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小妇人(2019)Little Women、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-07 05:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我经历过不少困境 所以我常写令人愉悦的故事路易莎·梅·奥尔科特打扰了Excuse me.我在找《火山周刊》的办公室I was looking for the Weekly Volcano office.我想见达士伍德先生I wish to see Mr. Dashwood.我的一个朋友托我帮她投稿一篇故事A friend of mine desired me to offer a story by her.她...她写的She... She wrote it.如果合适的话 她很乐意继续供稿She'd be glad to write more if this suits.我猜不是第一次吧Not a first attempt, I take it.对 先生No, sir.她给《奥林匹克》和《丑闻》供过稿She has sold to Olympic and Scandal,写的故事还在"巧言石大赛"获过奖and she got a prize for a tale at the Blarneystone Banner.获奖A prize?是的Yes.坐Sit.我们接受这篇稿子We'll take this.真的吗You will?要修改 太长了With alterations. It's too long.但你删掉了...But you've cut...我是想让一些罪人忏悔的I took care to have a few of my sinners repent.这个国家刚刚经历了一场战争The country just went through a war.读者想寻个开心 而不是被说教People want to be amused, not preached at.道德故事如今卖♥♥不出去了Morals don't sell nowadays.你可以和你朋友提一下这点Perhaps mention that to your friend.报酬怎样...你们是怎么...What compensation...? How do you...?这种我们一般付25到30We pay 25 to 30 for things of this sort.这篇我们给20We'll pay 20 for that.成交 拿去编辑吧You can have it. Make the edits.我要不要告诉...我朋友Should I tell my... uh, my friend如果她有更好的作品 你们也会接受you'll take another if she had one better than this?到时再看 让她写得短小并刺♥激♥We'll look at it. Tell her to make it short and spicy.如果主角是个姑娘And if the main character's a girl,务必确保她最终结婚了make sure she's married by the end.-或者死了 两者择一 -什么- Or dead. Either way. - Excuse me?她想署什么名What name would she like put to the story?对了 不署名 劳驾了Yes. None at all, if you please.悉听尊便Just as she likes, of course.早安 先生 再见Good morning, sir. Good day.太棒啦Yes!小妇人我家贝丝会很喜欢你的My Beth would like you very much.我想要一间双人房♥I'd like a room for two.好的 4.5美元一周Perfect. That's 4.50 a week.很划算了And that's a good price.有点贵了吧Isn't that a little expensive?这里是公♥寓♥ 不是做慈善的This is a boardinghouse, not a charity.记得准时交房♥租I need the rent on time.下午好 马奇小姐Good afternoon, Miss March.下午好Good afternoon.你火了You're on fire.谢谢Thank you.你着火了You're on fire!-谢谢 -我也有同样的毛病 你瞧- Thank you. - I have the same habit. You see?凯蒂和米妮在等你呢Kitty and Minnie are waiting.-我的学生在等我 -总是在工作- My students need me. - Always working.赚钱就是我唯利是图的人生目的Money is the end and aim of my mercenary existence.只为了赚钱的话No one gets ink stains like yours没人像你这样墨迹斑斑的just out of a desire for money.我妹妹艾米在巴黎My sister Amy's in Paris,在她嫁给某个非常有钱的人之前and until she marries someone obscenely wealthy,就得靠我来养家了it's up to me to keep the family afloat.再见Goodbye.要我说的话 颓废派毁了巴黎The Decadents have ruined Paris, if you ask me.这些法国女人连梳子都拿不起来These French women couldn't lift a hairbrush.艾米Amy!我说 这些法国女人连梳子都拿不起来I said, these French women couldn't lift a hairbrush.是的 太对了 马奇姑妈Yes. Very true, Aunt March.别敷衍我了 孩子Don't humor me, girl.你那帮整天惹麻烦的家人写什么了What do they write, your troublemaking family?妈妈没提起贝丝Mother doesn't say anything about Beth.我觉得我该回去 他们却都说"留下"I feel I should go back. They all say, "Stay."你回去也无济于事You can do nothing if you go back.那姑娘是病了 不是孤单了The girl is sick, not lonely.在你和弗莱德·沃恩正式订婚前And you shouldn't go home until you and Fred Vaughn你也不该回去are properly engaged.是的 还得等我完成所有的绘画课程Yes, and until I've completed all of my painting lessons, of course.是的 是的Yes, yes.当然了Of course.-停车 是劳利 -你要干什么- Stop the carriage! Is Laurie! - What are you doing?-劳利 劳利 劳利 -艾米- Laurie, Laurie, Laurie! - Amy!艾米Amy!你好吗How are you?天啊 你长大了好多My, you've grown so much.你信里说会在酒店和我见面You wrote you'd meet me at the hotel.我没找到你I couldn't find you.你找得不够仔细You didn't look hard enough.我没认出你来 你变得太漂亮了I didn't recognize you. You're so beautiful now.-得了吧 -我以为你喜欢听赞美- Stop it. - I thought you liked that sort of thing!-才没有 你爷爷呢 -他在德国- No. Where's your grandfather? - He's in Germany.他还在旅行中He's still traveling.我现在自己旅行了 放松一下I'm traveling on my own now, just relaxing.-调调情 赌赌博 喝喝酒 -是的- Flirting, gambling and drinking. - Yes. Well...别告诉你妈妈don't tell your mother.你是追随着哪个姑娘跨越欧洲吗Are you chasing some young girl across Europe?不是No.我简直不敢相信乔拒绝了你 很遗憾I couldn't believe Jo turned you down. I'm so sorry.别这样 艾米 我...我不遗憾Don't be, Amy. I... I'm not.艾米Amy!艾米·马奇Amy March!-你给我立马回来 -马奇姑妈- You come back here right this instant! - Oh, Aunt March.来 快上来Come. Come on.-您真精神 -快把他弄下去- Aren't you looking grand? - Get him off me!我们还有事 可以走了We need to be somewhere. Off you go!劳利 来参加新年派对吧Laurie! Come to the New Year's Eve party.是个舞会 大家都会来 包括弗莱德It's a ball, and everyone will be there, including Fred.八点到酒店接我 沙万酒店Pick me up at the hotel at 8, The Chavain.还有 劳利 穿得喜庆点And, Laurie, dress for festivities!高帽和绸衣Top hats and silks!好的 我会穿上我最好的绸衣I will. I'll wear my best silk.是劳利呀It's Laurie.我知道I know.十八米蓝色丝绸 粉色的也要Twenty yards of the blue silk, as well as pink.晚点会有人来取Someone will be by for it later.梅格 你穿这个一定很好看Meg, that would look so lovely on you.我正好有个裁缝推荐给你I know just the dressmaker to send you to.你会是康科德最美的主妇You'll be the prettiest wife in Concord.我...约翰需要一件新冬衣I... John needs a new coat for winter,黛西和德米也需要新衣服and Daisy and Demi need new clothes.女主人也需要一条新裙子And his wife needs a new dress.不行 太...真的不行I can't. It's... I just can't.他看到你打扮得漂漂亮亮会很开心的He'll be so pleased with how you look,他会忘记这笔开销的he'll forget all about the expense.我想这也不算太奢侈吧I don't suppose it's too much of an extravagance.十八米够吗Will 20 yards do?-够 -好的- Yes. - Very good.五十美元 我怎么想的啊Fifty dollars? What was I thinking?-妈妈 -妈妈- Mommy! - Mommy!我的宝贝My loves.去玩吧Go play.贝丝Beth!贝丝Beth?这就是你的路 正西方向






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