go读request.Body内容踩坑记 您所在的位置:网站首页 如何将暖色调变冷色调呢图片高清 go读request.Body内容踩坑记


2024-03-02 18:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



func demo(c *httpserver.Context) { type ReqData struct { Id int `json:"id" validate:"required" schema:"id"` Title string `json:"title" validate:"required" schema:"title"` Content [][]string `json:"content" validate:"required" schema:"content"` } bodyByte, _ := io.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fmt.Println(string(bodyByte)) var req ReqData err := c.Bind(c.Request, &req) //发现req里的属性还是空 if err != nil { c.JSONAbort(nil, code.SetErrMsg(err.Error())) return } contentByte, _ := json.Marshal(req.Content) data := svc.table2DataUpdate(c.Ctx, req.Id, req.Title, req.Content) c.JSON(data, err) }



带着这个问题对底层代码进行了CR,最终得到答案:不是 !!


代码CR总结 Body 字段是一个 io.ReadCloser 类型,io.ReadCloser 类型继承了 io.Reader 和 io.Closer 两个接口,其中 io.Reader 接口可以通过 Read 方法读取到消息体中的内容io.ReadAll()时会先创建一个切片,初始化容量512,然后开始填充这个切片,中间会有一个巧妙的方式扩容,值得学习借鉴。数据是从 b.buf(Body.src.R.buf) 中拷贝, n = copy(p, b.buf[b.r:b.w])数据循环拷贝,一直到下面几种情况会直接返回 b.sawEOF==trueb.closed==truel.N //初始化一个buf,模拟post提教过来的数据 initBuf("duzhenxun") //可以把数据读出 data1 := readAll() //这时啥数据也没有 data2 := readAll() fmt.Println(data1, data2) } func readAll() []byte { b := make([]byte, 0, 2) for { if len(b) == cap(b) { //扩容操作 b = append(b, 0)[:len(b)] } n, err := read(b[len(b):cap(b)]) if err != nil && err.Error() == "EOF" { return b } //这行代码能理解吗?? b = b[:len(b)+n] // b[:len(b)+n] 表示对切片 b 进行取子集操作,并返回一个新的切片。这个新的切片中包含从切片的起始元素开始,到第2个元素(不包括第2个元素)的所有元素。 //在 Go 语言中,切片本身是一个包含指向底层数组的指针、长度和容量等信息的结构体,因此对切片进行取子集操作不会创建新的底层数组,而只是创建了一个新的切片结构体,并更新了其长度和指针等信息。 //因此,可以理解为 b[:len(b)+n]是一个新的切片,并且与原切片 b 共享同一个底层数组(指针指向相同的底层数组),但长度和容量等信息可能不同。 } } func read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if bf.r == bf.w { return 0, errors.New("EOF") } n = copy(p, bf.buf.Bytes()[bf.r:bf.w]) bf.r += n return n, nil } func initBuf(str string) { bf = BufDemo{ buf: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(str)), r: 0, w: len(str), } } 下面为CR的相关代码 //src/io/io.go:626 func ReadAll(r Reader) ([]byte, error) { b := make([]byte, 0, 512) for { if len(b) == cap(b) { // Add more capacity (let append pick how much). b = append(b, 0)[:len(b)] } //这里是重点,返回copy的数量,err信息 n, err := r.Read(b[len(b):cap(b)]) //都读完后会设置 body.closed=true,当再调用r.Read时遇到b.closed=true不会再copy数据,会直接返回n=0,err="http: invalid Read on closed Body" b = b[:len(b)+n] if err != nil { if err == EOF { err = nil } return b, err } } } //r.Read(b[len(b):cap(b)]) //src/net/http/transfer.go:829 func (b *body) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { b.mu.Lock() defer b.mu.Unlock() if b.closed { return 0, ErrBodyReadAfterClose } return b.readLocked(p) } //b.readLocked(p) //src/net/http/transfer.go:839 // Must hold b.mu. func (b *body) readLocked(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if b.sawEOF { return 0, io.EOF } //重点关注 n, err = b.src.Read(p) if err == io.EOF { b.sawEOF = true // Chunked case. Read the trailer. if b.hdr != nil { if e := b.readTrailer(); e != nil { err = e // Something went wrong in the trailer, we must not allow any // further reads of any kind to succeed from body, nor any // subsequent requests on the server connection. See // golang.org/issue/12027 b.sawEOF = false b.closed = true } b.hdr = nil } else { // If the server declared the Content-Length, our body is a LimitedReader // and we need to check whether this EOF arrived early. if lr, ok := b.src.(*io.LimitedReader); ok && lr.N > 0 { err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF } } } // If we can return an EOF here along with the read data, do // so. This is optional per the io.Reader contract, but doing // so helps the HTTP transport code recycle its connection // earlier (since it will see this EOF itself), even if the // client doesn't do future reads or Close. if err == nil && n > 0 { if lr, ok := b.src.(*io.LimitedReader); ok && lr.N == 0 { err = io.EOF b.sawEOF = true } } if b.sawEOF && b.onHitEOF != nil { b.onHitEOF() } return n, err } //b.src.Read //src/io/io.go:466 func (l *LimitedReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if l.N p = p[0:l.N] } n, err = l.R.Read(p) l.N -= int64(n) return } //l.R.Read(p) //src/bufio/buffio.go:198 // Read reads data into p. // It returns the number of bytes read into p. // The bytes are taken from at most one Read on the underlying Reader, // hence n may be less than len(p). // To read exactly len(p) bytes, use io.ReadFull(b, p). // At EOF, the count will be zero and err will be io.EOF. func (b *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { n = len(p) if n == 0 { if b.Buffered() > 0 { return 0, nil } return 0, b.readErr() } if b.r == b.w { if b.err != nil { return 0, b.readErr() } if len(p) >= len(b.buf) { // Large read, empty buffer. // Read directly into p to avoid copy. n, b.err = b.rd.Read(p) if n b.lastByte = int(p[n-1]) b.lastRuneSize = -1 } return n, b.readErr() } // One read. // Do not use b.fill, which will loop. b.r = 0 b.w = 0 n, b.err = b.rd.Read(b.buf) if n return 0, b.readErr() } b.w += n } // copy as much as we can n = copy(p, b.buf[b.r:b.w]) b.r += n b.lastByte = int(b.buf[b.r-1]) b.lastRuneSize = -1 return n, nil }






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