13173464(SCI, IF=4.848)

[90] 徐天河#*、杨元喜. 改进的Sage自适应滤波,测绘科学, 2000, 25(3): 22-24.

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[92] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.坐标转换模型尺度参数的选择及其分析,测绘科学与工程, 2001,21(1):28-32. :

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[98] 徐天河#*、杨元喜. VLBI、SLR、GPS综合数据处理函数模型研究,测绘工程,2002,11(4):7-10.

[99] 徐天河#*.一种用于计算卫星速度及加速度的实用数值微分公式,解放军测绘研究所学报,2002,22(3):1-5.

[100] 杨元喜#*、徐天河.基于移动窗口协方差估计和方差分量估计的自适应滤波.武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2003,28(6):714-718.(EI)

[101] 徐天河#*、杨元喜、王兴涛. CHAMP卫星加速度计数据的使用,测绘通报,2003,11:3-5.

[102] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.抗差Tikhonov正则化方法及其应用,武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2003,28(6):719-722.(EI)

[103] 徐天河#*、杨元喜. CHAMP卫星快速轨道(RSO)的使用及精度评定,大地测量与地球动力学,2004,24(1):81-84.

[104] 徐天河#*. CHAMP轨道数据的粗差探测,测绘科学与工程,2004,24(1):14-17.

[105] 徐天河#*. Kaula线性摄动方法应用于CHAMP重力场恢复的模拟研究,测绘科学与工程, 2004, 24(2).

[106] 徐天河#*.利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型,博士学位论文,郑州:解放军信息工程大学,2004.

[107] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.利用CHAMP卫星星历及加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型,测绘学报,2004,33(2):95-99.(EI)

[108] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.利用现有重力场模型求定CHAMP卫星加速度计修正参数,测绘学报,2004,33(3):200-204.(EI)

[109] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.均方误差意义下正则化解优于最小二乘解的条件,武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2004,29(3):223-226.(EI)

[110] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.利用卫星轨迹交叉点标定CHAMP卫星加速度计数据,武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2004,29(11):955-959.(EI)

[111] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据恢复重力场方法概述,测绘科学与工程,2004,24(4):16-20.

[112] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.能量守恒方法导出的CHAMP重力场模型.大地测量与地球动力学进展,武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2004,272-279.

[113] 杨元喜#*、徐天河.综合验前和验后观测信息的自适应正则化方法.大地测量与地球动力学进展,武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2004,863-872.

[114] 徐天河#*、杨元喜.基于能量守恒方法恢复CHAMP重力场模型,测绘学报,2005,34(1):1-6.(EI)

[115] 徐天河#*、杨元喜. CHAMP加速度计数据系统差的求定及其谱分析,空间科学学报,2005,25(2):143-148.

[116] 徐天河#*、杨元喜:CHAMP卫星快速轨道(RSO)的使用及精度评定,大地测量与地球动力学,2004,24(1):81-84.

[117] 徐天河#*、杨元喜. CHAMP轨道及加速度计误差对恢复重力场的影响,大地测量与地球动力学,2005,25(2):75-81.

[118] 徐天河#*. CHAMP卫星能量守恒方程及其误差分析,测绘科学与工程,2005,25(2):8-14.

[119] Xu Tianhe#* and Yang Yuanxi. Calibration for CHAMP Accelerometer Data Based on Crossover Points of the Satellite. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2005, Vol.8, No.3, pp: 214~219.

[120] 徐天河#*.大型方程组快速解算方法研究,测绘科学与工程,2006,26(1).

[121] 徐天河#*,居向明.基于方差分量估计的CHAMP重力场恢复方法[J].武汉大学学报信息科学版,2007,32(3)242-245(EI)

[122] Xu Tianhe#*, He Kaifei. An Improved Energy Balance Approach and Its Application in CHAMP Gravity Field Recovery[J]. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2008,11(3):168-173.

[123] 蔡志武#*,韩春好,陈金平,徐天河.导航卫星长期自主定轨的星座旋转误差分析与控制[J].宇航学报,2008,29(2)522-528(EI)

[124] 徐天河#*,甘月红.基于改进的能量守恒方法恢复CHAMP重力场模型[J].地球物理学进展,2008,23(1):63-68.

[125] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞.空域法恢复CHAMP重力场的误差分析[J].测绘科学与工程,2008,28(1):1-5.

[126] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞.抗差估计在CHAMP重力场恢复中的应用[J].大地测量与地球动力学,2008,28(2):81-85.

[127] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞.顾及系统误差的GEO卫星几何法定轨[J].大地测量与地球动力学,2009,29(1):64-69

[128] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞、吴显兵. CHAMP重力场恢复时域法和空域法比较研究[J].地球物理学进展,2009,24(2):456-461

[129] 贺凯飞#*、徐天河.顾及系统误差的GEO卫星PDOP值加权几何法定轨[J].海洋测绘,2009,29(5):1-4

[130] 贺凯飞#*、徐天河.基于Kalman滤波的GEO卫星运动学定轨[J].大地测量与地球动力学,2009,29(6):109-112

[131] 徐天群#*,刘焕彬,徐天河,陈跃鹏.股票收益率的组合分布研究[J].武汉理工大学学报信息与管理工程版,2009,31(1)126-128(EI)

[132] Xu Tianqun#*, Chen Yuepeng, Zhang Jingxin,Xu Tianhe. All H_∞ Singular and Normal Filter Design for Uncertain Singular Systems. 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009.(EI)

[133] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞.移动开窗检验法及其在GOCE数据粗差探测中的应用.测绘学报,2009,38(5):391-396(EI)

[134] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞. GOCE卫星径向重力梯度一阶、二阶径向偏导数标准差的近似解析公式,测绘学报,2011,40(4):416-420(EI)

[135] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞.利用交叉点不符值对GOCE卫星重力梯度数据进行精度评定,武汉大学学报信息科学版,2011,36(5):617-620(EI)

[136] 徐天河#*、贺凯飞. GOCE卫星SGG数据系统误差的综合标定方法,地球物理学进展,2011,26(2):433-437

[137] 王潜心#*,徐天河,许国昌.自适应换站算法及其在长距离机载GPS动态相对定位中的应用.测绘学报, 2011,40(4):429-434(EI)

[138] 王潜心#*,徐天河,许国昌.粗差检测与抗差估计相结合的方法在动态相对定位中的应用.武汉大学学报信息科学版,2011,36(4):476-480(EI)

[139] 王潜心#*,徐天河,龚佑兴.利用中心差分法进行GPS定速时最佳点数的选取,武汉大学学报信息科学版, 2012 , 37 (3) :265-268(EI)

[140] 贺凯飞#*、徐天河.基于消参数双向Kalman滤波的GEO卫星定轨[J].测绘科学,2011,36(2):53-55

[141] 冯来平#*,贾小林,吴显兵,徐天河.一种基于抗差M估计和动力学平滑的卫星轨道综合方法.中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2010,40(5):603-607

[142] 郭海荣#*,杨元喜,何海波,徐天河.导航卫星原子钟Kalman滤波中噪声方差-协方差的确定.测绘学报,2010,39(2):146-150.(EI)

[143] Xu Tianhe#*, Xu Guochang, Shen Xin, Chen Yuepeng. A maneuvered GEO satellite orbit determination using robustly adaptive Kalman Filter. 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA 2010), 13-14, October. 2010, Changsha, China. (EI)

[144] Xu Tianhe#* and He Kaifei. Orbit determination and thrust force modeling for a maneuvered GEO satellite using two-way adaptively Kalman filter. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May, 2010.

[145] Chen Yuepeng#*,Xu Tianhe, Zeng Chunnian, Zhang Jingxin, Zhou Zude. Simultaneous Stabilization for Descriptor Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation. 29th Chinese Control Conference 2010, 29-31, July. 2010, Beijin, China. (EI)

[146] Xu Tianhe#*, He Kaifei, Jiang Nan, Sun Zhangzhen. Improving Adaptive Stochastic Modelling for Kalman Filter and Its Applications. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vol. 13, EGU2011-5017. Vienna, Austria

[147] Qianxin Wang#*,Tianhe Xu. A Precision Acceleration Determination Method Based on Combining GPS Carrier Phase and Doppler, Procedia Engineering, 2011. Vol. 16: 737-745. (EI)

[148] Qianxin Wang#*,Tianhe Xu. GPS Software Development for Use in Long Range Airborne Measurement: Strategy, Realization and Results. Geophysical Research Abstract, Europe Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly 2011, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11671, Vienna, Austria

[149] Xu Tianhe#*, Chen Yuepeng, Wang Qianxin. Kalman Filter-based Orbit Determination with Dynamic Model Compensation for a Maneuvered GEO Satellite. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols.(383-390): 5626-5631. (EI)

[150] 孙张振#*,徐天河.基于LS+AR模型的极移预报及其周期项影响分析.测绘通报增刊,2012,p16-19

[151] 江楠#*,徐天河,许艳.一种改进的GOCE卫星几何法轨道速度确定方法.测绘通报,2012,11:7-10.

[152] Sun Zhangzhen#*,Xu Tianhe. Prediction of earth rotation parameters based on improved weighted least squares and autoregressive model[J]. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2012, 3(3):57-64.

[153] Xu Tian-he#*, Li Ming, Chen Kang-kang. GOCE Precise Orbit Determination using Pure Dynamic Method and Reduced Dynamic Method, China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Preceedings,2013(3):211-217(EI)

[154] 徐天河#*、江楠、孙张振.基于GOCE卫星几何轨道的动力学平滑研究,测绘科学与工程,2013,33(1):16-25

[155] 徐天河#*、陈康慷、李敏.区域网解模式下的动态精密单点定位算法与试验,测绘科学与工程,2013,33(2):11-17

[156] 徐天河#*、张丽萍、李敏、陈康慷.利用全球IGS站数据确定地球自转参数,测绘科学与工程,2013,33(3):8-13

[157] 徐天河#*、李敏、陈康慷.基于卫星重力梯度数据恢复月球重力场的模拟研究,测绘科学与工程,2013,33(6):1-6

[158] Xu Tian-he#*, Kaifei He, Chen Kang-kang, Li Min. Station Solutions from SLR data of CHAMP and GRACE satellites, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vol. 15, EGU2013-4210-3.

[159] SUN Zhang-zhen#*,XU Tian-he. Prediction of UT1-UTC Based on Combination of Weighted Least-squares and Multivariate Autoregressive [J]. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Proceedings, 2013:(3):231-239;(EI)

[160] 张丽萍#*、徐天河、李敏、陈康慷.自适应奇异值分解方法及应用,测绘科学与工程,2013,33(5):15-18

[161] 孙张振#*,徐天河.厄尔尼诺现象对极移短期预报的影响[J].大地测量与地球动力学. 2013, 33(4):69-72

[162] 孙张振#*,徐天河.基于LS+AR模型的LOD预报及其周期项影响分析[J].大地测量与地球动力学. 2013, 33(5):16-20

[163] 江楠#*,徐天河,许艳.接收机天线整流罩对GPS定位精度的影响分析[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2013, 38(5): 566-570.(EI)

[164] 江楠#*,徐天河,许艳.一种无需精密钟差的实时精密单点定位方法[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 44(11):1-7.(EI)

[165] Jiang Nan#*,Xu Tianhe. An improved velocity determination method based on GOCE kinematic orbit[J]. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2013, 4(2):47-52.

[166] 江楠#*,徐天河,许艳.中国IGS站多路径误差估计及其改进算法[J].大地测量与地球动力学, 2013, 33(2): 143-146.

[167] 江楠#*,徐天河,许艳.基于IGS区域网的卫星钟差实时估计及PPP精度分析[J].大地测量与地球动力学, 2013, 33 (5): 44-48

[168] Xu Tian-he#*, Yu Sumei, Li Jiajin. Earth rotation parameters determination using BDS and GPS based on MGEX network, J. Sun et al. (eds.), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Preceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,305: 289-298(EI)

[169] 徐天河#*、景一帆、陈康慷、李敏.利用GOCE卫星数据恢复地球重力场模型,大地测量与地球动力学进展(第二辑),湖北科学技术出版社,2014,247-257.

[170] Xu Tian-he#*, Yu Sumei, Li Jiajin, He Kaifei. Earth Rotation Parameter Solutions using BDS and GPS Data from MGEX Network,EGU General Assembly 2014,Vol.16,EGU2014-7291

[171] SUN Zhang-zhen#*,XU Tian-he, Mo Yijun, Xiong Chao. Prediction of Polar Motion Based on Combination of Weighted Least-squares and Autoregressive Moving Average, J. Sun et al. (eds.), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Preceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,305:303-311(EI)

[172] Li Min#*,Xu Tian-he. Research on the Combination of IGS Analysis-Center Solution for Station Coordinates and ERPs, J. Sun et al. (eds.), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Preceedings: Volume II, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,304: 15-29,(EI)

[173] Chen Kang-kang#*,Xu Tian-he. A New Strategy on Precise Clock combination of IGS Analysis Centers, J. Sun et al. (eds.), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Preceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 305:255-268(EI)

[174] 徐天河#*、王潜心、于素梅、李佳净.利用区域网GPS/BDS数据确定地球自转参数,导航定位学报,2015,3(3):13-17

[175] 徐天河#*、李佳净、于素梅.联合MGEX和iGMAS观测网多模GNSS数据确定地球自转参数.测绘科学与工程,2015,35(6):1-7.

[176] Xu Tianhe#*, Li Jiajing, Yu Sumei. Muti-GNSS Processing for Earth Rotation Parameter Determination using MGEX and iGMAS data. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015.

[177] Chen Kangkang#*,Xu Tianhe,Chen Guo,Li Jiajing,Yu Sumei,The Orbit and Clock Combination of iGMAS Analysis Centers and the Analysis of Their Precision,China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings,Volume II,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,341:421-438(EI)

[178] Sun Zhangzhen#*,Xu Tianhe,He Bing,Ren Gang,Prediction and Analysis of Chinese Earth Rotation Parameters Based on Robust Least-Squares and Autoregressive Model,China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings,Volume II,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,341:477-486(EI)

[179] Cai Honglian#*,Chen Kangkang,Xu Tianhe,Chen Guo. The iGMAS Combined Products and the Analysis of Their Consistency,China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings,Volume III,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,342:231-246(EI)

[180] Li Min#*,Xu Tianhe,Research of Key Technology on the Combination of GPS, VLBI, SLR and DORIS Solution for Station Coordinates and ERPs, J. Sun et al. (eds.), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings,Volume III,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,342:173-190(EI)

[181] 李敏#*、徐天河.对流层时间序列Kalman滤波组合方法,导航定位学报,2015,3(3):79-84

[182] Yang Y. #*,Xu T., Xu J. (2015) Principles and Comparisons of Various Adaptively Robust Filters with Applications in Geodetic Positioning. In: Kutterer H., Seitz F., Alkhatib H., Schmidt M. (eds) The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS'11). International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol 140. Springer, Cham(EI)

[183] Sumei Yu#,Tianhe Xu*. Precision Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of iGMAS Orbit and Clock Products. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2016, Proceedings: Vol III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 390,175-185.(EI)

[184] Qingsong Ai#,Tianhe Xu*, Jiajing Li, Hongwei Xiong. The Short-term Forecast of BeiDou Satellite Clock Bias based on Wavelet Neural Network. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2016, Proceedings: Vol I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 388,145-154.(EI)

[185] Yuguo Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Zhangzhen Sun. The Tropospheric Product Combination of iGMAS Analysis Centers and the Analysis of Their Precision. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2016, Proceedings: Vol III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 390,483-492.(EI)

[186] Honglei Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Dawei Sun. Validation of GPS36 Satellite CODE Precise Orbit with SLR Measurements. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2016, Proceedings: Vol III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 390,143-152.(EI)

[187] Hongliang Cai#*, Guo Chen, Wenhai Jiao, Kangkang Chen,Tianhe Xu, Hongchen Wang. An Initial Analysis and Assessment on Final Products of iGMAS. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2016, Proceedings: Vol III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 390,515-527.(EI)

[188] 李浩军#,李博峰,王解先,徐天河*.估计北斗卫星钟差频间偏差的一种方法,测绘学报,2016,45(2):140-146.(EI)

[189] 陈康慷#,徐天河*,杨玉国,蔡洪亮. iGMAS GNSS钟差产品综合模型与抗差估计,测绘学报,2016,45(S2):46-53(EI)

[190] 艾青松#,徐天河*.顾及周期误差和起点偏差修正的北斗卫星钟差预报[J].测绘学报,2016,45(S2):132-138. (EI)

[191] Tianhe Xu#*, Lei Ren, Ruru Gao, Earth gravity field solution with combining CHAMP and GRACE data, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2017.03.016.

[192] 杨元喜#*,徐天河,薛树强.我国海洋大地测量基准与海洋导航技术研究进展与展望.测绘学报,2017,46(1):1-8.DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS. 2017, 20160519(EI)

[193] Ai, Qingsong#, Xu Tianhe* et al. The Identification of Satellite Clock Noise Based on LAG1 Autocorrelation of Overlapping Samples. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2017 Proceedings:Vol III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 439,525-539(EI)

[194] Ren Lei#,Xu Tianhe*, Ai Qingsong, Yang Yuguo. Deformation Monitoring and Precision Analysis Based on BDS/GPS Dual System Combination, China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2017 Proceedings:Vol I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 437,58-71 2017(EI)

[195] Yuguo Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Lei Ren. A new regional tropospheric delay correction model based on BP neural network, 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, Harbin, China, May 19-21, 2017, 978-1-5090-5022-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, pp.96-100. (EI)

[196] Song Jia#,Tianhe Xu*, Honglei Yang. Polar motion prediction based on adaptive filtering of variable forgetting factor, 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, Harbin, China, May 19-21, 2017, 978-1-5090-5022-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, pp.245-250. (EI)

[197] Ruru Gao#,Tianhe Xu*, Qingsong Ai. Research on Underwater Sound Velocity Calculation, Error Correction and Positioning Algorithms, 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, Harbin, China, May 19-21, 2017, 978-1-5090-5022-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, pp.39-42. (EI)

[198] Honglei Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Song Jia. SLR data quality analysis and assessment based on zero-difference kinematic orbit of GRACE satellites, 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, Harbin, China, May 19-21, 2017, 978-1-5090-5022-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, pp.239-244. (EI)

[199] Tong Liu#*, Guochang Xu, Wenlin Yan,Tianhe Xu. A detecting and compensation method for the errors from broken ground control points at the application of Direct Geo-referencing, 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service, Harbin, China, May 19-21, 2017, 978-1-5090-5022-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE, pp.174-178. (EI)

[200] 艾青松#,徐天河*,贾小林,孙大伟.精密定轨与时间同步系统噪声对GNSS卫星钟性能评估影响分析.大地测量与地球动力学,2017,37(9):937-941. DOI:10.14075/j.jgg.2017.09.013

[201] 杨红雷#,加松,徐天河*.利用SLR数据检核GLONASS卫星最终轨道.大地测量与地球动力学,2017,37(9):956-960. DOI:10.14075/j.jgg.2017.09.013

[202] Tianhe Xu#*, Kangkang Chen, Huijie Xu, Yuguo YANG. BDS Clock Combination of iGMAS Analysis Centers and Its Performance Evaluation. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018, Vol. 20, EGU2018-2756, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April 2018.

[203] Kaifei He#*,Tianhe Xu, Christoph Foerste, Svetozar Petrovic, Franz Barthelmes, Zhenjie Wang, Yumiao Tian, and Frank Flechtner GNSS Integrated Doppler Velocity Determination for GEOHALO Airborne Gravimetry. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018, Vol. 20, EGU2018-3671, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April 2018.

[204] Yujun Du#*,Tianhe Xu, Wenfeng Nie, Fan Gao, Guochang Xu. A second-order analytical solution for satellite motion: implementation, improvements and validation. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2018, July 14-22, 2018 Pasadena, California, USA.

[205] Ren Lei#,Xu Tianhe*.Research on Smoothing Filtering Algorithm of BDS/GPS Slow Deformation Monitoring Sequence. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2018 Proceedings:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 497,pp. 33-44, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0005-9_3(EI)

[206] Xu Huijie#,Xu Tianhe*, Ai Qingsong, Wang Shengchao.The Long-Term Performance Analysis and Comparison of BDS on-Board Atomic Clock Based on Precise Clock Products of IGS Analysis Centers .China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2018 Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 497, pp.593-605, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0005-9_48 (EI).

[207] Zhang Bingsheng#*, XuTianhe*, Gao Ruru.Research on Acoustic Velocity Correction Algorithm in Underwater Acoustic Positioning. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2018 Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 499, pp. 859-873, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0029-5_72 (EI).

[208] 蒋春华,徐天河,乔晶,杜玉军,王庆,许国昌.拉格朗日/高斯无奇点卫星运动方程推导与分析.测绘学报,2018,47(4):455-464. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2018.20170082.(EI).

[209] 加松#,徐天河*,杨红雷. LS+AR极移预报模型的两种修正算法.测绘学报,2018,48(S0):71-77. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2018.20180296.(EI).

[210] 任夏#*,杨元喜,朱俊,徐天河.北斗导航系统自主定轨中锚固站的精度贡献分析.测绘科学与技术,2018,35(2):135-140. DOI:10.3969 /j.issn.1673-6338.2018.02.006

[211] Honglin Tang#,Tianhe Xu*.Multi-GNSS Kinematic Relative Positioning of Multiple Base Stations and Its Application in Deformation Monitoring. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2019 Proceedings:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 562,pp. 106-113, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7751-8_11(EI)

[212] Zhenlong Fang#, Wenfeng Nie,Tianhe Xu*, Zhizhao Liu, and Shiwei Yu.Accuracy Assessment and Improvement of GNSS Precise Point Positioning Under Ionospheric Scintillation. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2019 Proceedings:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 563,pp.400-411, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7759-4_36(EI)

[213] 陈国#*,魏娜,赵齐乐,蔡洪亮,徐天河.多分析中心站坐标产品的综合方法研究,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2019,44(9): 1289~1295.(EI)

[214] 刘通#*,闫文林,许国昌,徐天河.一种针对稀疏控制点粗差探测的光束法平差,测绘科学,2019,44(2): 145~149.

[215] 刘宁#*,徐天河.基于自适应分层的声线跟踪改进算法,第十届中国卫星导航学术年会论文集,2019年5月22-25日,中国北京.

[216] 杨元喜、刘焱雄、孙大军、徐天河、薛树强、韩云峰、曾安敏.海底大地基准网建设及其关键技术,中国科学:地球科学,2020,50,DOI: 10.1360/SSTe-2019-0242(EI)

[217] Jie Wang#,Tianhe Xu*.Research on Sea Surface height measurement based on GNSS-IR dual Frequency data Fusion. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 650,pp. 153-165, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-981-15-3707-3_15(EI)

[218] Xiaokang Yu#,Tianhe Xu*, Junting Wang.Sound Velocity Profile Prediction Method Based on RBF Neural Network. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 652,pp. 475-487, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3715-8_43(EI)

[219] Xinyue Meng#, Fan Gao*,Tianhe Xu, Yunqiao He, Ti Chu and Nazi Wang.Coastal GNSS-R Code Delay Altimetry Using GPS L5 Signals. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume I, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 650,pp. 111-120, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3707-3_11(EI)

[220] He K. #*,Xu T., Förste C., Wang Z., Zhao Q., Wei Y. (2020) A Method to Correct the Raw Doppler Observations for GNSS Velocity Determination. In: . International Association of Geodesy Symposia. pp:1-6. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/1345_2020_119.

[221] 储倜#,贺凯飞*,高凡,贺匀峤,孟馨悦,徐天河.基于QZSS L1信号的岸基GNSS-R码延迟海面测高研究,北京航空航天大学学报,2021, http://doi.org/10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2020.0630. (EI)

[222] Song Li#,Tianhe Xu*, Nan Jiang.Tropospheric Delay Modeling Based on Multi-source Data Fusion and Machine Learning Algorithms. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2021) Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 772,pp. 145-158, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3138-2_15(EI)

[223] Wentao Yang#,Tianhe Xu*, Nazi Wang, Fan Gao, Yunqiao He.Research on the Method of Precisely Removing Open Water in the Retrieval of Soil Moisture by Spaceborne GNSS-R. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2021) Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 772,pp. 22-32, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3138-2_3(EI)

[224] Zhen Zhang #,Tianhe Xu*, Fan Gao, Shuaimin Wang, Song Li.Analysis of COSMIC-2 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Detection Ability. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2021) Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 772,pp. 43-53, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3138-2_5(EI)







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