Android11 刷机教程 您所在的位置:网站首页 安卓11rom包下载root Android11 刷机教程

Android11 刷机教程

2023-09-01 13:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

目录 0x0 背景0x1 下载刷机包0x2 安装0x20 刷机包文件解析0x21 进入fasterboot模式0x22 刷机

0x0 背景

需要使用Piexl 3a手机刷Android 11系统。

0x1 下载刷机包

先访问Google的官方刷机包下载地址: 选择对应机型的刷机包: 在这里插入图片描述

0x2 安装 0x20 刷机包文件解析

解压刷机包,得到如下的文件: 在这里插入图片描述 核心文件:

bootloader-sargo-b4s4-0.3-6622442.img :引导程序radio-sargo-g670-00067-200702-b-6648702.img:射频相关程序刷机包镜像相关程序


flash-all.bat @ECHO OFF :: Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project :: :: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); :: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. :: You may obtain a copy of the License at :: :: :: :: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software :: distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, :: WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. :: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and :: limitations under the License. PATH=%PATH%;"%SYSTEMROOT%\System32" fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-sargo-b4s4-0.3-6622442.img fastboot reboot-bootloader ping -n 5 >nul fastboot flash radio radio-sargo-g670-00067-200702-b-6648702.img fastboot reboot-bootloader ping -n 5 >nul fastboot -w update echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul exit


1. fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-sargo-b4s4-0.3-6622442.img 2. fastboot flash radio radio-sargo-g670-00067-200702-b-6648702.img 3. fastboot -w update

.bat脚本方便windows平台下使用,但是需要安装adb工具。双击这个.bat文件就能运行。 该部分内容和上面的flash-all.bat相识,只不过使用shell脚本写了一遍 在Linux下使用该脚本的方式: chmod a+x #先给shell脚本文件可执行权限 bash # 触发shell脚本运行


#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if ! [ $($(which fastboot) --version | grep "version" | cut -c18-23 | sed 's/\.//g' ) -ge 2802 ]; then echo "fastboot too old; please download the latest version at" exit 1 fi fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-sargo-b4s4-0.3-6622442.img fastboot reboot-bootloader sleep 5 fastboot flash radio radio-sargo-g670-00067-200702-b-6648702.img fastboot reboot-bootloader sleep 5 fastboot -w update 该文件比flash-all.sh就少了下面这一句。 fastboot -w update


#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if ! [ $($(which fastboot) --version | grep "version" | cut -c18-23 | sed 's/\.//g' ) -ge 2802 ]; then echo "fastboot too old; please download the latest version at" exit 1 fi fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-sargo-b4s4-0.3-6622442.img fastboot reboot-bootloader sleep 5 fastboot flash radio radio-sargo-g670-00067-200702-b-6648702.img fastboot reboot-bootloader sleep 5 0x21 进入fasterboot模式

开机状态下长按“电源键 + 音量下键” 10s左右。 在这里插入图片描述 补充:如果机器是locked状态,需要先解锁 fastboot flashing unlock

0x22 刷机

Windows: 双击flash-all.bat文件即可


chmod a+x #先给shell脚本文件可执行权限 bash # 触发shell脚本运行


➜ sargo-rpb3.200720.005 bash Sending 'bootloader_a' (8369 KB) OKAY [ 0.370s] Writing 'bootloader_a' (bootloader) Flashing Pack version b4s4-0.3-6622442 (bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 0 (bootloader) Flashing partition xbl_a (bootloader) Flashing partition xbl_config_a (bootloader) Flashing partition tz_a (bootloader) Flashing partition aop_a (bootloader) Flashing partition hyp_a (bootloader) Flashing partition keymaster_a (bootloader) Flashing partition cmnlib_a (bootloader) Flashing partition cmnlib64_a (bootloader) Flashing partition abl_a (bootloader) Flashing partition devcfg_a (bootloader) Flashing partition qupfw_a (bootloader) Flashing partition storsec_a OKAY [ 0.308s] Finished. Total time: 0.883s Rebooting into bootloader OKAY [ 0.051s] Finished. Total time: 0.151s Sending 'radio_a' (73340 KB) OKAY [ 2.470s] Writing 'radio_a' (bootloader) Flashing Pack version SSD:g670-00067-200702-B-6648702 (bootloader) Flashing partition modem_a OKAY [ 0.578s] Finished. Total time: 3.248s Rebooting into bootloader OKAY [ 0.051s] Finished. Total time: 0.201s -------------------------------------------- Bootloader Version...: b4s4-0.3-6622442 Baseband Version.....: g670-00067-200702-B-6648702 Serial Number........: 97GAY10NQN -------------------------------------------- extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM... Checking 'product' OKAY [ 0.060s] Checking 'version-bootloader' OKAY [ 0.060s] Checking 'version-baseband' OKAY [ 0.060s] Setting current slot to 'a' OKAY [ 0.066s] extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.202s archive does not contain 'boot.sig' Sending 'boot_a' (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.210s] Writing 'boot_a' OKAY [ 0.424s] extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.017s archive does not contain 'dtbo.sig' Sending 'dtbo_a' (8192 KB) OKAY [ 0.360s] Writing 'dtbo_a' OKAY [ 0.125s] archive does not contain 'dt.img' archive does not contain 'recovery.img' extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s archive does not contain 'vbmeta.sig' Sending 'vbmeta_a' (4 KB) OKAY [ 0.120s] Writing 'vbmeta_a' OKAY [ 0.068s] archive does not contain 'vbmeta_system.img' archive does not contain 'vendor_boot.img' extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s Rebooting into fastboot OKAY [ 0.060s] Sending 'system_a' (4 KB) OKAY [ 0.001s] Updating super partition OKAY [ 0.006s] Resizing 'product_a' OKAY [ 0.005s] Resizing 'system_a' OKAY [ 0.004s] Resizing 'system_ext_a' OKAY [ 0.004s] Resizing 'vendor_a' OKAY [ 0.004s] archive does not contain 'boot_other.img' archive does not contain 'odm.img' extracting product.img (1697 MB) to disk... took 6.635s archive does not contain 'product.sig' Resizing 'product_a' OKAY [ 0.005s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 1/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.542s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 2.831s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 2/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.556s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.798s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 3/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.543s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.814s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 4/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.527s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.817s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 5/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.557s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.784s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 6/7 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.546s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.808s] Sending sparse 'product_a' 7/7 (165268 KB) OKAY [ 5.393s] Writing 'product_a' OKAY [ 1.204s] extracting system.img (785 MB) to disk... took 3.159s archive does not contain 'system.sig' Resizing 'system_a' OKAY [ 0.005s] Sending sparse 'system_a' 1/4 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.542s] Writing 'system_a' OKAY [ 2.817s] Sending sparse 'system_a' 2/4 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.533s] Writing 'system_a' OKAY [ 1.811s] Sending sparse 'system_a' 3/4 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.507s] Writing 'system_a' OKAY [ 1.817s] Sending sparse 'system_a' 4/4 (18120 KB) OKAY [ 0.592s] Writing 'system_a' OKAY [ 0.168s] extracting system_ext.img (181 MB) to disk... took 0.645s archive does not contain 'system_ext.sig' Resizing 'system_ext_a' OKAY [ 0.005s] Sending 'system_ext_a' (186144 KB) OKAY [ 6.002s] Writing 'system_ext_a' OKAY [ 2.317s] extracting system_other.img (72 MB) to disk... took 0.242s archive does not contain 'system.sig' Sending 'system_b' (74668 KB) OKAY [ 2.391s] Writing 'system_b' OKAY [ 0.511s] extracting vendor.img (452 MB) to disk... took 1.819s archive does not contain 'vendor.sig' Resizing 'vendor_a' OKAY [ 0.005s] Sending sparse 'vendor_a' 1/2 (262140 KB) OKAY [ 8.513s] Writing 'vendor_a' OKAY [ 2.843s] Sending sparse 'vendor_a' 2/2 (201016 KB) OKAY [ 6.546s] Writing 'vendor_a' OKAY [ 1.415s] archive does not contain 'vendor_other.img' Erasing 'userdata' OKAY [ 0.093s] Erase successful, but not automatically formatting. File system type raw not supported. Erasing 'metadata' OKAY [ 0.006s] Erase successful, but not automatically formatting. File system type raw not supported. Rebooting OKAY [ 0.000s] Finished. Total time: 167.524s

然后就能看到首次启动的设置界面了,恭喜你可以体验Android11 了。







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