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化学工业与工程  首页 |  在线投稿 |  期刊介绍 |  编 委 会 |  投稿指南 |  期刊订阅 |  下载中心 |  出版伦理 |  联系我们 |  English ��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (5) :70-75    DOI: ����ģ������� ����Ŀ¼ | ����Ŀ¼ | ������� | �߼����� ����ӵ�����¶ȿ������Ͳ��ϵ���ֵģ��  ����ƽ1, �Ž��1, ������1, �ž�2,��־��2, ������1 1.������ѧ����ѧԺ��ѧ�������Ϲ����ص�ʵ���ң���� 300072�� 2.���Ϻ�����������Դ�Ƽ����޹�˾���Ϻ� 201203 Numerical Simulation on Temperature Control of Lithium Ion Battery Pack Using Novel Composite  LAN  Xiao-Ping1, ZHANG  Jie-Jing1, LIU  Zhong-Ming1, ZHANG  Jun2, LIU  Zhi-Bin2, WANG  Yu-Xin1 1.��School of Chemical Engineering and Technology��State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering��Tianjin University���� Tianjin 300072��China�� 2.��Shanghai Pylon Technology Company��Shanghai 201203��China

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